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Posts posted by Rebdragon

  1. I like the people in this thread who argue that marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman, but admit that it's not.

    Huh? No one's saying that. Maybe some might believe that two people of the same sex can have as meaningful a relationship as two of the opposite, but they're not saying that marriage can or should be defined as something it's not.

  2. I don't see why people want to be defined by an organization that discriminates against them, just to fit in. That said, I dont see why gays need the title of marriage... Marriage is between a man and a woman, that's the definition of it. Gaya should instead make a new super awesome type of bond and make it cooler and more important than that stupid "marriage" thing.

  3. Not to quelch creativity, since this forum is literally dying and not in a the-old-days-were-great-way but in an objective-post-counts-are-really-dropping way, but guys, this is kind of silly. A thread about trying to outsmart people in the dumbest way possible, like arguing over the rules of a game instead of playing it. I mean, I think I'd rather have a debate on Xbox Live about animal farts. It'd probably go a lot farther, too.

  4. http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/smart-goals.html


    For the love of god, you all need to read this or remember SMART goals. You will all fail miserably I'd you don't, and we will but laugh.

    I swear you linked to the exact same thing on the new years resolution thread last year

    Yes, I did, and people are making the same mistakes. Same problem same solution.


    "Lose weight"; "Get more active"; "Build some muscle"; "Get healthy", "Get ripped", etc. ad infinitum. You don't define a goal, you won't make it. And if you don't take it in steps or learn to appreciate the little gains you definitely won't make it. You'll just be that crowd I see every January at the gym that seems to magically dissappear by February. Don't be in that crowd. I despise that crowd.


    "Become a better person"; "Get better grades"; "Do better in school"; "Take chances", etc. Ambiguous resolutions, because they aren't defined, are hard to accomplish and offer little drive. Don't forget to account for human nature.


    The resolutions are definitely better than last year: more realistic and defined (the health ones are the main problem I'd say). Still, if you don't change the way you state your goals you'll probably fail at 'em. Or rather, you'll succeed but nowhere near the level you want. You don't have to listen to me if you don't want, but this stuff is backed by science. SCIENCE. Science is never wrong. Like, ever. Watch commercials, that's what they say.

  5. pfilc makes a great point. To add to it, think about how much money beverage companies pour into marketing teams for designing the outside of their can. As weird as it is, beyond catching the eye of a customer, the right colored can can make a drink taste better. Think about it, would Coke seem to taste as good to you if it wasn't in it's trademark red can? What if it was dark brown? That's the frikkin' color of the drink, and that sounds awful to me, and thanks to a form of gustatory placebo effect the drink actually seems to taste worse because of that negative reception of the appearance.


    So, your ankle deep analogy sucks further.

  6. That analogy was really corny and didn't even make sense. How can you be happy if you don't have a job to not pay for the food you eat? Maybe Lenin's low-quality cup analogy applies there.


    You obviously didn't "get" the analogy.

    It was never about going jobless or even about going with "stuff". It was about enjoying life (coffee) and not worrying about the much less meaninful things that are in your life (the cup).

    People in the story chose only the best cups, whereas they all just wanted the coffee so why did the cup matter?


    And to other people, quit over analyzing it and comparing it to a situation in real life. The goal of the analogy is to make a point; don't pick it a part and see if it works for everyone's ideas and values. It just has a simple point, and that is all.

    Ya, a really cheesy and lame point that makes people sick. Like motivational posters.

  7. It has been tested and shown that if a person is told a specific brand of wine is more expensive, it will taste better.

    Perhaps the richness of a cup may reflect upon the richness of it's contents?



    That's basically placebo affect. Expensive wine costs more because theyre higher quality, aged better, and straight taste better. Theyre not like a Hollister shirt- the cost reflects the quality. So if one thinks the wine costs a lot, they'll think it tastes better, simple.


    Cups don't matta. This story makes me sick though, like a greeting card.

  8. No. I don't like them because they don't like me. I'm just a quiet, private person and if that makes me a bad person then I don't give a [bleep].

    Pardon this speculation. You probably are a bit nerdy, and teens being teens (read: [wagon]), some jerks probably thought it cool to make fun of you. Now, that probably closed ya off from people, and maybe some other reasons made ya want to be a bit introverted. Now, being introverted isn't the problem at all, as long as you still got some mates to hang out with every once in a while. The problem is what you're doing- cycling the hate. You hate everyone around you because you were picked on, and that has to stop. You need to do two things. One. As shallow as it is, improve yourself physically. Take up a sport. Be a little girly if ya want. If anything you'll get less jibes from kids who think it's cool to make fun of people. Two. Try and get to know people more, maybe even some of the jerks you despise. Maybe you'll learn they aren't as bad people as you think.

  9. I'm not stupid enough to think EVERYONE is like that in the entire world, but everyone in my immediate region IS that sort of person.


    So not EVERYONE in the world, but EVERYONE you deal with on a daily basis, and near you, is that type of person ?


    What can I say...

    That I live in a rubbish area where most people are chavs or just people (by that I mean teenagers) that I've been going to school with since I was 5 and who've never liked me? It's a small town.


    It's been a while since I unintentionally got everyone all het up over something I've said :P Anyway it kind of shows the point that if someone DID say 'Oh I don't like attractive/unattractive people and I avoid them' they get people going on at them so thats why nearly all the posts here are like 'Oh I don't avoid them.'

    Maybe they don't like you has something to do with the fact that you don't like them?

  10. I've always held shock news to in the top ten weakest creations of mankind. What is the point of going over this. So one person is cray in the world, what a surprise. Does reading it make you feel better about how not crazy you are? What? Why do you give a [cabbage] about some random nutjob halfway across the world? Why aren't you reading the wallstreet journal? What the hell kinda news is this?

  11. In Mahaynna culture (the greater vehicle of Buddhist philosophy) claims are made that perfect wisdom transcends conceptual knowledge.


    First note that,

    Conceptual knowledge is defined as a person’s narration of the important concepts of a system. Conceptual knowledge is abundant in relationships and understanding. By definition, conceptual knowledge is not learned by memorization.


    I would like to see what people have to say about the fundamental claim of the Mahaynnaists. Any kind of feedback would be great for I am trying to develop a debate for a philosophy class. Thank you.

    Ma[racist term]na buddhism is the weaker sect. Theravada is far better spiritually in my opinion; unlike Ma[racist term]a, Theravada doesn't treat the Buddha like a God.


    Ma[racist term]a ma[racist term]a Ma[racist term]a ma[racist term]a Ma[racist term]a Ma[racist term]a Ma[racist term]a

  12. You realize you wrote an entire essay of a post that essentially says nothing more than "eat right and exercise"? I mean, your tip on "cardio" is bs as far as I know and you lifting info isn't really helpful in any way whatsoever.


    I'm kinda being a [bleep] (sorry) but you really didn't say anything. Everything else is either fluff or an obvious already stated point.

  13. You guys know real life polygraphs are like 60% accurate, right?


    I find it a bit ironic that the 60% validity bit is also a number that varies greatly depending upon who you ask...much like this comparative study. ^^


    What about the concept of political correctness and their effects on this survey? I'd be willing to bet that this generation is more indoctrinated to say the proper thing, rather than actually voice and commit to their beliefs.

    Well, it depends what and who is beig studied. The more serious/embarressing the lie, the higher the accuracy. Still, I've heard the 60% stat for cases of criminal activity, so I'm inclined to believe that Hollywood tends to lie about that kind of stuff (hey, like usual).

  14. I dot get the point... are you trying to say that the suppression of dissenting views doesn't matter in any way whatsoever? I might be stupid for saying this, but I'm pretty sure the majority opinion I've heard is that were all full of [cabbage] and don't know what were talking about. I feel like you're under information bias, but I may be too. Either way this all feels stupid and useless. Were spending trillions to make the world a degree or two cooler. Which I guess if we don't do the world will be destroyed by mother nature, but then I don't know why the world isn't already destroyed since the heating up from the last cooling. It's all very confusing.

  15. Well I'm trying to go from 150 skinny fat to this:


    That's really the only motivation I need. =)

    You're never going to look like anything close to that. Have you ever even been to a gym before? Does the term "to failure" mean anything to you?


    Frikin pipedreaming Commies...

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