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Everything posted by x_Mindless_x

  1. Why do you think that Jagex stopped dropping rares in the first place? :?
  2. What is this? The fifth thread in 10 minutes that people have turned down?
  3. HP should heal at the same rate as everybody else. There should never be any level for this. By the way, I really hope you haven't been sending all these ideas to Jagex :lol:
  4. Yes and while level 50 members are trying to walk to castle wars, they can get slaughtered by level 80 mages. What do you mean by regular members? Members get updates almost every week! Is that not enough for you? Honestly. Don't be greedy
  5. I've said it to you before, and I'm not saying it again :evil:
  6. It's idea that would be good... For a day. Then people would start complaining about how bad it is just like the dragon 2H
  7. Thats a really thought out idea. One sentence suggestion.. Put thought into you posts before you click the submit button :roll:
  8. Any idiot can create a new item out of an already made material. It's like suggesting a dragon pickaxe. It's been said. It's not original.
  9. Im a level 71 combat (all from melee). I found it boring so now I'm going for 50 magic... Currently half way through 40.. My fist blast is going to be soon 8)
  10. If you had your public chat turned to off, all messages would be blocked. Same with friends chat. By the way, what happened to the rules that Jagex put down? We will never ask you for your password and stuff :wink: Only idiots fall for that stuff. I guess its just as bad when people come up to you and say that
  11. I should cut willows there :o I dont need the logs, so I'd just sell them at the general store :D
  12. This would just push more people away from FM. They don't do it now, so why would they do it when it can nearly kill them?
  13. Can somebody please post some pictures of the new grahpics on high detail?
  14. I was thinking 10 at the most. 5 seems a wee bit too little
  15. Then we have two randoms doing the exact same thing. Only one is from a drop (random) and the other shows up randomly :?
  16. Ok let me add to my post. Idiots who download third party items. They are still idiots for downloading that stuff, going to those sites etc.
  17. But I just don't see why Jagex keeps you out of contact from friends while they are offline
  18. Seems kind of unfair. A regular player with 98 str must train and train and train for 99 str. If another 98 str player gets that drop, its a free ticket and gets you out of work.
  19. No matter what you create, they will always shout out their password at every chance
  20. That made so much sense I think it's going to blow my mind :shock:
  21. People in SF are getting screwed over so badly :D
  22. Sometimes when I find a seller for my wood on the forums, they aren't on all the time. Maybe we live in different time zones, I'm not sure. But when they're offline, I have no way of sending them a message or contacting them in any way. I think that you should be able to send messages and have them stored for the person that you sent it to. You could have an option in your player menu that would show how many messages you have. Tell me what you think
  23. Either the last one got locked, got lost way down the list, another person is copying the idea, or the same owner made some changes, this is the exact same thing as a thread almost 3 months ago
  24. Now thats funny :lol: But that would take money away from us players who work for our raw materials to sell to players
  25. Who bumped this? Wasn't it page 3 or something?
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