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  1. svk

    Spring Break

    I'm going to write a 50+ page report on how not to ask a girl out. I will also include several appendices in which I plan to: [*:2dy958fe] statistically examine the validity of the logistic rumor spread model and argue against its applicability to the aforementioned class of scenarios, [*:2dy958fe] propose an eight step rejection rationalization procedure, aiming for minimal involvement of substance abuse, and [*:2dy958fe] contemplate various channels of nonphysical retribution, including legal recourse, and/or bulk mailings of various suggestive paraphernalia via the postal system. Whooo!!!! Wild!!!
  2. svk


    I am going off to college in a month, and I absolutely MUST quit. I intend to take my studies seriously, and I cannot be bothered by video games. So here's the question: HOW???? You must understand what I'm going through before you make suggestions. You must understand how much blood and sweat I've put into my character. I've had it for 7 years now, I think. To put it in perspective, I'm going off to college in a month, but I had my character since I was in elementary school! I've gone through puberty with this character! I've redefined my entire structure of core values and beliefs a dozen times while I was with this character! I've went from being a gangsta, to being the loser kid, to geek, to musician, to the "angel kid", and back again, and forth again -- all while I had this stinking character! I think I've outgrown the game, in a way -- I haven't logged in for 6 months (until today), and the game just doesn't appeal to me anymore. But I haven't outgrown my character. In a way, it sort of became an extension of my physical self, not so much because the game is awesome or addictive, but simply as a consequence of having spent so much time with it. Do you see the problem? I can't just.... QUIT. I may have outgrown the game, but I haven't outgrown the character -- in a way, it sort of became an extension of my physical self, if only as a consequence of me having spent so much of my most formative years with it. I can't... just.... QUIT. I struggle to make a comparison... it's like -- Hey, did any of you write or draw stuff in notebooks or on paper when you were kids? Do you still have some of the stuff you wrote or drew when you were, say, ten years old? Do you look through it every now and then? Isn't it some of the most idiotic stuff you've ever read? But you can't just throw it away, now, can you? Can't just throw it in the fire, can you? No. It's like burning a part of your past -- you burn with it. So you save it. You keep it in piles, and you pray to dear god that your mommy, or your big brother, won't ever look through it, because that would be, oh so embarrassing! But kind of cute, too. Isn't it? Aw, look at that picture you drew of Sparky. Ew, is his tail growing out of his leg? Oh, but it's so adorable! If only that old dog was still around... Read between my figurative comparisons and see what I'm REALLY saying: just quitting, or just changing the password to something I won't remember, or just locking myself out of my account would be a very disappointing finish. It's like burning your notebooks from youth. How do I quit so that I wouldn't feel bad? How do I give my character the "burial" he deserves? How do I surgically remove this physical extension of self in an "honorable" way? How do I finish this "chapter", so to speak, and give it a sense of finality, a sense of closure, so that both me and my mind will agree that it's completely over? JaGeX has stepped out of its way to make this procedure as difficult as it could be. [*:2myo6qgq] No unbalanced trading: I can't just give my wealth away. [*:2myo6qgq] I heard they took precautions against drop trading? So I can't just drop everything I own? [*:2myo6qgq] No more player killing? Since when!? There's only the so-called "Bounty Hunter", but they wouldn't let me take coins or iron bars in there. [*:2myo6qgq] Giving my account away is illegal... Great. Please advise.
  3. Bullies!? Fights!? What are you people talking about!? High school is all about hardcore late night cram sessions, grades (particularly of the borderline variety), class rank, and a 3-digit number which you should worship daily: your GPA. Nothing else will matter in 10 years. But since you asked, allow me to give you a High School Survival Guide. 1. Keep a hit list. Keep it constantly updated. Do not store your hit list in a publicly accessible location, such as your locker (no, there is nothing "secure" or "private" about your locker - if you still have that notion from middle school, get rid of it!) 2. Paranoia and pessimism. They should be your only friends. Remember: human friends are a waste of time - they don't let you copy their homework, and when they do, it's horrible anyway. 3. Manage your time wisely. Government class is for chemistry homework (who needs government class!?). English class is for math homework (what else?). Study hall is for napping (you mean they do homework in study hall!?). 4. Remember: only less that 1% of suicide attempts made by teens are actually successful. Can you imagine how much it would suck to be in the other 99%? 5. But if you must, I heard the Golden Gate Bridge isn't too bad. One person jumps every fifteen days, and only 1 person ever survived the fall. (so they failed at life, and then they failed at suicide... don't worry, though, it's a "happy" ending: they went for a second jump, which was... "successful"). 6. Caffeine is C8H10N4O2. Zoloft is C17H17NCl2. I'm sure that's what all the other people meant by "drugs". 7. It's all about attitude. If you're optimistic, and something bad happens, you experience a crisis. On the other hand, if you're a pessimist, and something bad happens -- well, you were expecting it anyway. 8. Adopt this motto: "What's the worst thing that can happen?". The world won't seem so bad anymore. 9. A good time to give up is when you get to the quantum mechanics chapter. Just wait. You'll see. That's all for now. It's getting late, and I feel I'm preaching to the wrong crowd here anyway... (do geeks play RS!?)
  4. I still don't know what FTW means. Forget the world? Feel the wind? For those wondering? Free toxic waste? Face the world? Fight to win? Free the whales? Help!
  5. lol if u need 99 politics to become the president president bush is obviously using about 10 politics potions at one time lol. I should add that being President is P2P only. You need to be a member (i.e., a citizen) in order to use this feature. Subscribe now! Many methods of payment available! (end advertisement) Note that a lvl-35 age requirement is also necessary. Personally, I think this skill requires an enormous amount of money to begin with (we're talking 300 mill just to get elected). However, it is profitable in the end (albeit the methods of profit are of dubious legality - keep it secret, or you will get banned. Clinton got banned, but they accepted his ban appeal). Eh, I should probably stop at this point 8-)
  6. I always went under low detail until I got members. But now that I paid $60 for a year's worth of membership (using my own money), I don't want to miss a single detail. I want to squeeze out every last penny out of my money's worth. On an unrelated note, it is my firm belief that $50 of those $60 were spent on the privilege of being able to make fun of F2P players. (You have to go all the way to Karamja to fish your lobbies - ahahahahaha!!!!!!!111one~). *Ahem*, sorry, I'll try to refrain.
  7. Great article! The are far too few geeks in RS. I'm probably not the biggest, but I'm up there. Most of my geeky statements are met either with silence, or the occasional 'wtf!?'. Case in point: while chopping yews, some unproductive sloth came up near me and starting doing the spin emote - over and over and over again. I accused him of robbing the Earth of its momentum (citing the law of conservation of angular momentum) and thus making the day a tiny bit longer. He just laughed at me, called me a nerd, and walked away. I lost 0.000000003461472 hours of sleep because of him. Sleezeball. (Censored for the proliferation of unadulterated safe-for-young'uns reading material).
  8. I say "salutations". Sometimes, "bonjour". On a completely unrelated note, people don't tend to talk to me much.
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