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Posts posted by Profins

  1. Maxed melee, super set, whip, deffy, neitiznot, ring of recoil(take 2 of them), torso, rune legs, hp cape, climbing boots, glory, barrows gloves - cheap outfit, killed them all in 5 mins, 3 sharks eaten, 2 doses of super set drank.

  2. Ah, but no more goals exist. Im quitting. Temp or perm? Depends on if Ill miss RS. I still have 6 days of p2p left so Ill try to CW a bit with friends within these days..Ive sold most of my stuff and bought 2 santas (Never thought Im that poor lol) - everything's prices are dropping, rather invest stuff in rares which might raise in price. I doubt Ill be coming back, I hate to play being muted and RS had gotten boring anyway. :)








    Byes <3

  3. Make a new file and everything that was on the old file might secretly appear on your new file :-$




    I will not drop trading and making a new account, my current, Profins, is worth 500x as much as all my bank currently is. All the stats, effort and good times.




    Soprano, keep your flaming elsewhere, I'm sure someone #cares.




    Dusty - <3




    Mil - I probably won't quit, I guess, alot of talking can be done at MSN and IRC. Lets just hope everyone sits there. But I know for sure, I'll be playing less. I should be 96 FM by now aswell. Instead I've dled 3 movies, watched them all and now I'm reading fanfictional ending of HP series. The one I'm at moment reading isn't all that bad. If anyone cares to read, here's the link. Trust me, it's safe. If you're not familiar with such a sites, other chapters can be accessed by clicking "next" at top/bottom of story or choosing the one you need through those options. :P




    Mich and no, that was quite a while ago, several days I'm pretty sure. Gotta ask Iwa when he came back, I'm talking with him there, he told me he was on vacation, which I had forgotten. :)

  4. I will try not to quit, I've spent too much of time and effort on this account. But I definately will play less.


    Celt, that guide has all I know, but problem is..Not all my friends are in tipit, has mirc or MSN. And it's VERY hard to play without talking. I hate that. That's worse. :/ I'll try to survive though. It's gonna be hell of boring. =(




    Can't say you don't deserve it, eh?




    If you allready have blackmarks, must mean your no saint.


    Many of them has been unreasonable, this for example. A joke between friends = perm mute. Weird, but I guess.

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