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Everything posted by MageUK

  1. Anyway, back on topic, no updates to the date of the conversion as of yet. It may end up being early next week rather than late this week, not 100% sure yet.
  2. While we're being critical about things it only took me 15 seconds to find that if I try to list a directory on your website ( http://www.runeuniverse.us/tip.it/ ) for example, all of the paths are broken in the error page which results in the user being stuck in an endless loop where no links work and there's no styling.
  3. I'm well aware of the shortcomings of the Tip.It website, which was designed back in 2000 or so. You only need look at the footer to see how old it is. I'm also aware that functionality currently doesn't exist where it could, this is generally because of limitations with the current layout or backend coding. I've come on board within the last 18 months and I will admit that I wouldn't have coded a lot of things the way they are myself. That being said, perhaps the reason you're not seeing all that much activity on the site front even though we have coders on staff may indicate that there's something going on which you can't see? Just a thought. :roll: Good luck with your article. No.
  4. Thanks. // Relevant Files require_once( $forum_path . '\initdata.php' ); require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsRegistry.php' ); require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsController.php' ); // Initialise $this->ipbRegistry = ipsRegistry::instance(); $this->ipbRegistry->init(); // Create IPSMember::create( array( 'members' => array( 'email' => $email, 'name' => $name, 'members_l_username' => strtolower($name), 'members_display_name' => $name, 'members_l_display_name' => strtolower($name), 'joined' => time(), ), 'profile_portal' => array( ), 'pfields_content' => array( ), ) ); Done. As you said, your opinion, clearly not the opinion of the majority of web software developers out there though. If you wish to go directly to a topic without need for a title you can use index.php?showtopic=12345 which will in turn direct you to the correct "SEO" URL.
  5. For the admins that can't access the forum while it's converting yes. For the rest of us there's prep work to be done for the new software. :?
  6. Or not so much. :? I guess you're not in the group of cool. :roll: Also, Pure_Mage; Gonna have to reference you back to my post on page 6. We're not going to use display names at least initially because it complicates things for our staff/mods in relation to keeping track of users.
  7. Just as we have for phpBB we'll be leaving the original skin available and installing 2-3 seperate skins. We'll then also be looking at a Tip.It skin.
  8. I'm going to leave Jard's post alone and just answer ones which I think are worth my time. We estimate this will happen Thursday or Friday next week but there is no concrete date for this yet, we'll inform you once there is. Providing everything goes to plan, the order of events should go something like this: - These forums go completely offline and are totally inaccessible to anyone including staff (to avoid any database changes) for conversion to take place. This should take no more than 24 hours. - These forums (phpBB) will come back online with a notice stating any posts/registrations from this point on will be lost. - We will keep the phpBB forums online for around 48 hours while we fully configure and allow our staff to get familiar with Invision Power Board. - We will then make the switch across, any data created in the previous 48 hours would be lost, but this process should take minutes to do rather than hours. We will also attempt to make the fact that data will be lost very clear to users, because it doesn't matter how many announcements we make some users still seem to not notice them.
  9. Have you considered implementing the Lightbox plugin for viewing? of the resized images? The resized images are clickable to make them bigger and then clickable to make them smaller again (which is faster than lightbox). However, lightbox is implemented for the gallery.
  10. I think everyone has retired but Silverion? - Is he the sole website owner then, who pays all the bills? Forgive my lack of knowlege on the subject, or my noseyness as it were :oops: If it's alot of money, maybe a news article could be put out for a donations. After all, a recent questionnaire discovered not many people knew about donating to tipit. If tipit doesn't want a 'donation drive' as it were; perhaps the donations button could be in a more visable area. Or has the change of forum software only come about because of sufficient funds gaining from donations/ads over the last few years? I'm personally interested in how Tip.it works too. Anyone have answers? Tip.It generates income through both donations and the advertisements you see on the main website and forum.
  11. That's how I believe it works. If your browser is wide enough for the image, no resizing will take place. If your browser is too small, the image will break the layout and cause a scrollbar, then the image will be resized (same image just smaller) to the required width (and height). You can see this in action here (only demo I could find, ignore the actual thread contents - very old), make your browser smaller so the image overflows: http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/2 ... ge-resize/ That's extremely nice, and a lot better than I thought. It only shrinks the image to your screen size, and there's the option to expand it just by clicking on it. Puremage - sorry for all the questions, but will Tip.It be using the sidepanes shown on the demo site? Those look pretty annoying. Also, please say you aren't allowing status updates. The sidebar on the demo site is part of the default skin, but if you look there's an X in the top right which will close it (and it will remember that for your account). Also status updates probably would be allowed, what you're seeing on the front page there is what's called a hook which is displaying the latest updates, which we wouldn't use. To find out a member's status the way we'll have it setup you'd have to specifically visit their profile page, it wouldn't be broadcast on the forum like that.
  12. 3/10 - think I've seen you around but can't be sure.
  13. To clarify, it doesn't "thumbnail" the images, it shrinks them only so that they don't break the forum layout.
  14. I really don't like this.. :( If there's a way one can set it so things are set as thumbnails, that'd be good. But having to click each picture to actually see clearly what's there is not something I'll look forward to doing.. :-# Currently we only allow large pictures to be in hide tags so they don't stretch the layout. You have to click to open the hide tag anyway. We don't know if we'll use it yet though, we may just keep it turned off and mandate hide tags for large images as we do now.
  15. We still can, IPB has an extensive API. The forums will have the default IPB skin to begin with (we'll add a few more of course), but to have a look what the default skin looks like, go here - http://forums.invisionpower.com/ BBCode will still be used, although a lot of it is new, for example there's a [media] tag which can show all types of videos rather than just the Youtube tag we have now. But the old BBCode will still work so that loads of posts don't get broken. We do get money from donations, but also from advertising on both the forum and website. The community suite doesn't include the download manager so that would be a no, we would actually have very little use for it anyway. You cannot fully customise CSS on your blog, they have to be bound by some restrictions in order to readable on all skins, but IPB has a little more advanced BBCode with options for different fonts and all sorts. We'd probably be mainly using the gallery for images rather than videos as with the amount of users we have, videos would seriously kill our bandwidth, but yes, of course youtube and such will still be embeddable. We certainly don't intend for the gallery to replace anything like imageshack or the youtube videos you guys use. We're not sure about OpenID/Facebook yet, to be honest. They're additional features that are turned off by default, which we'd need to look into in the future, but the possibility is there. While the forum software itself is paid software, the source code is not encrypted and we're free to modify it as we see fit, except for removing the copyright for example (there's a paid option if you want to do that). You're right, it can be added to phpBB with mods and tweaks. Mods and tweaks which make upgrading this board when a new version comes out absolute hell. The admins/staff didn't come to this decision lightly, but the benefits the new board brings far outweighs any costs of the initial upgrade. Also, the amount of mods it would need to bring it up to the standard IPB is at would mean the board would probably run horribly due to the sheer amount of additional stuff in place that isn't there by default. Mods/hacks for boards aren't always the best coded things. Something else I forgot to mention, some people have always complained the search is broken, that it misses posts etc.. This should be fixed with IPB, and it will also integrate with something called Sphinx which should make searches far quicker, taking fractions of seconds rather than seconds. And yes Thorstian, another reason we went for it was the SEO qualities. Sorry if I've missed any questions. Edit: Amen. Even just upgrading between versions can be an... Interesting process. That's precisely why we're paying them to get all of the data across rather than doing it ourselves.
  16. No, because IPB 3 is not free software. Only very old versions of IPB are free. I don't think cost is much of a concern, however. Yes, the conversion is free if you do it yourself (which they provide scripts to do), but we're going to pay them to convert it since our database is fairly large and it means the data is their responsibility. Some clarifications: - Reputation system will NOT be used. - Profile view counter is fine, however rating a user's profile will be disabled. - Display names will NOT be used.
  17. Everything that will be converted is listed here, just click phpBB 3.0 http://www.invisionpower.com/products/b ... hp#callout And as you can see emoticons are listed on there. The only thing I can see on there that might worry the users is forum passwords, but don't worry, that's not your passwords. Passwords can be put on forums so only users who know the password have access but as far as I know, we don't even have any forums like that so that's not a problem. So maybe set ban filters for anyone under 18/whatever age and have the option to use or not if 18/whatever age? Bad word filters in IPB work the same way in phpBB, they're forum wide and can be turned off for certain usergroups. But by doing this it means they can post bad words but everyone else can still see them. So it would be kept the way it is.
  18. The add reply button at the bottom/top of each topic is right aligned rather than left. The quote/reply button are in the same place. In this context, quote is multi-quote and reply does what our current quote button does (just opens a new post screen with that one post quoted). Edit : And no, there's no functionality of phpBB lost, only gains on it.
  19. Alright... [*:3a5a1gnz]A fully integrated calendar in the forum showing members birthdays (if they've entered their birthdate) as well as extra features, such as having TET events scheduled on the calendar. [*:3a5a1gnz]"Friendly URLs", as in topic URLs will look like this: http://forum.tip.it/index.php?/topic/808547-change-of-forum-software/ Rather than: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=808547 [*:3a5a1gnz]When large images are posted in a topic, the forum will automatically reduce the image into a thumbnail to stop stretching the window. [*:3a5a1gnz]Nested custom BBCode (think [hide] tags inside [hide] tags) actually works! [*:3a5a1gnz]This has inline topic editing, what this means is that when you hit "Edit" on your post (or in a forum you moderate), the edit box appears right there, and when you click to save it, the post changes in real time, you don't even need to reload the page in order to do it. [*:3a5a1gnz]Fast reply built in at the bottom of each topic page, with a full Rich Text Editor. [*:3a5a1gnz]An extensive polls system allowing polls with multiple questions, the ability to choose more than one answer, or just one answer, and also the option to have the votes public so you can see who voted for what. [*:3a5a1gnz]Multi-quote ability, you can check posts on the topic, then click reply and all of them will be quoted in your post for you to respond to. [*:3a5a1gnz]Private messages are saved as "conversations" which is like a private topic with just you and that user, meaning that you can easily read the whole conversation from top to bottom including your sent messages and their replies. The conversation can be deleted once you're done with your discussion. [*:3a5a1gnz]Generally giving Tip.It a more "Web 2.0" feel, and a more professional look. [*:3a5a1gnz]More intuiative than phpBB taking less time to get to grips with the features. There's also a lot of additional features that won't be visible to most of you, for example additional help for our moderators/admins. You'll also be able to do things like report private messages and report a user's profile if they have a bad signature for example, instead of having to report one of their posts.
  20. All topics, posts, private messages, subscriptions to any topics, etc. will be retained.
  21. Yes Bye bye uniqueness... We'll be using v3 of the software not v2 like the other sites are using, they look nothing alike, for the record. ;) The features on v3 are also greatly improved over v2.
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