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Posts posted by Madouge

  1. Basically I have a load of gems to use up (242 sapphires, 140 emeralds, 130 rubies and 53 diamonds) and I'm gonna turn them all into jewelerry. I'm wondering what I shuld make them into taking into account crafting exp, what the finished product is worth, and how easy it is to sell the product in bulk.

  2. So, I was staking on my other account just now, I duelled someone who disabled mage, but I was in my mage outfit.




    So, I changed outfit to Melee,the guy started whining about me cheating, and owned unexpecting dude.




    He started threatening with reporting if I didn't give him the 10k back, and he said he reported...ROFL.




    So, did anyone else got threatend with being and/or getting reported for such dumb things?




    Share them here.




    Technically it's against rules because you decieved him but I'm not sure if you would get a black mark. :uhh:




    Lol, no it isn't against the rules




    Using that logic you could say it was against the rules to change from a dds to a whip in a duel, which I think a lot of epople do while staking

  3. put 70 def in the >>>Requirements<<< :roll:




    i think ill keep using muggiwhplar's guide...




    (i dont have 70 def)




    and your backpack pic has a c bow in it...




    There was a request for a guide to beating the fight caves with a Halberd, so this guy decides to take the time and effort to make one, and he just gets stick from people like you. Its rediculous

  4. I see a little mistake here.


    Until now the highest lvl arrows were rune and those required lvl 40 range and a yew bow to use, the magic bow didn't add any value in usable ammo, so why did they say a new bow was needed for dragon arrows?


    If the magic bow will not be able to fire dragon arrows and we will indeed need this new darkbow to be able to use them then I think that prices might be a bit higher then we expect them to be.


    I also expect this thing to get better stats then karils xbow and crystal bow even though it has a lower lvl requirement because that's just typical jagex.... look at karils coif ? XD




    Typical requirement for rune is 40, so you can use them with yew bow (40 ranged requirement)




    Typical requirement for dragon is 60 (msb is range 50) so its correc tthat they need a new bow

  5. rarest tradble item in game is bds - a super poisoned bronze dagger. i have never seen one. ever.




    You'd think that, but due to that factm there'll be a few people who own one because its "cool." So I would say the rarest tradeable item was steel spear(p+) (not p++). First of all who owns a steel spear? Second of all who ever uses extra strong weapon poison

  6. My little leprechaun inside my left ear always told me that dragon was engineered by evil mages as a substitute of barrows, which, until the release of barrows was never found.




    Barrows is composed of leather, living tissue, and metal.


    -It has no negative magic def, hence the leather coating,


    -Its alive, therefor it degrades


    -metal, makes it strong




    Some Barrows armour does have negative magic defence, I think its just Karils, Ahrims and Veracs that doesn't

  7. Slayer and Hitpoints would have to be the rarest. For hp you would have to do a mix of all the combat stats (excluding prayer), so you can get hp xp while none of your other skills are 99. For slayer it's recoils and genie lamps, that's gotta take a lot of work :roll:.




    Or pest control?

  8. Before anyone says it isn't possible to have a 99 slayer cape, it IS, just use ring of recoils. Or, as my friend Chenw said, you could get a lot of abyssal demon tasks that you kill in the actual abyss.


    Hmmm? Last I checked, you got normal exp for killing abbies in the abyss...




    I think he was referring to killing abyssal walkers, leeches etc... I dunno if you can do that or not, but it gives reduced exp, Love you Myweponsgood

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