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Posts posted by Ss_J9_Goten

  1. Oh yeah, also, try "Veni, vidi, veni."


    I came. I saw. I came. ? :-k Don't get the "nastiness" about it. Is my mind so naive? Does Zonorhc such a tainted one?




    Came is another word for ejaculated.




    How about "*Your phone number* Call me?"

  2. I'd say go with Zen. I've had two; the first one broke, because I kept dropping it. Fortunately I was able to trade it in for store credit, and upgraded to a far better model for $20 extra (photos, videos, colour screen, 10 more gigabytes of space). I keep dropping my new one, but it hasn't crapped out...yet.




    The only things then Zen hasn't got going for it are the headphones and customer service. I've had three pairs of Zen headphones (admittedly, the first broke because a computer chair rolled over them) and all three have crapped out on me. The first pair (before they were crushed) stopped working in the left headphone, same goes for my next two pairs.




    The customer service was not very good in my opinion; ~two months spent e-mailing them for help, only for them to say "Sorry, can't help."




    So I'd definitely recommend Zen, just get a decent pair of headphones and try not to use customer support. Honestly, it was almost as bad as Telstra.

  3. My school won't sell soda but it will sell Powerade.




    My school forbade us (students) to sell coke because it was 'unhealthy' when they've got coke vending machines all over the school and several canteens that sell coke >.<

  4. [hide=Clickedy Quotes]

    Jagex can't do anything about the gold farmers. The gold farmers aren't even against the rules. Macros are against the rules however gold farmers ,although they are where real world trading companies get the runescape cash from, are still controlled by real people so jagex cannot ban gold farmers.




    Actually, JagEx can do whatever the hell they want, its their game. Maybe your suggesting they shouldn't, but the EULA (End User License Agreement) you signed to play the game says that they can if they feel like it. See, if you read the EULA you find out your just renting the account per see. JagEx actually owns your account and everything in it, so they can tell you your not allowed to sell it to somebody else, just like you cant sell a car with a lease on it without the bank's/dealers permission.




    The reason for this is simple. In the real world, if you give/sell someone something there are no take backs. It would be theft to take a gold farmers account if they owned it, but JagEx owns it and has dictated the terms under which they may use it. But if you rent it to them (which is what JagEx is doing), you can take it back whenever the conditions of the license are violated. If they conditions are not violated you cannot take it back, but as soon as they are you can legally take it.




    Of course they can ban them legally without any reason, however they wouldn't be able to accuse them of breaking any rules making jagex seem a little hypocritical since jagex banned a player when technically they were never breaking any rules (Jagex said they would always have proof of a rule broken for banning an account). And I don't like or dislike goldfarmers because not all of them work for real world item trading companies




    Actually, Goldfarmers are breaking the rules; Real World Trading and (possibly) interaction between accounts. They are collecting money to sell, correct? And don't Jagex specifically state in their rules that it is illegal to trade RuneScape goods for real world goods? Also, if they are gathering the GP for themselves (not to sell) then they would be giving the money to their main, which would be interaction between their accounts. So there is no hypocrisy whatsoever. And they have reason to accuse them.




    Here are the rules, taken from the website:




    Can I give items to another player from one of my accounts, so that they can then give the items to another character that I play?






    No, this goes against the rule. You may not transfer items between your accounts in any way.




    RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game.




    Exchanging RuneScape items for items or other benefits in other online games, real-life money or other real-life benefits is not allowed.




    The gold farmers can just collect money and give it to someone else in the company to sell to the customer. The specific gold farming account is not real world item trading and is interacting with someone elses account;thus not breaking any rules. And what about real players that do nothing but make money and does not break any rules?





    Well that depends; are they getting paid for it? I assume that you're talking about the gold farmers who get paid to collect the RuneScape gp. If they are indeed the ones you are talking about, then they are breaking the rules. They are receiving real world money for the gp they collect, thus breaking rule 12.

  5. Who are we to say what the motives of the individuals in charge are?




    The customers. Without us, they'd be out of jobs. So, in the end, it is really us who are in charge.




    Whell, what if Andrew said "I' ve had enough of all this whining and ranting about everything!!! I don' t need this, I can share all the money with my workers and I' m done!!!"




    It' s them. How would you feel if you just want to make people happy, and then comes a brat, thinkig a slash in a zero is worse than starving families...




    Besides, it IS their job, but they can quit anytime they want. But so can you members :twisted:




    Then he'd stop making money. Sure, he can live off the money he's made, but the employees can't. Without us, they'd be out of jobs. And I'm sure Andrew wouldn't do that.




    There has been a trend recently, that Jagex have been satisfying the customers wants; high levels complain that they get no updates, so they receive a string of updates to keep them happy. Jagex decide to listen to players, and make small updates based off the suggestions forums.




    So ultimately it's us who are in charge.

  6. Never called him a scammer you illiterate tard


    I lol'ed, yet again. Aren't you the funny one?


    Yes, you did called him a scammer, first contradiction. "Omgzz you idiot, "rip off" doesn't mean "scam"!" And the irony, you then call me an illiterate "tard". Oh lovely, one single sentence displaying so much intelligence, I'm speechless. No need to go any further, everyone is already dazzled by your sparkling intelligence, one more divine word and I shall cumble in bliss into oblivion.




    Sorry, but he's right. Scamming means tricking someone. In this case, ripping off means he is buying for lower than they could get if they knew what they were, but they are WILLINGLY selling for that price. And in future, don't go on, and on, and on. It makes you look like more of an idiot than previously thought.


    Dont be such an idiot, you interpretated "rip off" the way that best served your interest. Look it up in a dictionary, they both mean the same thing; a swindle. "Omgzz don't continue, you look like an idiot!" Wanna know whos looking like an idiot, you, for continuing something that was already over, 123 didn't respond, it was over, and you are the one that brought that up again, just go away and leave it there.




    Why don't you heed your own advice, and stop being such an idiot? And what if you interpreted 'rip off' the way that served you best, hmm? I interpreted it the way 123Yourgone said it. 'Omgzz! Lets use internet slang to make someone look like an idiot! Lawlzzz!'. It wasn't over; just because he hadn't answered does not mean he wouldn't answer, and guess what? He DID answer.




    So you are indeed the one who looks like an idiot.

  7. Never called him a scammer you illiterate tard


    I lol'ed, yet again. Aren't you the funny one?


    Yes, you did called him a scammer, first contradiction. "Omgzz you idiot, "rip off" doesn't mean "scam"!" And the irony, you then call me an illiterate "tard". Oh lovely, one single sentence displaying so much intelligence, I'm speechless. No need to go any further, everyone is already dazzled by your sparkling intelligence, one more divine word and I shall cumble in bliss into oblivion.




    Sorry, but he's right. Scamming means tricking someone. In this case, ripping off means he is buying for lower than they could get if they knew what they were, but they are WILLINGLY selling for that price. And in future, don't go on, and on, and on. It makes you look like more of an idiot than previously thought.

  8. When you say 'oneshot' do you mean a one hit kill? If so, no matter how rare an occurrence, I think it's a bad idea.




    What do you mean about tripling range? Do you mean level, max hit, etc.? If either of those, it's also a bad idea, as it raise the max hits too high.




    Making someone incapable of combat for 100 seconds is far too much for my liking. Maybe 15 seconds max.

  9. now maybe, i just hate them so much because i hate emos so much, i dont know, maybe its because im into good music, but either way, they arnt that good




    What you perceive as good music may be considered to be horrible by others (as evidenced by your Cannibal Corpse topic). So I ask you this: what makes your music 'good' music and My Chemical Romance bad?




    And hating someone for what they choose to be is repulsive.




    Personally, I really like Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, I haven't got The Black Parade, but I'm not really liking the singles. Welcome to the Black Parade is good, Famous Last Words is alright as long as I don't listen to it very often, as is Teenagers, but I really did not like I Don't Love You.

  10. There's this guy at my old school who had to do a speech in front of several hundred people, including the Headmaster. He's notorious for having testi-pops all the time, and he had got through most of his speech without a single testi-pop. Sure enough, last 20 seconds of his speech, and one of the biggest testi-pops he has ever had hits him, and everyone laughed. Even the Headmaster, who pointed while he laughed :XD:




    If anyone gives you grief, just laugh it off. It'll stop eventually. Hopefully.

  11. Glue a piece of paper on the inside of your shirt with the stuff you don't remember on it. Not hard.




    And get caught looking down your shirt?


    "What on earth are you doing?"


    "Umm, ahh...Checking for diseases!"




    "What are you doing?"


    "Checking out mah pex!"

  12. Thats mean, lol i would give someone 4 hides if i was there, and you wasent begging you asked and he was started being greedy and mean.




    Im with you, before ppl was nice and gave away stuff (a lvl 75 gave me some mith and addy stuff to me when i was lvl 30-40), now if u ask for something free they just get greedy or rude.




    Oh, geez, we should have realised everyone has to give people free stuff when they ask! God, we're so stupid! Not to mention selfish! Well, better give away my entire bank, because I see some people asking for free stuff!




    And who's to say the OP wasn't greedy or rude? He couldn't be bothered to scrounge for 8k to pay for the hides, and because of this someone should give away their earnings? They weren't rude in any way, and the OP as good as called them selfish because they wouldn't give him their hides.




    Asking for free stuff is begging. Sure, slap on the label 'asking', he was begging. What separates him from the Lumbridge poor? A few words. That's all the difference.

  13. Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




    Oh yeah, who cares about honouring their advertisers? Who cares if they signed an agreement and part of that agreement ensured that the ads would be viewable? Who cares if it's just a rule? Who cares if their advertising gets pulled because of it?


    f2p has adverts? i think i accidently blocked adds coz i never see them on my f2p pure =X








    You should probably stop blocking them.

  14. Jagex can't do anything about the gold farmers. The gold farmers aren't even against the rules. Macros are against the rules however gold farmers ,although they are where real world trading companies get the runescape cash from, are still controlled by real people so jagex cannot ban gold farmers.




    Actually, JagEx can do whatever the hell they want, its their game. Maybe your suggesting they shouldn't, but the EULA (End User License Agreement) you signed to play the game says that they can if they feel like it. See, if you read the EULA you find out your just renting the account per see. JagEx actually owns your account and everything in it, so they can tell you your not allowed to sell it to somebody else, just like you cant sell a car with a lease on it without the bank's/dealers permission.




    The reason for this is simple. In the real world, if you give/sell someone something there are no take backs. It would be theft to take a gold farmers account if they owned it, but JagEx owns it and has dictated the terms under which they may use it. But if you rent it to them (which is what JagEx is doing), you can take it back whenever the conditions of the license are violated. If they conditions are not violated you cannot take it back, but as soon as they are you can legally take it.




    Of course they can ban them legally without any reason, however they wouldn't be able to accuse them of breaking any rules making jagex seem a little hypocritical since jagex banned a player when technically they were never breaking any rules (Jagex said they would always have proof of a rule broken for banning an account). And I don't like or dislike goldfarmers because not all of them work for real world item trading companies




    Actually, Goldfarmers are breaking the rules; Real World Trading and (possibly) interaction between accounts. They are collecting money to sell, correct? And don't Jagex specifically state in their rules that it is illegal to trade RuneScape goods for real world goods? Also, if they are gathering the GP for themselves (not to sell) then they would be giving the money to their main, which would be interaction between their accounts. So there is no hypocrisy whatsoever. And they have reason to accuse them.




    Here are the rules, taken from the website:




    Can I give items to another player from one of my accounts, so that they can then give the items to another character that I play?






    No, this goes against the rule. You may not transfer items between your accounts in any way.




    RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game.




    Exchanging RuneScape items for items or other benefits in other online games, real-life money or other real-life benefits is not allowed.

  15. Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




    Oh yeah, who cares about honouring their advertisers? Who cares if they signed an agreement and part of that agreement ensured that the ads would be viewable? Who cares if it's just a rule? Who cares if their advertising gets pulled because of it?

  16. Easy solution- Mine your own essence, and don't use runners. If you really want to get runecrafting levels, craft something like bodies or fires. They give more exp for your money. also, were have you seen people selling for 13g-14g ea regularly? I usually see them selling for about 16g ea..


    Thus, if essence is 25g ea, then 1k essence equals 25k, right? If you can craft just 3 airs per ess, selling them at around 15g ea, then you'll double your initial money. I really don't see the problem, sorry..




    In his case, it's more about the fast exp than the total exp he gets from the essence. In keeping with this theory, it would seriously hinder his exp gain to be mining his own essence. I don't buy or sell airs so I can't really comment on the market.




    However, he also has to pay his runners in order to keep up his xp/h rate, and at 2k + ess per trade (I think each trade is 25 ess) that's 80k given to runners on top of the 25k he paid for the essence. In order to make his money back (break even) he has to be 77 Runecrafting (at 14gp per air). That's a pretty tall order.




    If only you could form a Union. That would be totally sweet.

  17. The advertising in f2p, at best, allows them to break even, or sustain f2p. The reason they introduced members in the first place was so that they could sustain the game, as the advertising at the time wasn't enough.




    Now they couldn't sustain the game on ad money alone; think of all their employees, some who would most definitely get the sack because Jagex can't support their salaries - the game would suffer from this, as there would be less people on content, less customer support - which is bad enough as it is-, less doing the administration tasks of the business - basically, the game suffers.




    Not to mention the fact the Gower's have to make money to pay for cars, houses, food, booze, etc. So it would be quite impossible to run the game on ad money. Besides, it would be a right slap in the face to members if all the content they paid for suddenly became available to everyone.

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