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  1. This seems to be also the GE/economy/whatever-discussion thread, so I'll post here. I was just thinking about the inflation earlier today and came up with an (stupid?) idea to slow it down. Couldn't some kind of taxing system be added to GE, to drain money from rs? Meaning for each item you buy, you pay a few % extra as "taxes", and that amount is drained from the system? If no, why not? I'm no economy geek and just curious, so don't flame me for this. ;)
  2. I've noticed the same thing. A few years back when you posted an acc with like 85 ranged here, people were positive, gave good ratings and all that. Now you gotta have straight 99's, which I in some way understand, as leveling has been made so much easier. I also think that after wildy was removed people don't care about anything else than your total lvl/skills. Anyways, I like pking, so I pk. If you like skilling, keep on skilling. People in the game itself have changed a lot in a few years too imo (most are idiots?). Maybe I'm just getting too old for this.. Anyways thanks for posting everyone.
  3. 90 def and str for now, tho I'll never achieve those. Yeah. That and 82 def? But I don't pk to make shtloads of money and try to get fame, I pk for fun. I didn't want to be one of the 100k rune pures out there, so I decided to try something a bit more unusual. Thanks for your great feedback anyway.
  4. My old account's name is "A Run1te 0re". For me RS is about pking, but if you find staring at the screen while your acc chops wood interesting, be my guest. Two months actually.
  5. Been mostly pking the last few months, but I've gained some levels too. 02.03.09 - 87 Cmb Now - 97 Cmb 1k-total reached a while back, something I'm very proud of. Hate/Hate
  6. You've got to be kidding me?!? Eagle eye removed from f2p for real or is it just a tweak?!GJ JAGEX!
  7. I have too many to count. :D Here's some of them.. Ekenas Idontpray The Matarese Solo You S O X O S A Bronze Ore etc.. :D Solo You's my personal favorite. EDIT: Oh yeah, and my friend had a pure called Usekondom, but it got stolen. -.-
  8. I'm not really getting your point here. An excuse? It's not an excuse, it's a fact. I have gone through many accounts. Besides, after these 5 years I think I know what I enjoy: pking. I have never liked skilling, believe me, I have done that in the past ( not on this acc, like you might have noticed :D ), and I've desided not to waste my time on things I don't like doing anymore. After all this is a game. Why do people play games? For fun. Keep that in mind. ;) Ty everyone for your replies! :thumbsup:
  9. Nothing compared to what it used to be. I still play, but in my opinion RS has seen it's best days already..
  10. Yeah, I wanted to make a high def tank, but people only no arm these days so I wanted str too. This way I can be range based with high str. :D And please note that this account itself is not 5 years old, but it's the only one I have now. My last acc was also a tank, a 100% F2P one, on which i also had quite good non-combat skills . Made it to 89 cmb and quit. This one is only for combat (atleast for now). Edit: Oh i forgot, bouwzie thanks for actually readin my post and props to siim for great attitude. ;)
  11. Ty for reading the whole post Albel and King, I appreciate it. Sarcasm. <3
  12. Well, like I said, this isn't the only account I've had (tho it is the only one I have left). Actually this is only about 1,5-2 years old. And I have'nt spent my semi-active playing career training, mostly pking. W3 Castle a few years back ftw.
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