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  1. I am totally for this idea member online and like 10% of the cash should go to you IMO lmfao. anyway lovin the idea very nice pictures and everything make it believable loving your work and god get jagex to make a super range pot :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  2. I want to know how to get them explosives so i can lower my health thingy
  3. haha you blow anyway. NO WAY COULD YOU. rofl good luck you wont make it
  4. for trainign str i recomend a d scimi Omg I can't stop laughing :lol: It's really just unbelievable...I was about to submit without adding that last bolded part in, but I knew some morons would suggest a dragon scimmy, so I decided to reiterate my point in bold. Looks like that was useless... Anyway, torag's hammers and the flail both have the aggressive option for their highest attack bonus, so that's not a problem. The torag hammer is higher attack (however slight it may be) and also cheaper, so it's the clear choice. Now it's a matter of whether to get the hammers or the great axe. K [bleep]. want some advice. YOU ARE THE MORON. actually no want it in bold?YOU ARE THE MORON. You expect getting quick str exp without working for it or getting d scimmy or dharoks. I done monkey madness with 1 prayer and 1 mage and 1 defence YES [bleep] ITS 1 DEFENCE DUMB [bleep]
  5. you cant tb on ancients you [developmentally delayed]ed monkey
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