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Posts posted by Ss_J9_Goten

  1. Brilliant logic there Ray. You do realise though that America is NTSC only? As in, they don't have access to PAL unless they import it?




    If it's bothering you so much, maybe you should develop a fix ;)

  2. You know, one could say that America is Canada's [wagon] (or toilet, whatever you prefer).




    That would be Mexico. And Central America is the pipeline leading to the sewer, South America.




    So the map actually looks like this, huh.




    [hide=America doesn't exist]americadoesntexist.png[/hide]

  3. Guys, I think I need help.




    In the last 2 weeks I have bought 8 games, not including expansions. Curse those infernal two for one deals!




    Anyways, the games I bought;


    F.E.A.R (including Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate expansions)




    Ghost Recon (including Desert and Island Thunder)


    Age of Empires 3


    Frontlines: Fuel of War


    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (including Shiver Isles but not Knights of the Nine. It would have cost me double just for that :()


    NeverWinter Nights 2


    Assassin's Creed




    I finished the campaign on Frontlines, been playing AoE mostly since as I keep getting random freeze-ups on Oblivion.

  4. For certain programs, the laptop keys don't work. When I was running dosbox, for example, hitting backslash entered an end bracket, and in Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (with the Shivering Isles expansion), neither the ~ or ' keys work (as in hitting them doesn't do anything).




    DosBox had a workaround, but as far as I can tell I can't do the same with Oblivion. I tried on-screen keyboard, but I couldn't use that while the game was running. Is there a solution? Or are those keys supposed to be disabled in Oblivion? OS is Vista Home Premium (32 bit I think).

  5. I like metal, but not any specific genre. Iron Maiden (Mostly Paul Di'annio era), Dream Theater, Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Dragonforce (here come the flames...)




    Through the fire and the flames shall you carry on.




    I've been listening to Burzum recently (haven't got DSEV yet though). It's good for the most part, but songs like Tomhet and Rundtgaing...oh dear.




    Don't really have a favourite genre, I usually just listen to whatever I'm in the mood for.

  6. The more swiss cheese there is, the more holes there are.


    The more holes there are, the less cheese there is.


    Therefore, the more cheese there is, the less cheese there is.




    Not so much a paradox as bad logic :P

  7. If you disregard something cause it's not necessary you may as well be a hermit.


    Slicing off your arm to please a crazed family of nine? Not necessarily necessary.




    Maybe not necessary, but it could be fun. You should try it.

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