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Posts posted by pulli23

  1. Lol, these "Randoms aren't random"-topics should be locked, cause RANDOMS ARE RANDOM




    Lol.. #-o




    Lol how wrong can you be??




    Randoms are not random! - the only random thing that currently exists and which people could get is the "spin" of an electron.. and maybe the corresponding "error" in electronic signals..






    But I really doubt jagex is using that to get a random... no they're using a recursive function to generate the randoms instead - which makes it look like "random" things.




    on another note, even randoms can be "counted" and you can draw conclusions about it.. Everybody who has at least a small knowlenge of maths and physics knows the thing about gaussian and binomal distributions.. And you should know that every random has an average, standarddeviation etc..




    Well I think the average depends on the thing (and how long) you've been doing that.. Also if you log in everytime at the same time it seems to give you randoms!

  2. I've always been in favour of second (and third) chances!




    if there is a slight chance of the person don't doing the crime again, don't give him a "dead penalty" (in some old tipit times perm banning was compared with this, and I think it's a very good comparisation).




    a lvl 126 player who autos mostly stops autoing once he gets a warning, they only auto cause they think that they won't get catched.. So once it is made clear that they WILL be catched they will stop autoing immediatelly!

  3. don't want to sound "teaching" or something here..




    but in bbcode - just like in normal HTML code (of which bbcode is based) "every" tag must have a corresponding closing tag...




    so the code would be:






    where the [/url] parts and such are the closing tags..


    Jagex as a company is very responsible over protecting it's community, and so they prefer to keep them in an envrionment where they can be protected, if you look at forum such as this one they are at higher risk.




    Currently they are fairly safe as it's a small community, but by linking people here, you will be left with alot of scammers hackers etc, there is no censor on this forum an that would become a major issue. It would put mass pressure on the sites and will probaly detract from them.




    The runescape site it pratically totaly secure the main point is they dont allow images to be posted, which can contain viruses..... basically there would be much higher levels of peoepl losing accounts.






    just wondering: how are JAGEX responsible for the safety? - it is the users own responsibility I think..




    about censor: well I don't really know if that's really effective, nor do I think it's needed (I mean come on if somebody types some swearing it's about the intention, not the words, so even if they write f*ck it's still the same)!




    also I've never understood how an image can have a virus - apart from "bugs" in the software...

  5. hey I wanted to do barrows again...




    But I'm wondering what setup would fit me best.. here are my current stats:








    I'm wondering what I should wield (and take in inventory)




    current things I'm considering (please tell me if there's even a better way :) ):






    basicly full proselyte + red dhide/whip. This way I'm going to pray at all monsters (maybe partly not at guthans..). Problem with this setup is that I still fail sometimes... Also my ranging is very low so ahrims is hard for me. + this is pretty expensive.




    the other thing I'm considering is:




    basicly mystic (for brothers) + best melee (for caves) + range (for ahrim)


    problem is that I don't know if mystic (with 67 def) can be enough at guthan + torag without pray.. Also it allows me to have less inventory spots..




    anybody got some usefull advice for me here? - also look at my stats please (can't wield black dhide..)




    thanks in advance

  6. well I got stuck in the part where you need to use the fairy rings for the first time!




    my quest journal says (in blue):


    I found a plaque with some strange inscription on, near the mysterious runes of zanaris. Maybe I can use it to decode the message I found on the certificate, which seems quite important. - I should keep it with me




    now according to tip.it quest guide I should go to the fairy ring and enter the codes... However I'm unable to do so, it keeps telling "I don't know what you thought would happen, but whatever it was, it didn't" :( - what am I doing wrong??

  7. well this just encoutered a few minuts ago.. I was runecrafting on a german world but wanted to go back to a normal world so I could trade..




    However when I tried to load the world select page (you can't quick select on a german server), it couldn't load the runescape site!




    trying to go to runescape.com doesn't work.. This is very strange since I can still load the world I was playing (by pressing 'back'). However any thing else from runescape doesn't load.




    anybody else has the same problem and knows how to fix it??




    EDIT: problems seems to be fixed right now... strange...

  8. I've done a simple whois on the links they'll most likely have, and a whois returns that they are registered with JAGEX (the DNS that is), however they are "offline". Also if you type the link to those world directly, you will notice that it tries to load SOMETHING, but the connection won't be resolved.








    btw this is the most likely link for w49: http://ams199.runescape.com/l1,p0,j0








    ow and w22 is only removed a short time ago (I do remember it being offline...)

  9. well you can read here about the 403-forbidden error... (google is your friend :P)








    If it comes when you connect to the mainpage of runescape something certainly wrong! However this happens since the last update also when you try to load a world directly (ie when using a world switcher or bookmarks).












    If you think that the Web URL *should* be accessible to all and sundry on the Internet and you have not recently changed anything fundamental in your Web site setup, then an 403 message indicates a deeper problem. The first thing you can do is check your URL via a Web browser. This browser should be running on a computer to which you have never previously identified yourself in any way, and you should avoid authentication (passwords etc.) that you have used previously. Ideally all this should be done over a completely different Internet connection to any you have used before (e.g. a different ISP dial-up connection). In short, you are trying to get the same behaviour a total stranger would get if they surfed the Internet to your Web page URL.








    If this type of browser check indicates no authority problems, then it is possible that your Web server (or surrounding systems) have been configured to disallow certain patterns of HTTP traffic. In other words, HTTP communication from a well-known Web browser is allowed, but automated communication from other systems is rejected with an 403 error code. This is unusual, but may indicate a very defensive security policy around your Web server.




    This part looks like what happens to you... Epecially since JAGEX tries to remove third party (or a better better word is "not well-known", since the runescape site never defines when a browser is deemed third party...) browsers!

  10. I did a couple of CW games today and 1 time a strange thing happened. Nothing really exciting, but still worth posting :P...












    I won the game, but instead of being teleported to the "public" room I was teleported to the waiting room again! - But I still won, which resulted in me having tickets in the waiting room :).












    ^^ there you see, I wield 2 tickets..

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