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Posts posted by Madouge

  1. I've always thought that more steps means more rewards. Each step gives one reward, whether its a handful of law runes, a rune full helm, or a robin hood hat. I find that when I do a six step clue I get 6 of these rewards (for example, 2 rune fulls, 34 laws, 37 nats, a magic short bow and a guthix page), and when I do a four step clue I get only four (for example rune: rune plate, rune baxe, 36 bloods and 20 purple sweets).




    This doesn't mean to say that the rewards for each step is decided after that step is completed, but it is recorded how many steps you've done for the clue when you get your final rewards.

  2. Lol, you mean barbed? They were around before the huce crossbow update, when you could only have pearl tipped bolts, normal bolts, and barbed tipped bolts, and there was only one type of crossbow. I think they just couldn't be bothered to remove them.

  3. Is there anything special about them? How strong are they compared to other bolts? Do they do anything special against werewolves? I'm crafting about 2000 just from junk silver bars in my bank and I was wondering if I would ever actually use them.

  4. Don't think it'll ever get that far.... they'd be like level 500 or something anyway.




    How about, Prayer Noob Dragons? Or Defence Noob Dragons? ;)




    we all ready got prayer noob kalphite queen :anxious:






    Hehe, I just don't see the point in a Rune dragon.. it'd be an insanely high level.




    You'd be slashing away for about 10 minutes, just to be rewarded with 3 soul runes or something lol.




    You forget, it would be obliged to drop 5 rune bars each kill, like the rest. So thats not too bad.

  5. Shouldn't you be farming loads of herbs following your Runehead article, also you should stick a load of money in MTK and get them to get herbs for you while you raise the rest of your skills. Then if you leave herblore till last, it might be that bit easier.




    And I was wondering why you don't just sell the bows and PC the levels, wouldn't that be faster? It would probably be more profitable and less boring too

  6. By the way, I just want to say Muggi I love you for putting Dream Theatre in your Fight Caves


    video umm .. however long ago it was. They're one of my favorites now. Octavarium is epic in


    its length if nothing else. :lol:




    I went to see them on June the 9th, it was amazing! They started with my favorite song Overture 1928 then went into Strange Deja Vu, it was by far the best gig I've ever been to (I've only been to two though).


    Played the whole of Images and Words and encored with Home. Simply immense




    When I need a break to do something fun i go to Cwars or fight pits, or hang with my RS chums. Sometimes I go 1-iteming on World 18 Mage Bank

  7. On the mourning ends part 2 quest, I took no food during the light temple part and just took my guthans along. I found the quest much easier and didn't need to bank for food once. On top of that my HP never fell to a dangerous level. My melee stats are 98 90 91. Someone with lower stats may not be able to do this I dunno but you may want to add it to the "tips and notes" section at the end.




    Also the small guide for using the "Fractionalizing Distiller" in Rimmington I didn't find very helpful (the one within the ME2 guide). The way I did it was to have both the wheels turned once clockwise and then add coal one by one. When it gets too cold that no more tar is being distilled, add another coal, wait till it stops distilling, add another coal etc. I found this method much easier and if you would like it explained further (you may not understand what I'm saying), PM me either here or ingame

  8. I'm about to commence mourning ends part 2 (the last quest I have) and i understand that I'm gonna be under almost constant attack. The Tip It guide recommends I take prayer potions or good armour and food, but I was wondering whether you could just take guthans and heal when you need to on those things. They're only level 70 odd aren't they.

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