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Posts posted by pulli23

  1. that's true, but I think he wants a real "calculator/simulator" - when you level if you use 100 points at, say 50, you will get xp for the other 50 points based on your new lvl.. So it's pretty hard to calculate how many points you will need if you want to lvl something up for more than 1 lvl. (or which lvl you'll become after you used the points).








    This is where a calculator/planner could come in handy! - it might be a good suggestion for the homepage!

  2. well I've been a member now for about a month... But my amount of money has dropped from 3 to 1M - I want to buy a whip as soon as I get 70 attack. Something which will be in the very near future thanks to pest-control.








    anyway I wonder what kind of money making method you suggest. preferably not merchanting as I've done that already a lot when I was f2p...








    here are my current stats:












    thanks for reading

  3. well this is about the third time I'm at the hero's guild asking for entrance..








    first time they told me to get 130 att+str.. then they told me to do some quests and now they even want met to get some stupid items #-o








    well I got some questions about these items:








    I need to ge a cooked lava eel is there any other place than the wildy to get those?








    also I need an entrana firebird feather, well that's (I think easy)..








    and thirdly I need to get a master thieves armband - I've got absolutely no idea where and how to get that.. anybody knows?








    ow and I also would like to get some money making hints: Are there any (and which) monsters you can kill for the loot? - and actually make profit from attacking them - and also at my lvl:




    I'm 62 attack,




    68 strength




    50 defens




    47 prayer








    and I wield full rune+dragon long








    any hints?








    thanks for reading

  4. well I just became a member myself... and I would recommend (like I've been recommended too) to do at least the "transportation and the area unlock" quests (gnome village, grand tree, priest in peril, and other stuff like this.








    Also getting agility is very handy, although it's pretty boring to train when you hit lvl 20-30.








    I'm a melee guy, so I would recommend getting your attack up as fast as possible - dragon items are really worth it!




    But I would also recommend to get at least magic OR ranging to a respectable lvl (55+) so you can fight the strong (quest) monsters from a distance!








    Ow and get a high prayer lvl - Prayer is the thing which saved me thousands of times!








    I hope this helps a little bit!

  5. well I'm now member already for a couple of days and I begun to wonder somethings:








    - I've trained slayer a lot (I like it), but I wondered if the amount of xp given depends on the lvl of the enemy..








    ie I have to kill 87 kalphites now, and do I get more slayer xp for killing the queen (hypothetically I know I can't defeat her) than a worker or not?








    - also when killing crawling hands I got an item named "crawling hand" - what does that item do?








    -and one last question: I've read somewhere before that moneywise, you shouldn't identify your herbs cause unidentifieds sell for much more.. But how you guys sell them? - they don't stack, even in your bank they're unstacked.. so how you sell more than 24 at once?

  6. well I'm finally a member :D








    and I hope some ppl can give me some advice, I've already some decent (not great most lvl 40-50) stats and a cmb from lvl 75..








    I'm currently "discovering" the world (just walking around).. And I wonder which dragon weapon I'll buy (I have 2,5M to spent) - also are there otherthings I should really buy when you just become a member?








    Ow and what stats shall I train, so I can get to the high-lvl-slayer monsters "fast"?








    thanks in advance

  7. well permanent death would be really nice in a game which is meant to have a permanent death!








    ie I'm currently trying to program a game which has something like this: when you die everything you've done till then is measured according to this you get a rank between -100 and 100, -100 means you're really evil while 100 means you're good.








    Now if you die your character will be permanent death! (not erased!) - you'll have to start over, however you may now choose out of a wider set of characters (more evil or more good depending what you did before). Also people can see you're previously "deads" which will give you honour and will keep you playing (so in fact all is based on raising 1 stat), also the goals will change with every new char you get!








    However this is (sadly) not possible to implement in runescape..




    why? well cause there are several things needed in such a game to be succesfull:




    - the game should be event based, not skilled based as is runescape (you would max out the skills you can get with your current character within 1-2 months in my game, then you'll be ready to fight/(re)build)




    - The game should be much more "predictable" - random chickens shouldn't pop-up somewhere behind your paladin while defending a gate!




    - It's very very hard to program! - the world isn't as predictable as now, and, well npc's should be mostly removed (or controlled by a human). Otherwise there can never be really progression in the game!




    - There should be some main story line which many people follow, well this isn't possible with runescape as too many people play it together, to get something like this you'll need small servers (worlds) in which like 2000 people play - and you shouldn't be able to move between a world!












    As you see there are just too many things which aren't in runescape to make such a game!

  8. well I trained at mostly 3 places: stronghold dunguon (mostly minotaurs), guards around the wildy (so I could catch newbs going in wildy), and last but not least MOSSIES in varrock sewers!




    For the mossies you'll need to use an altarnative (some ppl don't like it) fighting method: look for a pretty full world where there are about 4 other guys fighting the mossies, then you must make sure you never fight as first against a mossie - the mossie won't attack you that way! Although there might be problem with the first half an hour - the mossies will auto-attack you if you're the last one who entered the area, so make sure you have at least half a load lobbies in your inventory!

  9. well I like airst the most, but bodies also work great some advice I might give you:








    enchant talis/tiaras whenever you can! - they train about 10 times as fast as just the ess!








    also if you might want to train some other stat on your way back to the bank, this will save you some "time" (assuming you want to up that other stat sometime too). - ie I always cut a bag with some yews/logs whenever I attended the air-altar!




    Not many ppl like the above method cause they'll have to think about 2 things together but it's actually pretty fast if you want to upgrade multiple stats (just make sure you always wield the axe) - Also you can run this way almost all the time as you "rest" while cutting the logs!

  10. let's find an example:





    You're in your car and he goes speeding all through! - what you're doing, calling the police or just let it happen?








    If you ask the goverment in above example they will say it is a good thing to report, also many other people will say you did well and are an example for how people should do. However close friends won't like this and won't share their secrets with you anymore.




    Same will happen about this, Jagex will tell you it's good that your reported him and also many other people will do. Yet your friends won't like this...






    no-one can answer that question for you! It's such a personal thing, about how much you like your friendship.








    BTW: of course it is good too point your friends to the rules, so they can decide on their own if they take the risk...

  11. I will try to use my best English for you.




    Each of the forms of payment will cost different amounts because Jagex has to pay a certain company in order to use the payment services.




    Paying by phone is actually the most expensive because it takes several minutes for the information to process, costing you more.




    I have always payed by text and it usually takes less than a minute to make me a member, it is usually almost instant.




    The price differences are not that much overall but paying by phone is a definate no! I would recommend paying by text as you get the month membership instantly and it costs ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã6 (No idea of currency conversions, sorry) which is great value for money.






    thanks for your advice.. But what are those "different amounts"?




    sorry but I really need to know as I'm a student and I don't have too much money :wink: (or as we say here in holland: I have to turn the cent twice before paying - doesn't sound in english lol)..




    anyways I always want to know what I'm doing...






    OW btw what you mean by "text" - can't see that in my screen lol..

  12. hi all,




    I'm planning to become a member in 4 weeks from now (after my last final exam...).




    However I "can't" pay by credit or debit card. Why? because I don't have 1, thanks to two reasons: my bank doesn't give 1 for free - it will cost me about 1 euro/month or something like that and secondly most important: in our family credit cards are a big nono, you can get in the red with them so it's a taboo over here (sorry family rule I'm not trying to change that)..




    so I tried to find other payment methods, but I can't find much information.. In fact the information you get is just a bit general information which you can guess by common sense:




    Our basic monthly subscription is 4.60 Euros . We provide a wide range of payment methods for your convenience, some of which are much more expensive to process than others depending on the the level of transaction fees payable to other parties such as mobile phone operators. As different payment methods carry different transaction costs, the price between methods varies by this transaction fee or "convenience premium".




    Overall paying by debit/credit card is cheapest. Paying by SMS is the most expensive on a per month basis. The amount of the convenience premium will be the difference between our basic monthly subscription and the total price shown as payable via the payment option you select.




    well what is that different amount?? I can't find anything about them, also I don't see any explanation which method is the best, is it pay-pal or pbc.com or some other thing? If I click on them I just go to the subscription I never got any more information then stated above...




    Also why can't you use share*it? It's according to some price/performance checks not the cheapest but it is the one with the best performance and security! - I used it once for online payment and I really liked it!




    ow and 1 less question: can someone WHO KNOWS IT please answer the first questions? - I really need it and I'm not going to pay anything untill I know 100% of it and I know it's 100% secure.. Therefore it's just too much money!!! - also if you can tell me someone or somewhere where I can ask those questions directly to the runescape staff I'm really happy!




    thanks for reading and sorry from my bad english (it isn't my first language).





  13. not sure where to report bugs so I just post it here!




    well these bugs I noticed after killing some greater demons, they are at the north east corner of the F2P wilderness. There the lava has been redone, as well as some other nice graphics.




    But these new graphics lead to some serious bugs which (for me) are pretty unfair!




    here is a small screenshot (click to enlarge) of the new bugs, below I'll explain it.








    the first bug is that you can't fire any magic attacks over this new lava anymore. Not only it makes it more difficult to defeat lessers, but also it leads to something strange:


    You can't telegrab the 3 nature runes anymore! - You can see this in my picture with "can't reach that" . It happens with the "western/northern" natures.




    The other bugs is that simply 2 natures disappeared, I can't find them anywhere anymore - they have "drowned" in the lava as it seems.




    Did you also encounter these new bugs? and where should I report them?




    Thanks and please tell me what to do now..




    (I really hope this can be fixed otherwise my great source for natures is gone)





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