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  1. It requires members to play on RSC nowadays, correct? Otherwise, I'd give it a shot.. (Been retired for years, not buying a members just for that :P..)
  2. Took me 2k tokens to get my rune. A guy that was there with me went from bronze-rune in the time that it took me to go from mith-rune. Shortly after he got a clue scroll.
  3. I knew you'd see things my way. Just kiddin', welcome back ;)
  4. I've had it happen to me. I decided to trust someone right off the bat and I paid for it..but not much. I was alching behind varrock bank one day when a girl walks up. After a bit of talking I decide to help the poor girl out. I give her a *FREE* glory. She was happy. The next day she logs on and says she was pked and lost it and requests another one. I do not give it to her. Few days, maybe a week later I decide that I don't feel like crafting my flax. So I ask her to do a job for me, and I'll pay her 50gp per bowstring that she makes. I gave her 3k flax. Never heard from her again. 1 Amulet of Glory = 100k 3k Flax = 300k My friendship = Priceless
  5. I don't know when this turned into a debate on what guides are better, but... I like Tip.it a lot more :) I generally prefer to do things on my own but when I am really stuck I always find what I need here at Tip.it. (Nice guide Rcty)
  6. Ey man. Look at the bright side of things! Don't dwell on the past (ever!). Consider the bad things in life a lesson and treat it as such. Don't fail though :] Have a good one! Also @ Tefda: Sometimes the internet can be the best outlet for talking about things as personal as this. Things that you sometimes lack the courage to bring up with your family. People (just like they are now) can then help you with your problems and you will never have to meet them face to face.
  7. Yes exactly. Besides, I know those brothers are saving up something juicy for me. I just built my house and am going to minimize my trips by a lot. Hopefully that spear will decide to come my way soon ;)
  8. Now I know where all my luck has gone. You've stolen it! :( I've got Veracs Plateskirt and Ahrims Hood so far out of about 60 runs. The lowest selling of each set I believe..
  9. This is how I do it personally, but there are plenty of different ways: Buy yew logs (250 each is what I pay) Buy bowstrings (150 each is what I pay) Buy pure essence (80 each is what I pay) Craft your own nats. So, you're spending about 480gp on each bow, and when you high alch it you make 768 gp, leaving you with a 288gp profit on each bow. Now, there are some variants and possible solutions you can use. ~Buy flax for 100gp ea and make it into bowstrings yourself. ~Buy natures (300 ea) instead of crafting them If you do both of these you will make a 38gp profit. If you don't care about the cash and just want to powertrain it, that's your best bet. My way you get to raise your runecrafting at the same time though ;)
  10. Tefda; competition is a good thing! I don't believe he was going against your work as he just thought he could do better. Nothing wrong with that is there? Great job Convene, I like it.
  11. There's no big deal. It's just the chance that he may be someone who works at Jagex. If he did in fact work at Jagex however, his company name would most likely be just that, 'Jagex'. Just some Runescape player who couldn't think of anything better to put there. Or perhaps it is his laptop that is designated to playing Runescape?
  12. After reading through all 4 pages of this thread I can say one thing. I can't believe how ungrateful and unsympathetic (is that a word) most of you people are. It's almost as if you laugh at other peoples misfortune but when it happens to you you will whine like crazy. Sorry dude for losing your Green party hat. Not much you can do now because obviously the one who got it isn't going to give it back. Just know that there are some people on here who would actually return it. Honestly I would. It's just a game, but the people behind the characters are real and have real feelings. [i'm not replying to flamers]
  13. I searched their corporate site credits for any Sam Foust. Not even a Sam. That's pretty interesting though.
  14. You ended up with two free dragon longs and a dragon scimitar. Congratulations.
  15. 5 doses usually. I pray on all brothers but Ahrim, I just use whatever I have left on him. I'd rather spend a bit more for that little extra safety. If I can afford it why not?
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