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Posts posted by pulli23

  1. Work for more cash, then buy the whip. Afterwards, use nooby armor like d-skirt, guthans body, neitznot helm, defender.


    Sorry for being mean, but maybe you should spend the 5 bucks on a dictionary >_>


    Wtf? Maybe you should spend your time helping than flameing because either you stink at reading/comprehension or your a real jerk.


    I've seen much worse, and his grammar is just fine, only errors i see are a few missing e's.


    EDIT: and don't start getting practical about his "bcuz" and "ne", maybe he likes typeing that way?

    cant get a neitznot helm or guthans plate and do u get a defender from the warriors guild?


    I meant guthans body as in the barrows armor. Its really cheap and its one of the best def bonus of the barrows, this includes dharoks body etc, but those are more expensive. I suggest getting the neitznot helmet, both frem quests are easy and not much hassle, its also free once you finish the quest. Defender, yes, from warrior's guild.


    It isn't free (the neitiznot helmet): you get 1 during the quest afterwards you can buy more for 50K (if you loose it)

  2. woodcutting, as in maples?


    You do know that maples makes you lose money right... like, 46gp in the G.E. and your kingdom makes them for 56.1gp...


    U'd only be able to replace your money and gain a profit more than fishing if you got a magic seed every 2 days. Which never happens...


    Did you download the sheet or even read the last few notes?




    Of course woodcutting looses money: but with some extensive research I've done (4 months worth of data with 10 people on woodcutting). I've been able to calculate pretty accurately the rate in which you get seeds... And those make up for a lot! (they earn when putting 5 people on woodcutting around 40K a day, so a loss of 8k daily can be easily "removed").


    Yes, i read the entire thing. I just don't trust it because i've done my own calculations. ;)


    Anyways, i can't open the spread sheet, my winzip evaluation thing ran out.


    Fishing does better, because it gets tons of gems and half keys aren't uncommon. Maybe as frequent as magic seeds you get from Maples.


    EDIT: Could you make the spreadsheet .rar? :-#


    wow: I was being rude there :shame: .. Sorry just so many times I see people answering to my suggestions/tutorials who obviously not read it that I'm just so easily annoyed.


    hmm yeah, you might be right. - Didn't really check everything you could collect with fishing very well.. (from others I heard it was neglectable, so I put an avarage of 300 gp each special).


    My own experience (I did a 10flax/5fishing for the last 2 weeks) has been a bit better indeed: I'm currently researching the fishing, expecting results in 2 months.


    rarred version


    7z-ed version




    Anyways: in the columns under priceinput sheet you can change the behaviour: for example change M,N and O row 4 and 5 to:


    casket 300 0.5


    halfkeyloop 8000 0.05


    boot 300 0.2


    gloves 250 0.2


    clue 0 0.05


    and dragging column P down would indeed make fishing better.




    I would love to get a better view of the rewards on fishing! (and also mining: make some guesses there too based on very little data/2nd hand information)

  3. I don't see why people are so hyped about a runecrafting guild. I mean lets face it runescape guilds are completely rubbish.




    The hardest two to get into are probably the mage guild and warriors guild and even they take little effort.




    The only guilds that always have people there are the fishing guild - simply because its a noob free version of cathurby whihc people eventualy leave when they realise monkfish are so much better and the mage guild whihc has people in for seconds as they mine ess via it




    Arguably mining, heroes and legends also have some use to them, but its rarely flooded with people just the odd meandering person




    While champions, prayer, cooking, ranged and crafting are completely void of use.




    Jagex needs to wake up a realise firstly a guild needs to be an actually achievement to get into not something in the low 50s - 60s and secondly that having earned acces to a guild it should be USEFUL and better than or equal to the other training methods.




    I mean the mining guild would be infinitely improved by the addition of a bank


    The crafting guild needs a bank, access to the cows from inside the guild and a larger mine to make using it worthwhile


    Prayer needs a way to actually train prayer rather than jsut an alater tht gives a 2 prayer point boost


    Cooking needs some form of mini-game or something that gives DECENT xp for cooking








    so everything needs to be very easy?




    I for one like the fact everything has it's downsite: there shouldn't be "1 method is best" like with thieving.




    Also 25-50k xp an hour at high levels is something which is good: mastery of a skill shouldn't be a matter of months, it should take at least 1-2 years in my opinion!

  4. woodcutting, as in maples?


    You do know that maples makes you lose money right... like, 46gp in the G.E. and your kingdom makes them for 56.1gp...


    U'd only be able to replace your money and gain a profit more than fishing if you got a magic seed every 2 days. Which never happens...


    Did you download the sheet or even read the last few notes?




    Of course woodcutting looses money: but with some extensive research I've done (4 months worth of data with 10 people on woodcutting). I've been able to calculate pretty accurately the rate in which you get seeds... And those make up for a lot! (they earn when putting 5 people on woodcutting around 40K a day, so a loss of 8k daily can be easily "removed").

  5. Manage thy kingdom


    Well this is one of these things I spent quite some time on researching.. I'm not a good guide writer, so please excuse me if something is a bit difficult (I;ll gladly explain it more).


    This guide is simply about what the title says: maximizing profits from the ge. Easy enough, or not?




    unlike those 1000's of other guides about money making I made this guide especially to be dynamic: runescape is a dynamic environment and the best profitable thing can change to the biggest money drain ina couple of days.




    So what I made was an excel sheet:






    As usual it's a zip file containing an excel sheet..




    The important (only 1 for now) is the "main" tab.


    In the other tab ("inputprices") you can change the blue fields so they reflect the prices at the ge better. (currently it's the avarage from 20 days at 29-07-08).




    Let me quickly explain all important cells:




    Generally everything is color coded: light blue fields are fields you should fill in, light green are fields with the results. (and white are fields with some other "halfway-results"). Text in light gray you should ignore: these are important values used for calculations.




    Columns S - Y should be ignored at all: changing these will "crash" the sheet probably (as far as something can crash in excel: it will just throw an "#n/a" error).




    B2 "time between upgrading rating": this is the number of days you wait before getting your rating back to 100 again C2 shows the "avarage" rating...


    E2 "starting money": just the money you put in the case at the start of a "period". F2 shows the money taken each day


    H2 "time between gathering": the time you wait before gathering resources (and putting new money back into the case) H4 shows the "minimal ideal ammount": the minimal amount you need to put into the case if you want your workers to keep worker 100% the whole time


    J2 "etceteria done": yes or no - K2 shows the amount of workers you have available


    B-F 6 "amount of workers": put here the amount of workers into each category (resp. woodcutting, fishing, flax, rare woods and mining are supported atm). C4 will show the total amount of workers you gave a job.. If it's higher than the amount of workers you have availabe it will show a warning: however the calculations don't have any problem with that.




    So far the input.. Lost already - Well just open the sheet and play a bit around with the values, shouldn't be too hard? :P


    The rest of the sheet is split into 2 parts.. Which are almost the same but have an important difference between them:


    Row 8-46 Shows the "daily" results: this contains all avarage daily results.


    Row 47-85 Shows the "total" profit you make during the time period (lets say the period is 7 for now).




    -For the explaining I use 10 people on flax and the rest 0, and a "rating upgrade time" of 7 days and a gather period of 14 days, unless of course stated otherwise.- I will call the "daily profits" on top simply "dp" and the "total profit"/number of days (so the real daily profit during the time period) "rp".


    As you will notice The total profitis most of the time not "same" (or like 7 times as much) as the daily profit at column 8. This is caused by 2 "rounding errors" in the daily results.


    The first is easily explained with above setup: DP = 68449.45238 while the RP = 68415.824


    There's a (small) gap of 33 gp. This is caused by a "rounding error" in the number of "specials": when calculating the "DP" I simply take the avarage number of specials you get daily (which is around 2.02 when doing 10 flax).


    However when you collect resources you can't get "half a resource" so in this case we would've collected 28.29 specials, but only get 28 of them: losing 0.29 special. This error will always lower the amount of money you get (since runescape always rounds down): you should try to find a value such that you loose as little as possible...


    Now if we change the gathering time to 10 days we see something different: "RP" is bigger than "DP"! - This is caused by another error: an error in the rating. "DP" simply takes the avarage rating during a "rating round": which is 0.97. However if you update your rating after 7 days the avarage rating at day 10 is slightly higher: 0.973. "RP" takes this also into account, and hence the profit is larger. This problem only occurs if the rate-upgrade-period doesn't fit into the gathering-period. (which isn't the case for 99.9999% of the people I bet). Also will this error always make you "more" profit, the graph at the tab "rating" shows it pretty good: the average rating will drop till the average calculated for "DP" and then go back up, drop again to "DP's" value - go back etc..


    So: why still use "DP"? - Well it's faster + easier to make... But besides that point there's a very specific reason: if you want to compare methods to each other (and say: THIS is the best), you should compare it indepentelly from the gather period etc. - So rounding errors thanks to whole resources this shouldn't be there. So, long story short: Use "DP" if you want to compare methods, use "RP" if you want to guess/plan the real amount of money you will make




    Now to explain those 2 parts, they're generally the same:


    row 9/48 shows the profit you make: the final results you're looking for


    row 11/50 shows the total profit you make in each of the different types (normal and special stuff added together).


    row 14/53 shows the amount of money going into each type


    row 15/54 shows the money you get when selling the non-special resources


    row 16/55 shows the profit from non-special resources. (might be even negative)


    row 17/56 shows the amount of non-special resources you gain.


    row 18-26/57-65 show all non-special resources you gain.


    row 29/68 shows the amount of "specials". - 68 also shows the non-rounded amount


    row 30/69 shows the yield (and also profit) from these specials.


    row 31-46/70-85 show all special resources you gain.




    Well that should show everything you'll ever wanted to know about mtk.. But here some review of the values at 29-07-08


    Going for a 7 day rerate period giving each resource 5 workes makes:


    woodcutting:  33056.76939
    normals:  -6844.919786
      specials:  39901.68917


    	fishing:  32645.19979
    normals:  30973.08168
      specials:  1672.118105


    	   flax:  34224.72619
    normals:  32593.75
      specials:  1630.976188


      rare wood:  807.6808491
    normals:  -2816.257188
      specials:  3623.938037


    	 mining:  27948.12773
    normals:  26359.17031
      specials:  1588.957424




    So as you can see flax at the moment makes the most money. Closely followed by woodcutting and fishing: My set up would be 10 flax, 5 woodcutting. However with woodcutting you depend a lot on the specials (of which I think I have the rates pretty accuratily). So fishing might also be a good alternative. I haven't tested the fishing randoms yet: but I guessed the average "cascet" yields 300 gp...... If it's much more fishing is better, but if it's less woodcutting is definatily better. - Would be kind if someone can give me some help with the randoms here.




    Mining might be an option again if coal hits 210+ for a long time too! (again here the specials are not really good guestimates and help is needed).






    I hope anyone can take his advantage with this sheet, have fun making money!

  6. takes a bit of time to use the carpets too...but your choice.


    Not after you get a slayer ring! Those things rock.




    Good point ::' I wouldn't know because with Duradel the rings are almost completely useless, but there's your answer i guess.




    if you set your house correctly with smoking kills sumona is also very easily to get to..

  7. this is also why there is such a big difference between: noob and newb (newbe)




    Your friend might be asking: when do you stop being a newbe...any good answer to that? anyone?




    Noob and newb are the same thing. Noob in the 1337-Speak version of it however, as it is much faster to type than newb.


    lol actually a typist would find newb easier to type: doing 2 the same letters after each other is considered to be "slow": you have to wait for the fist letter to go up again.

  8. While I was raising my thieving in pyramid plunder I accientally let my energy run out. Once this happened, though, I seemed to loot the urns with much better success than when I did it when I was running, so I decided to look into it.




    I ran 10 trips running and then 10 trips walking. Each trip I looted exactly 20 urns, and recorded the number of times I failed looting an urn. And this was all done on the 71 and 81 rooms, and was all done with 85 thieving. No level ups to intervene. Here are the results:




    Running mess-ups


    1. 8


    2. 15


    3. 10


    4. 9


    5. 4


    6. 16


    7. 7


    8. 22


    9. 10


    10. 19




    Walking mess-ups


    1. 8


    2. 8


    3. 16


    4. 13


    5. 12


    6. 10


    7. 9


    8. 14


    9. 4


    10. 10




    Now, for the averages:




    Running: 12


    Walking: 10




    I don't know if it's just coincidence, but it's definitely enough to convince me to walk from now on ;)




    And also, it would kind of make sense. When you're running you're hasty and trying to get to the destination as fast as possible, but when you're walking you're calm and taking your time. Which you can't be hasty when trying to steal something :P








    uhm before reporting something as a fact you're always supposed to calculate the standarddeviation (S)..




    If the sum in S is bigger than the difference between the avarages than the results are wothless. - This is one of the very basic things you learn when doing science.




    I don't even have to calculate S in this case: I can easily see it's more than 1 (probably something like 2-3). This makes the results pointless. You would need at least 50 tests to draw any conclusions..

  9. So I was doing the fight caves today.. got all great (really easy) till wave 52.. but then something strange happened:




    the level 180, 360 and 90 all spawned at the "middle" point. I tried to lure the 180 away (which was not that hard) - but then accidentally engaged the lv 90 with melee.. and the lv 360 koed me (39,39 and I was gone).




    The 180 got off pretty soon so I started to "run"..




    However how do I get the level 90 and 360 away from each other, so I can safely engage the lv 90 with my guthans?

  10. The sure fire way to get a price rise is to create a thread like this. I will be off to the GE myself and start buying a few thousand nats now that you say they are so low in price. I will not be the only one and hey presto let us see if the price has not risen 1 week from now. (I might be wrong though).


    Natures will always be in high demand as mage levelling is done most efficiently with them so the price drop is probably just a temporary thing.


    I doubt it is temporary: who wants a mage level nowadays? - I certainly don't, ranging is in all cases much more efficient and I got myself a high enough level already to use all teleports (apart from ancients/lunar, but without high alch tabs I'm not going on ancients nor lunars anytime soon).

  11. Doubling's still alright:




    Current Pure Essence Price: 153


    Current Nature Rune Price 2x: 494


    Profit: 341




    Now, that profit is profit per pure essence (NOT nature rune); I can probably craft around 2K pure essence an hour, which makes almost 700K an hour. It's not bad still, but it was a lot better in the past.




    If your law prices are correct, laws are the way to go. More XP and a higher profit is a win win situation.




    allow FTP to mine pure essence?


    That would still cause price drops, just in rune essence this time; this would still cause players to lose money. There's no real solution to the differences in the essences that I can see of that doesn't hurt some players in some way. I think it's left best unchanged anyway.




    One idea that may help lower prices (this isn't my idea) is to increase the mining XP given from mining pure essence. It would encourage people to mine it, bringing more into the economy, which should cause the prices to drop somewhat. Whether it would have a lasting effect, I dunno.


    There is a solution and that's something people often forget: every update to runecrafting (which makes it 'easier') will lower the price of runes and make essence more valuable..




    However there is a reason the price crashed: what's the use of runes nowadays? - what's the use of a high magic level? - All boss-monsters (and basically most other monsters) can be done just as good - and often better and more cheaply using ranging! THere has to come a very, very big update in MAGIC to restore runecrafting to it's former glory. Magic has to become usefull in a combat way: and magic in a way that uses runes..

  12. Okay well i dont know wether any1 else has noticed but easter eggs were about 7mil right when they cme out, their prices has dropped down to about 5.5mil now. Isnt it to risky to buy Seasonal items then?




    uhm they were free when they came out..




    However the "ge-update" (or actually: the removal of f2p and hence the big-leave of merchanters who were cashing-in their rares) together with a few new high-priced items (gs's) made rares fall a lot.




    For the lesser rares (which can adept to changes much faster), I think they're about to hit the "bottom": you can see that as the godswords start to drop in price meaning there are "less high -priced items".. So investing in those might be a "safe" investment now.. (though I doubt they start to raise soon)




    Also with the slowness of the GE seasonal price rises are almost impossible: rares are bound to 1 update each month..

  13. I've got a buddy who wants 99 magic, he's at 91, about 200k from 92. He's been alching from 85-91, but he's looking for a faster way to hit 99 than that. He's a rune miner and he's been actually making money "alching" because he mines rune while he alchs, so he's got a decent bit of money I think, but still probably under 10m. I hear maging metals is good and you can make at least some of the money back...bursting rock lobsters is also an option, but very expensive and he doesn't really like summoning...so, any other ideas? Thanks everyone.






    Go play cw with ancients? - Really fun!


    Go ancienting at zombie monkies (amazing xp but very expensive)


    Do barrows (slow)


    Go DK'ing (slow)..






    Basicallyalching is the fastest way to go (that's also the main reason it's so expensive). Well only teleporting/ancients can beat alching in xp/h

  14. Well I believe you can do the fight caves pretty efficiently with guthans + rune cbow (instead of a crystal bow etc)..




    But I'm wondering, which bolts would I use (I think diamond? - but aren't addy enough?), and how many would generally be good?




    btw I'm 80 ranged atm..

  15. maybe you should read the knowlenge database before asking?




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    If you find that someone is abusing a chat channel, and you have the privilege, you can 'kick' them from the chat. To do this, right-click on the player's name and select 'Kick'. This will drop them from the channel and prevent them from joining again for one hour. You can only kick a player with a lower rank than yourself - the owner ranks above everyone in this regard.




    Note that if everyone leaves the chat channel, then all 'kicks' will be lifted and those players will be able to join again.




    If you'd like to keep someone from joining your chat channel, you can place them on your ignore list. This will prevent them from ever joining your clan chats. If you wish to allow them to enter again, simply remove them from your ignore list.

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