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  1. Lets leveing the computer to but nature for 200 e from noobs and comeing back and you got alot of nature runes without having to sit by the computer......THats a marcro. The Idea is good to have a little shop but leaving your computer sit while you go do other things is were you turned me off that is marco.
  2. What about the Level 3 Skillers. Forget them if lets say Lots of the level 3 skillers Cheat, and only a handful of them Play fare. Well, sorry but the fare ones get punished along with the rest of them. You got to make it fare for the over all group. And thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s what we are looking at. So , sorry if a few level 3 skillers wont be able to get to their yews....Ever think about this what about use level 40-90 that cant cut or fish nothing cause there are 20 Marco running ever were. So tell me how that is fare. And who is to say his Idea won't slow them down. It will it takes "X" amount of time to level woodcutting to "60" It takes "X" amount of time to level combat to level "40" so thow in the Factor of them getting banned eventual. And there you have them respawning a new macro slowed down some. THis isn't a small problem that can't just be over looked its growing. THey have whole sits just like this one with the one purpose of Cheating and using Scar and scripts. THANK YOU, for your Thoughts on Suggestions on this Matter.
  3. Yeah thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a dumb stupid Idea to gripe about something here that is in a different site. GO there with your problem not here. DonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t post it in the wrong forum.
  4. We all know this is a huge problem many treads about it. These auto bringing in all this illegal stuff into the game is not fare to the real people who can't play cause you got 30 auto fishing the lobys or the cutting the yews. So what if it keeps prices down. Down for who the rich? So the poor get poorer and the rich get richer? Im serious thinking about quiting runescape. Its not fare for someone to be getting all this free gold and nouthing being down about it. Lets see jagnex do something big this time. My idea is simple. To Fish Lobys you must Pass the Black Knights Fortress Quest. That right there will slow down the production of this Macroers I Mean come on they got scipts that can make a character get them off the turioal Island and start fishing up a storm. If the have to go to a quest as long as Black Knights Fortress that reguires a 12 quest points. That would stop the production of these Lecching Macroers. I know a few honest people would be slightly incovance but to save the game like runescape I feel its worth it. Now The Tree Macroers. This one could ethier do the same as they did with the rune essance. Make a f2p Yew and a p2p Yew. Make a pure yew log and a normal Yew log. I know a lot of woodcutters would be mad ( mainly the auto) but that is a option. Hey I was a rune essance miner and I went to easiy selling my essance for a good price to not being abel to sell them at all. Next option is to simple make it so You have to weild a rune Ax to be able to use it. I know alot of wood cutting pures would be mad. ( Mainily the auto people or the players that run autos) Im tired of this problem and people are hiding behind the so called pure rights for being a low level and cuting yews. Well, the program isn't working now. Time for something new. Some people will get mad but trust me there is alot more that would love the change. Last option I have for the auto yew cutters would be tie it to anouther quest like The Knight's Sword .. The main point there are very easy sloution to the problem right now jagnex is making way to easy for them to get away with it.......
  5. All these marcro are bringing into the game illegal money which means.......You ready for this inflation of the runescape gold...more gold that is not supose to be here means prices go up. Thats why santa hats and party hats are so high...Yes they are rare but should not be that high in price.......Its because the runescape gold is becomeing less valuble..... Plus, on a note IP ban is not that easy......You see unless they have a cabel modem......Dsl and dial up use a diffent Isp Number every time it varys.....Plus, they might be behind whats called a Proxy Server which uses some one elses ISP number to connect they can get a new one every time. The only way to track the PC its self is with a form of spyware program that stays on the computer and tracks that induval computer and no one wants spyware. The point is Jagnex they are the computer programers not us we are the players...They need to get on it or they wont have a company at all its going to die out and I mean Fast!!!!
  6. Here is the programs to do it. Thanks self your welcome self. Found this using the help from differnt site. Help this thread helps someone. Joystick 2 Mouse http://atzitznet.dyndns.org/joy2mouse/joy2mouse.htm jmouse http://www.sharewareplaza.com/jmouse-do ... 21109.html
  7. Lol...so mucy typing...when Im traning for like hours I dont talk out all...or when Im mining or wood cutting nope no typing So using a control pad that is patched to mouse movement would be great. Please, people soultions only not shewed remarks why you think my idea is stupid!
  8. Topic says it all. Any one use a gamepad to play runescape? What software or setup do I need thanks
  9. NO Becuase It is not as Good as Barrows Look at the stats its just in between Dragon and Barrows. Barrows is still the Best.
  10. Pl8 (Dragon is chain not PL8 and I went with Torag for Barrows) Stab Def.: Rune (+82) Dragon (+81) 3RD AGE (+96) Barrows (+122) Slash Def.: Rune (+80) Dragon (+93) 3RD AGE (+108) Barrows (+120) Crush Def. Rune (+72) Dragon (+98) 3RD Age (+113) Barrows (+107) Ranged Def. Rune (+80) Dragon (+82) 3RD Age (+97) Barrows (+132) Magic Def. Rune (-6) Dragon (-3) 3RD Age (-4) Barrows (-6) Legs Stab Def.: Rune (+51) Dragon (+68) 3RD AGE (+78) Barrows (+85) Slash Def.: Rune (+49) Dragon (+66) 3RD AGE (+76) Barrows (+82) Crush Def. Rune (+47) Dragon (+63) 3RD AGE (+83) Barrows (+83) Ranged Def. Rune (+49) Dragon (+65) 3RD AGE (75) Barrows (+92) Magic Def. Rune (-4) Dragon (-4) 3RD AGE (-8) Barrows (-4) Needed Def Level to use: Rune (40 w/ D slayer) Dragon (60) 3RD age (65) Barrows (70) Now I just Had time to do the Pl8 and legs Stats Right now will do the Helment and the Sheild when I get more time. If you find this Helpful Thank You's are welcome :D
  11. NO I didn't mean Ipod I no thats a fancy apple mp3 player I meant Ipaq is a Compaq handheld computer. Plus, making fun at ones grammer (education ) is in very poor taste we can't all be perfect like you. That was very rude of you. Anymore help on this would be great thanks
  12. Wanting to buy a handheld to play runescape on. A Ipaq or a Palm Piolt or something like that. Will it work? Anyone using a handheld too play? ANyhelp would be great Thank You
  13. Is guilded armor members only or can you use it on f2p?
  14. Well, I painted my rune kite and do not want it painted no more I do alot of playing on f2p with freinds and cant use it there cause its members only how do I remove the paint from the shield thanks anyone that can help......
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