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Posts posted by Profins

  1. Every idea stems from another, older idea. This is not the 1st time and it will not be the last. The same goes for other companies, MMOs, etc.

    Of course, I'm not saying it's bad or that they shouldn't do that, it's near impossible to create something new without being influenced by your own past, things you've been in contact with and your experiences.


    My question and food for discussions is more about where exactly do they get their ideas from. It's just interesting to know what kind of things are our devs influenced by :P


    Das: Not sure if sarcasm :o

  2. The topic description has the question I want to discuss here - where do they grab their ideas?


    I had watched "In the Name of the King" not too long ago, and when I saw Lexicus Runewright.. Well, it's obvious where they got their idea for that from!


    For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a vid I created to show just how close these two personas are!

    Warning: If you haven't seen and plan to watch the movie at some point, it has quite huge spoiler in the video, so watch at your own risk!




    Another thing is the name of the skill itself: Dungeoneering.

    Anyone played D&D? Those of you who haven't, here, a wiki link!


    More obvious ones would be Rammernaut which is just the Armadillo similar to one in TzHaar quests and the graphically-similar-to-Chaos-Element Plane Freezer.



    So, have you noticed any similarities between the Dungeoneering content and other stuff? Out of RuneScape things would of course be more interesting!

    Penny for your thoughts, make me a few quid poorer!

  3. [hide=Post]Here is some info on some bosses that would provide help killing them:


    Astea Frostweb:

    Using ranged and magic is suggested (specially if you solo) as she freezes you often.


    Icy Bones:

    If you are in a group it's suggested to take turns attacking him in solo. He uses massive damaging area attacks that might quickly wipe your group. To avoid death, leave a gatestone outside and teleport to it once you're low on health.


    Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz:

    You should be either ranging or maging it. If you wish to melee it, try to be in a spot in which he can't push you too far (eg: between him and door tiles or pillars)


    ToKash the Bloodchiller:

    When he freezes the group, the first player to get unfrozen by his attacks should quickly run to other players and click on their ice blocks to unfreeze them. Suggested to stay together when fighting it. [You won't believe how many people miss this, lol]


    That's as much as my current progress can help! If credited, please use the name "Profins", not "Federalais2" :)


    Edit: Here is more info on other matters:


    Base Experience/Floor Experience:


    It is affected by time taken to finish the floor. Jagex have set a time they think it would take to finish the floor and any more or less time taken will affect the floor xp accordingly.

    [Confirmed by Jagex]

    4. The base XP is based on what floor you completed, but then adjusted based on how long we expect that particular dungeon to be completed in. If you complete it faster than this, then you'll get faster XP than the dungeon thought you would. If you take longer, then your XP per hour will be slower.

    Since it's almost all within tabs, is any of that going on the site? :P The Icy Bones part is pretty much very important, since on bigger parties if you all go in to him, there IS a very high chance you'll all die, save for the last person. ;p

  4. Quite right, I only use these guides for items needed (with few exceptions) and like to have everything in my inventory before I start it. Having to do unexpected journeys around for something as little as knife is disturbing my gaming pace. I've never done these weird food items, so I had no way of knowing how to make them. On top of that, the quest could have as well asked me to put the onion in Irit potion (unf) and then pour it in the bowl to fix my face, which is actually what I thought of all along.

  5. Subquest 3: A Guild of Our Own

    Quests Required:The Feud

    Skills Required:Level 62 Thieving, Level 46 Herblore, Level 40 Agility

    Items Required: Any Blackjack, Lockpick, Bowl, Onion, Irit leaf, Vial of water

    Items Suggested: Teleports to Ardougne and Lumbridge


    It should be added that you also need a knife for this. Or just change "Bowl, Onion" to "Chopped onion".

  6. Yeah, Jagex are WAY too overprotective of 11year olds playing this to actually implement it. It'd be awesome as not everyone can get themselves a ventrilo server for example. I'd love it for the first 30 minutes at which point I'd realise there are hundreds of raging nubs.

  7. Someone mentioned using them for junk trading, well, pardon, but not all people junk trade/trade items that require junk or in the spirit of game try to stick to GE.


    Junk trading is not againts the spirit of the game. Please elaborate how it is. Junk trading is just like currency exchange.


    Nothing can be traded for more or less than what the G.E makes it. Trade price always reflects G.E price.

    You ignore the game's given prices. You defeat the purpose of a part of the game.

  8. It's a good idea, but not in the amount it is now. I've played 9ish years too, so a few months breaks aren't uncommon. I can NEVER guess enough who the heck the people are. I recently came back from over a year's quit. I had to delete half my friend list because I don't have a clue who they are. Yes, I did change my name in the rush of "because I can", but I'm changing ti back ASAP, though right now it's almost the original Prof in S (Profins)

  9. If Jagex would bring old wilderness back with the current drop system... *Falls into a state of euphoria*

    Actually yeah, why DONT they do that? You still wouldn't be able to drop trade that way, but would be able to have the risks of the old PK! Could just rename the Wilderness in non PvP worlds to "Burned-out place with angry ghosts flying around"


    NOTE: I've posted this on RuneScape Forums and will be monitoring those more than these. The link is here. The post will be in format that RSF would accept as I don't really feel like rewriting it. Enjoy!

    [hide=Pre-Into (READ FIRST)]



    Hello there, fellow member! Before you continue or quite opposite - dismiss this thread, I'd like to clear up a few things about what will and what will NOT be in this thread so to avoid any confusion before you read and/or reply to this!


    These are purely my own experiences and thoughts. None of this should be taken as fact (even though it occasionally may be) and you should NOT be discussing/comparing your own experiences and thoughts to mine or anyone elses here unless theyre relevant to these suggestions in format of feedback or your own suggestions to be added. Do not be mistaken, I want your feedback, but what I dont want is discussions irrelevant to the actual suggestions, for example, pages of comparing your own training styles.


    There will be no support list pages. I find them distracting, irrelevant, time wasting and unnecessary. But your support is still appreciated/needed, otherwise I would feel that my suggestions are not what other people would want to see in this game and would soon leave this post to die.


    I will not be asking for bumps. What with the recent forum updates these forums seem to be moving slowly enough not to lose these posts. I will also be bumping it myself whenever its necessary. However if this post goes past page 3 and you feel that its a good post, youre welcome to bring it to the attention of others by bumping.


    There will not be any expectations or demands for Jagex to add any of this. Remember that all of this is purely suggestion for Jagex dev. team to think about while they prepare the second batch of the skill.


    With that said, lets get to the actual intro!






    There have been many suggestions about applying dungeoneering to the rest of the RS by making new dungeons. While that may be interesting, there will be almost none of it here. This suggestion thread is more about the rewards, some gameplay tweaks and applying dungeoneering to the rest of the RuneScape WITHOUT making new dungeons. I feel it can be done without popping random dungeons around the world no one heard about before (And lets face it, doing something is more fun when you follow a storyline behind it) and Im here to propose a few solutions that should please many players about out-of-Daemonheim use at the same time without disrupting the rest of the game.


    Keep in mind that this is being posted by an all-around player who prefers to skill more than just train combat/PK. As such you will not see many combat-related items.


    Now, before I give you the table of contents and the rest of the suggestion, heres one thing you should remember: values within brackets ([x]) are not meant to be definitive and you should not focus on them when you give me feedback on this. These values are just what I thought would be appropriate for me, and hopefully the rest of the public. If any of my suggestions get considered, it would be under Jagexs conditions, which would include that they get to decide the values. And hey, theyve been doing this kind of thing for WAY more than I have, so I expect them to know better than me what is good for players :P


    =Table of Contents=

    -Intro & ToC






    --Combat style toggle


    --Use outside of Daemonheim



    --Suggestions that I strongly support/similar suggestions

    --Suggestions/feedback from reviewers




    So lets jump right to the favourite of many, as well as something everyone looks forward to.

    NOTE: Remember, this is all based on my experiences and thoughts. Ive tried my best to widen the interest range for the rewards, but this is still based on my experiences/perhaps levels.



    The bags, gem and coal bag are two my most favourite rewards, even in spite of me being more of an old school player who takes a while to adapt to new gaming styles of a game youve played your way for years. They open so many possibilities and make the tiny inventory seem bigger. So here are a few suggestions for other bags.


    -Herb Bag-

    Something that shouldve been there from the start of RS, but never was. Something that would be a major goal for nearly every member out there. Something that will make life easier for just about every person who decides to dust off their weapons and go out to fight.


    This would make many skills easier: farming, herblore and my personal favourite Slayer. Its always been hard to keep inventory slots open for new drops, but after last years Summoning update its become a nuisance. Ive had to choose between an irit, avantoe or some amount of runes/supplies to drop whenever I get a higher tier herb. So this would be a great solution. Whats more, it should significantly lower the cost of herbs on the market. In a chain, this should lower the cost of potions, costs of training, costs of slayer and costs of grand weapons.


    Ideally, it should be able to contain either [20] various herbs or [3-5] of each. For farmers sake, Id go with the first one. Oh, and make it a leather bag, please!


    -Charm bag-

    Yeah, I really didnt like the four extra inventory slots being taken away :P So heres a solution for that: a charm bag! Best thing about this is that it would not affect the training of summoning at all; it would just make life better for those, who just like to fight monsters. Dont you just hate losing that one inventory spot because the black demon decided that one blue charm wasnt worth taking with him to the realm of death?


    Theres not much more to say about this, other than ideally it would be good to have a limit of [100] charms total or something along the line of [25-50] of each charm. Oh, and graphically it could look like those things you put the poker chips in. :)


    -Note bag (Wallet perhaps?)-

    Ever wanted to take just a few more items to the drop party? Tired of having to enter your PIN after every trade whenever you do your annual major bank sale and have to world hop?

    This little wallet-like bag would be able to hold a total of [50] noted items of any kind (not 50 notes, 50 items). I actually was a little shady on this one when I thought of it, because I couldnt really think of many situations in which they would be useful. I was thinking about people camping at avan... Well, those things at God Wars and how they drop noted items, and remembered that there are many other monsters that drop noted items that you might want to keep. At any rate, this seems pretty self explanatory :)


    -Seed Bag-

    Im sure every farmer would appreciate this! I know I would, because whenever I do my daily farm runs, there are SO many things to plant, that I dont have space left for the harvested goods! Veggies, herbs, flowers, trees, fruit trees, and then the Ardougnes big flower... There are just too many of them, so this bag would be a great solution for farmers problems. And in addition with Herb bag, harvesting goods would be a great pleasure as well! I was doing some rough math about how many seeds a run would a farmer need and estimated that about 50. So with that in mind, Id suggest that this bag either holds around [50] various seeds or [5-10] of each kind (flower, herb, allotment, tree, fruit tree, specials).


    PS: You could also add option to put herb seeds in herb bag, if seed bag is overkill.


    -General bag suggestion-

    Im not sure how the coal bag works, but gem bag does not have either a Fill or a Withdraw-All option. Obviously this has been developed with slayers and miners in mind, and for both of these clicking on things is vital and very common procedure. When you have to stop attacking a monster to add a gem to the bag or stop mining to do this, it takes up quite a bit of time. Same for when youre going to bank it takes quite a lot of clicking to go through all gems :P





    Currently I have an idea for just one staff, so Ill try to keep it short here!


    -Staff of Combat-

    This staff would act just like its predecessors Nature and Law staffs. You would store up to [1000] combat runes of your choice in it (Mind, Chaos, Death, Blood) and perhaps Astral runes, so that Lunar Spellbook does not feel forgotten. The staff at that point would change the last word, Combat, in the name to, for example: Thoughts, Disorder, Afterlife (if for religion related reasons that cannot be allowed, End could be a decent alternative) and Wounds. You may post what names youd like to see and if theyre creative and interesting, Ill add them to suggestions. You would also have a 1/10 chance to keep the runes required for the cast.


    You could also change the alignment of the staff (from Chaos to Death for example), but to do that you would have to pay a tribute of [100] runes of the type youd like to turn it into (1100 deaths to turn it from Staff of Wounds into full Staff of Afterlife for example).

    I dont feel this would affect costs of maging a lot, same way neither Nature nor Law staffs do. However it still would be a nice alternative to people who have a lot of elemental runes stored up.


    Alternatively, you could just add a Staff of Runes and let it be assigned to whatever rune purchaser wishes, save for elemental (unnecessary) and combined runes (Yeah, right, air+fire and cheap magic xp... :P) . But come up with the names yourself then!




    So here are a few more skill related items I couldnt quite classify elsewhere, but just as important!



    A nice little magic box that would allow you to note [20] same items (so you receive ONE note, not for example 1 note of 13 items and 1 of 7). This box could be used just once before recharging it. You would recharge it by opening any bank screen (or add an option on bank booths/bank screen/banker). It would only allow you to note, not unnote items.


    This is something to avoid frustration from gatherers who would see bags of coal, gems, herbs and whatnot and feel that they deserve bags of fish, logs, ore and many other things. This is also a long needed update for said gatherers, as they really havent had many updates to make life easier for them, yet there is a constant demand for these items due to new players training skills such as fletching, firemaking, cooking and others.


    For a reason mentioned in 1st paragraph, you wouldnt be able to note cooked food, finished potions, armour and weapons imagine if you accidently noted all your food supplies or your weapon when you just walked 30 RS miles to your training spot! Alternatively, you could add a warning screen for this. Also, you wouldnt be able to use this if youve got a coal/gem/herb bag in your inventory that has something in it. And same with those, cant use them if youve noted something with this certificatory. I think the reason is fairly obvious :)


    -Scepter of Magma-

    And heres a long needed update for firemakers. This staff, when wielded, would add a LEFT click Burn option on all logs in your inventory. In addition, due to the major heat magma emits, you would need two logs to fire up a proper fire (it would also last twice as long since molten rock stays hot for a looong time).


    The effect of this would be ability to FM faster, in more locations AND it would be ideal for fishing/cooking at spots far away from bank, so that when you bank your fish, you can make sure its all cooked. Im sure non members will appreciate this! In addition, to explain such an item coming out of Daemonheim, there could be a fire/lava themed boss with damage over time attack that would set you on fire by throwing magma at you.


    -Large Imp Cage-

    So, when was the last time YOU hunted imps? Do you even remember what they do? Well, they can bank TWO items per imp for you. In reality, thats saving just one inventory spot unless you drop the magical box after banking. So I bring you this, a large imp cage that would be able to capture [5] imps in it.


    Done by either putting imps in from their original boxes or by just setting the trap up again, this would be a great addition to the Hunter skill, as that would save you NINE inventory spots! It would be expected that the hunter level for this is quite higher than just 71, and as such would stimulate people to train their hunting level AND bring in a great item for day-to-day activities.


    -Dungeon entrance-

    And last (for now), but not least, a fancy dungeon entrance, craved to mimic the runes and looks of the Daemonheim dungeons. A great addition to your own home made dungeon that would show your love for exploring dark places. I was thinking it to look quite dark themed with all those symbols found at Daemonheim. Just like other dungeon entrances in POHs, it is purely for looks and brags only.


    PS: Maybe some items for INSIDE of the dungeon? Buy a scroll that teaches you how to carve symbols on your dungeons walls, buy a book to learn how to lure a behemoth out of its lair and make it guard your precious treasure? Id love that! There is great potential for such things!




    So, with list of rewards cleared away, time to get our hands dirty on the more serious stuff; stuff that would influence us while we actually train the skill, not when we dont.


    =-Combat style toggle-=

    Okay, this is one thing that has been bugging me from the start of dungeoneering, and I believe not just me. Why do we have to make such a commitment to one combat style once we pick our T9/T10/T11 items to be bound? Sure, we can spend the first 5-10 minutes of the floor making equipment for a whole different combat style than what our bound items are designed for, but that is not efficient and after all, we shouldnt be forced to make such a commitment.


    So here is what I propose a combat style toggle. This would be appear on party interface as Start next floor as followed by three buttons, one with a staff, one with a bow, one with a sword next to it. Or something like that. You would be able to change this at any given time, but effect would show up only on the next floor. This would enable us to prepare stronger groups, to prepare strategy and such; otherwise most of the people Ive seen are all just warriors, because thats usually the most effective style.


    Each of the styles would allow you to bind different items but also with limitations. A warrior wouldnt be able to bind a staff, bow, robes or leather armour; a ranger wouldnt be able to bind a staff, sword, robes or metal armour and a mage wouldnt... well, you get it. Rangers would be limited to binding arrows, mages runes. Warriors could have a choice of either.


    What if youre ranging the floor and the boss gives you a primal platebody (for warrior). You could still bind this when you choose to bind, a screen would pop up for which class(es) you wish it to be binded. And yeah, class(es), because you would be able to bind the exact item to all 3 classes should you choose to in case you get a nice slayer drop :)




    As the name suggests, these are things I couldnt quite put under other categories.

    =-Uses outside of Daemonheim-=

    So here is something I wanted to start with from the beginning, but as it turned out, would be the very last thing on my own suggestions. As I mentioned in the very intro (Wow, that was long ago. I started writing this document about 4 hours ago. Of course I had it planned out in a notebook, but I didnt think itd expand to 4 hours.), I had come up with some solutions for Out-of-Daemonheim uses for this skill that do NOT include 20 different dungeons all over the place. Of course that is still an option, but if you guys DO decide to add new dungeons work on them just as hard as you did on these :) with a great plot behind it and all that. Just random dungeons just arent the same, lol.

    -Reduced requirements-

    In many dungeons there are certain requirements for some actions. Right now Im thinking of Rellekka slayer dungeon some of the Agility shortcuts require over lvl 80 Agility. However, since youd be so experienced in navigating through dungeons, you wouldnt have to have that high level to bypass this shortcut. I was thinking of a rate of [10] Dungeoneering levels = -1 requirement level, so if the shortcut (or any other level requirement within the dungeon) has a level requirement of 85 and your Dungeoneering level is 120, you only need level 73 to get past this!


    -Increased survivability-

    After months spent in the dusty, old air of Daemonheim youve learnt to survive better in dungeons! As such, your base defence/attack stats (perhaps strength and prayer as well?) would be increased by a rate of [5] Dungeoneering levels = +1 to your base stats. On top of that, since you couldnt take any of your own food in the Daemonheim dungeons and you had to adjust to the freakish dungeon food, youve learnt to get the best out of your own food (and potions) meaning they would restore slightly more HP/increase your stats slightly more!


    -Bonuses to skill actions done in dungeons-

    Have you ever tried to light damp logs with damp tinderbox or cook frozen fish? Yeah, not cool, but you had to do it in Daemonheim. Well, guess what, with all that extraordinary skilling done there, youve learnt to do everything better in more regular dungeons. As such, all your skill related actions would give you some extra XP (cooking for example) and on top of that, be more efficient. Longer fires, better potions, better food, purer ores and so on. Of course, all of these better items would have to be untradeable, but still, it would bring you benefits!


    NOTE: This should NOT work in ALL dungeons. Otherwise, expect people cooking their food at Lumbridge dungeon and quickly banking.





    Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed my work, I spent a great deal of time and creativity into this one sketching the plan for it took me about 2-3 hours alone, putting it on the paper (ok, on computer) took me 4-5 hours. Yeah, Im that dedicated to this skill :P


    So, all feedback and suggestions related to this suggestion are encouraged! And lets pray and hope that if not with batch 2, then with batch 3 we see some of this in game :)

  11. I don't think it works in a way that for every 9 nature runes you use, you get 1 free cast. I'm pretty sure it's just 10% chance to save it, so it would vary a little on how many you save or not.


    Same way with monster drops, you have a chance to get drop that is 1/2500 kills, but that doesn't mean you'll get one once you kill 2500 monsters.

  12. I don't get it either. I'm 100% positive that nature staff was introduced specifically for people who slay a lot and have tens of thousands, hell, hundreds of thousands of fire runes.


    Someone mentioned using them for junk trading, well, pardon, but not all people junk trade/trade items that require junk or in the spirit of game try to stick to GE.

  13. Here's the catch that makes nature staff useful:


    Fire runes are useless and most people have more of them than they would ever need (mostly slayers) and they can not be sold!


    So for these people these staffs are good. Of course in long term when you want to do 10k-100k alchs it wouldn't be as cool.


    As for law staff - what the hell? Unless people still train magic by teleporting to Camelot, they're useless. I would never use it, that's for sure.

  14. I'm pretty sure that's what was meant, what are weak to which attack (Crush/Stab/Slash).


    Also, on some monsters, like Hydra for example, some combats seem to be more effective than others. I've experienced a ranger damage a Hydra way more than I do as a melee. And same applies to attack styles, I can never figure out what to pray against on shades, seems that you can't even pray against them (which is information that should be added).


    At any rate, if crewbies approve, I'd love to see this thread going and would support it with my own experiences as well.


    PS: If you find that such information is very easy to figure out, please share and tell us, I'd love to know this.

  15. Some more info you could add to the CRITICAL NOTE beneath prestige as this could be very useful:


    If your previous progress is higher than your current progress and you reset, current progress (lower value) would be saved.


    Example: Your previous progress is 30, you partied with random people 10 floors (10 prestige/progress) and suddenly your friends log on, all reset. If you reset now to be able to party with them, your previous progress will change to 10!



    I found this bit of information very useful myself, hopefully others will too!

  16. When you talk to the Sphinx in general, if you have a pet following you that is not a cat or kitty (ex. dog, gecko, crab, raccoon, rune guardian), the Sphinx will not talk to you, but hint you that you need to get aquainted wih "one of her kind". Would this be helpful somewhere?

    Im pretty sure she says that whenever you don't have a cat/etc out, so nothing/other pets/familiars out would count.

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