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Posts posted by pulli23

  1. well if your parents don't want to see you playing it, you're limited to cash payments (note that I recommend a "cheque" {not sure what the actual english name is} )




    Also paybycash is cheaper than paybyphone (and for me waiting a week isn't a real problem - your membership starts at the moment the payment is recieved!)

  2. well I think a row is a waste of money..




    cause if you die it can only happen cause you're teleblocked, else you can always click your 1 click teleport.




    And if you're tbed your row won't safe you either, so I think it's a useless piece of armor and a certain 10K extra loss when pked.






    erh, is the row here the ring of wealth? how then is it an armour?




    ment rol lol.. sorry for the "typo" (ment a ring of life, which I count as "armor" :P)

  3. well I think a row is a waste of money..




    cause if you die it can only happen cause you're teleblocked, else you can always click your 1 click teleport.




    And if you're tbed your row won't safe you either, so I think it's a useless piece of armor and a certain 10K extra loss when pked.

  4. quick picture of my equipment:








    basicly a best as possible mage defense..




    black dhide, bear helmet, mind shield, mith pick (less weight), spottier cape, lightning boots and a glory ><




    in inventory I have all possible pouches, + tiny elf crystal for quick tele (I prefer tiny elf crystal over ectophial cause in case I die of poison I still have a spare 1 in bank to tele back to lletya)

  5. Sadly he is the lowest master but he's the ONLY one that'll change your task.Also he wont change any task he assigns himself.




    I.E. You get 160 Desert Lizards from Chaeldar, Turael will not change it as he assigns those too.








    this is untrue! - it will assign tasks it gives itself, hwoever not if it actually gave it himself..

  6. There are keyloggers out there that take pictures when you click, so that's probably how they got your pin.




    though they do lag your computer a real bit - they have to sent the "vid" to the main "server" the whole time.. So anyone who watches his up/downstream a bit would see such a thing happening. - Also they would generally use about 1-10 MB of ram making it spottable when watching your ram. (opposed to virusses/trojans which just store key(strokes) and use 100-1000 BYTE)




    Bottom line: know your own pc, know what's running on it!




    ow and about your story: Well maybe this helps you I was hacked too at the start of this summer... Now I'm back up to 10M already again - and I'm aiming for 91 runecrafting which I should get by christmas this year!


    It's not that hard to come back, and it's actually pretty funny to earn everything back. You can be happy again when you can afford a dds, then your first glory etc, etc..




    just let fun lay in the way you get the money, not the actual money!

  7. polished buttons are untradable - normal ones are.. and I believe the ham guards give normal buttons (you have to use something on them to make them polished, dont know what anymore)




    you can also start big-net-fishing.. though hams are the easiest ones (ow and 15 thieving is easy to get)

  8. well I knw for a fact that if you log out accidentally by using "backspace" key or something like that (to go to the previous page).. You log out in 60 seconds - even if you're still fighting! (this happened to me lots and lots of times since I tend to browse forums/do other stuff while playing RS..)

  9. Thanks Tmottbg that helps a little.




    Although even they are slightly off.




    If i can work out the exact time which i know to be 23 minute and a number a seconds i can then use the equation off each player in a server Minuses the time it takes by 0.33 seconds. thats why im looking for the EXACT time. Although that does still help me a fair bit.






    wait you do have a formula to get the respawn time when there aer X players in the world.


    If you have - you only need to revert the formula using basic mathimatics..

  10. well I do have a suggestion..




    But it's a rather big one, something which would certainly attract many clans, but would require lots and lots of work - I don't even expect it to be here :P.




    anybody plays UTassault? - well something like done at their site: http://utassault.net/leagues/index.php?leagueid=1 would be cool to have.




    If tipit would create such a tournament (it doen't even have to have a rating/ranking function and stuff like that) and would allow the the results to be at a sub page from the homepage instead of somewhere burrowed in the forums, it would attract many clans!

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