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Everything posted by Arcantica

  1. I love peter and all, but there was probably over 100 99 hpers in runescape before rs2 even came out. I dunno about after rs2 came out though, never touched a day of rs2 in my life yet.
  2. Yea that is true, the first few slaves were sold by thier own people, ussualy slaves from other tribes or convicts. But after a while, Europeans started actualy kidnapping people after they got tired of buying them. They just figured "hey lets just take the people". Almost every culture had some sort of slavery in their past.
  3. yea, a select few warriors who choose to follow the path of the bear. It was sorta a cult like society which special warriors wore bear skin shirts which they belived would give them the strength and power of the bear. There were also warrior cults in northern europe also dedicated to the wolf and boar. These warriors were so fearless in battle, that many Ancient Norse kings used them as personal body guards in thier halls. Theres a great book call, "the history of pagan europe" which has a chapter in northern european battle tactics, which has alot of great information on these northern warrior cults.
  4. You must not know your history. Vikings were some of the biggest slave traders in history. Any history book will tell you this. They went off to the far corners of the world and not only brought back gold and items, but slaves as well. It was common in scandinavia for each family to own several slaves. Slaves were the vikings main trade item and source of income when they were off traveling throughout the world. Vikings easily took and sold more slaves than america did, by far. And as far as the swastika goes, no single culture can claim its origin. Almost every culture through out the world has some sort of swastika in thier history. Vikings, asians, romans, native americans, even jews, used swastikas in their culture. http://www.manwoman.net Most people agree that hitler took the swastika symbol from the vikings, as a symbol of power. The Nazis also used several viking runes for their other symbols "SS and the Elhaz rune..." Nazis belived germans were decendants of an ancient pure nordic race, and heavily borrowed symbology from the ancient norse people. The confederate flag doesnt have as bad of a reputation as the swastika, and I dont think the swastika deserves the reputaion it has. Some countries even outlaw it. I myself will be honest. When I was a teen I got caught up in a few white supremist gangs. And as a result of that I got a few tattoos which Im not really proud of, but on the other hand I am a Norwegian born American, and the swastika is a ancient symbol of my culture which I am proud of. And due to the reputation the swastika has, people automaticly assume im a racist, yet I dont have any ties with the groups in my past. People create hate, not symbols. Sure some people get offended when they see certain symbols such as the swastika, or confederate flag, and assume the people displaying these symbols are themselves racist (even thoguh they most likley are), but people have to be carefull and not judge becuase they have other meanings to some people. The swastika does not represent the slaughter of the jews, and the confederate flag does not represent slavery. If so, why not declare the american flag as a hate symbol? After all it was the flag used by the troops who vicously slaughtered innocient native amerians durring the 1800's. It was the same american flag which was being waved at wounded knee in 1880 when US troops shot and killed 300 unarmed native american women and children. The genocide the native americans faced was just as bad as what the jews faced. It is estimated that 95 percent of the native american population was wiped out. The united states did not fight and win their lands. What most history books dont record, are the millions of women and children US soidlers gun downed and slaughterd (even after surrendering). What the Americans did to the native americans, is just as bad as what Hitler did to the jews, except the americans got praised for what they did.
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