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Posts posted by Madouge

  1. Hey guise, I'm 93 slayer and have never done a black demon task. I recently got assigned them and I think it's time to man up and get it done with. So what are the best methods for Black Demons. I'd prefer to melee but range or mage would be fine I guess.

  2. Quests are my favorite part of the game. It really makes them so much better if you complete them without a guide. I used to think quests were a chore and boring until I decided to try completing them without a guide.




    Thats exactly how I feel, I used to do all my quests with a guide and just saw them as a chore. But recently I've started doing them without a guide (although admittedly I use a guide to check which items I'll need to save time) and its much more enjoyable.




    Off topic, my favourite quest was One Small Favour, I found it quite funny and it was fun going all over Runescape.

  3. All the stocks are fine tbh.




    Every single shop item CAN be obtained elsewhere (either through drops, making it or a resource skill)




    Shards were the only one unavailable anywhere else. The lower stock levels in runes etc means the economy will flow better because instead of everyone buying at the slightly more expensive shops where you can only get a few people will return to the ge.




    Meaning all types of rune, ammo and other consumables will have a better flow thus removing some junk.




    How I make bone bolts?

  4. Hey team, I've just worked up enough points to cash in and get a Master Wand. I wanna sell it for a lot on the forums, but I don't really have any junk. Can someone give me a quick overview of Junk Trading and how I can sell this thing for lots of $$$?

  5. Just wear what you'd usually wear for slayer (vs melee). Definitely go to the Zamorak area. Take a sara item just to wear on the way there. You may wanna take a prayer pot incase you accidentally attack a spiritual mage because the Zamroak fortress drains your prayer. Take runes for as many alcs as you have warriors to kill 'cause they drop a LOAD of alcable stuff. You should be fine.


    Blood, 356 gp (I think they have been merched, there old stable price was 356 gp before Aug 30 now they are 486, so we shall go with the old prices for fairness)





    I think that's because the infinite shop stocks were removed -> the supply decreased.




    I doubt it because they cost like 500gp from shops, so if their price is 356gp I doubt the people supplying them are getting them from shops as that would mean a substantial loss.

  7. I can burn hundreds of thousands of logs without ruining the atmosphere




    You can do that in real life aswell. If you burn wood it doesn't add to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because all it does is release the carbon dioxide that it took in during respiration.




    Either way it still releases carbon dioxide... So if we were to burn all the trees in the world "it doesn't add to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because all it does is release the carbon dioxide that it took in during respiration." Fair enough then.

  8. -Everything in Wilderness is agressive no matter what your level is, except Rogues


    -Everything that is aggressive outside of wilderness will stop being so once you become higher than twice their level, there are a few exceptions I think, but I don't know what they are.


    -Everything that is aggressive stops being so after hanging in the same spot for a while, again there may be exceptions but I don't know them.

  9. ive spent 3k ticket and im only upto steel.id hate going for a dragon one :cry:




    I hope you mean tokkens because there are no tickets :|




    This is why I hate the forums sometimes. Everyone always feels the need to correct every minor detail to try and "one up" the other person. We all knew what he meant so there was just no need. It adds nothing to the discussion.

  10. I would be feeling as if I was cheating using that money. :?


    I'm mean theres not much respect if someone says "Wow how did you make that money?" and you say "I found it". I'm pretty well off anyway and I'm not in any real need of money...


    I would probably leave it on the floor, or give it to someone else like what Tbfgraphx14 said; give it to Blogscapers.




    Well its just luck really, and a lot of this game is based on luck. Would you say the same about someone who say got 3rd age plate from a clue scroll on the day of its released and made a lot of money from it. I dunno how much 3rd age was at first but I'm sure it would've been a lot of money for an hours work.

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