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Posts posted by BenBru

  1. You say that as if I attack everything with Jesus's name on it. Idiot.




    I was attacking noone. I put nobody down, unless you count the dude selling the stuff for his own gain. It's just like the * bags who capitalize off 9/11...But apparently you think that is okay!




    How about you stop hounding my posts, as you're apparently doing since you "know me" so well, Mr. Crayon?




    So capitalizing off of Christianity is the same as capitalizing off of 3,000 peoples death? I didn't realize that Christians like God as much as disaster victims like 9/11.




    Oh by the way, thanks for resorting to name calling. And... It's Mr. Purple Crayon to you!




    It's the same concept, I dont see you getting any respect for picking apart someones post. You know what he meant, stop being an idiot.




    EDIT:: Where was he jumping down everyone's throats? All I saw was him making a hell of a good point.

  2. Guys and drums...what is that?? lol





    Girls liking guys who play the guitar, what's up with that? ;)


    Nearly every guy here has ever had a guitar, and I never intended to hop on the bandwagon there. Besides, how can a sweaty drummer with his t-shirt on his shoulder giving the best of himself not be sexy? ::'






    Hehehe! I never said that wasn't sexy! :3>




    Who doesn't love the drums! But I don't know what it is about the guitar...*shakes head* mmm mmm O:)




    *Rushes to go learn guitar* :anxious:




    Nah, I would have learnt guitar but when I got mine my little cousin broke it, I used to play clarinet when I was in like 6th grade, but I thought it was just a bit too..girlish, I wasnt much good at it anyways, my mom thought I was really good, but I know I wasnt any good, moms always do that.. :|


    Thinking of buying an acoustic once I get a job (Next year, when Ill be 15) Then maybe get an electric once I get better.

  3. I think they pretty much killed themselves with Boulevard of Broken Dreams. That must be up there for most over-rated/overplayed songs. I used to like their old music, but the new stuff sucks.

  4. If you have the courage/ confidence (which I dearly need) then go for it, at age 10, it might be quite "pointless" as people put it, but we all start somewhere dont we? And he might as well get some experience, which I never got and... well, I just keep letting my Girlfriend down..




    I remember the first time I ever asked a girl out face to face, man that took some guts. But every time I've done it I've been succesful so I've learned that it really pays off. I have heard from some girls that they find it INCREDIBLY unattractive if you give them a note asking them out, so you might as well ask her face to face, but since you're younger, I dont know how that all works out, Im not a genius of love. :oops:




    EDIT:: I have no idea why I quoted the person above, I only realized it once I saw my post.. #-o

  5. I will probley buy it when it gets cheaper. Funny I never had the origenal ff7 maybe i should get it first.




    Yea you might want to do that, you'll be lost, and you wouldn't get to enjoy the storyline if you don't. Ill probably have to end up buying a PS2 because of this, FF7 taught me to read, as well as still being my favorite game.

  6. Anyone else find it incredibly sad that most people on this forum think that relationships mean nothing more than sex? Even at 10 years old?




    To add on to that, some people even believe that having "sex" is dis-honourable if you arent trying to have a child. It kind of de-means the whole thing...If you are trying to have a child you should call it mating IMO, as corny as that may sound.

  7. yikes. Sorry dude! Glad your mom told you to show it to her... I guess moms are worth something sometimes! :3>




    Yea, because we all know them bringing you into the world is just not enough some times. :-s

  8. I wouldn't want to be number 1..All I'd get is hundreds of people following me everywhere calling me a nerd, loser, no lifer..Or begging for free stuff..It'd be a huge headache. <.<




    Yea, that would be a shame...Considering you couldnt even tell them to shutup. :lol:

  9. Is it just me, or does Tool suck at live performances..I mean, I am a huge fan of A Perfect Circle and Tool, but I have heard Maynards voice on recordings of live performances and it just sucks...




    It might be different if you are actually AT the concert. I just wonder if anyone thinks Tool sounds crappy live.. :?

  10. God, there's so much bullcrap coming from this thread. 1,000 sit ups a night, give me a break.


    Eh, if I had to take a bet I'd say that about 50% of what people are saying is true.




    BenBru, that may be true, but don't act so pompous and arrogant about it.




    Meh, I got an okay four pack, mainly because I just finished summer soccer conditioning (I don't really work out other than soccer lol). I went to the gym with the team 3 times a week for like an hour each day, but even after that my muscles didn't get all that much bigger (though I think my abs look much better). If I didn't get amazing results from a summer of soccer conditioning, don't be surprised if 40 crunches doesn't do much :XD: .




    who ever says they do 1k sit-ups a night, wow u can tell they're lying. No one would spend like an hour or 2 doing 1k sit-ups each night. I mean I've done 2,226 sit-ups before, just once but I'll never do that much or up to 1k sit-ups. I don't like Crunches because its kind of too easy of an exercise.




    I do 1500 crunches and it doesnt even take up that long. I do 3 sets of 500 which works into my workout routine. Not everyone is lying just because they spend a few hours working out everyday. I know a few people including myself that do it. Some people have the motivation, others dont. My motivation: Basketball, and women.

  11. OREGON TRAIL. :lol:




    I live in Oregon. The Oregon Trail is so stupid, I went there with my family once and wasted half my day. Its only interesting if you like History, and even then, it's boring.

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