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Posts posted by BenBru

  1. Heh, I took the test and got the same thing as How2Pk




    INFP - the Healer


    You scored 45% I to E, 47% N to S, 9% F to T, and 52% J to P!


    You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between good and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.


    As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better. Your group summary: idealists (NF)


    Your type summary: INFP

  2. Final Fantasy 7. Probably the best game out there storyline wise. You got to know the characters so well..and in the end of the game you didnt want them to go. I loved that game, I wish it had never ended. It tought me to read when I was little also. Its up there for best storyline ever IMO.

  3. To those of you saying doing 1000 sit-ups is dumb, you might be right, because doing sit-ups isnt too smart, since you can do WAY more crunches, thus working your abs more than sit-ups. Also to those of you saying we like to show off and wildly exaggerate (sp?) I do show off, why shouldnt I? It takes major dedication to do the things I do almost every day (save the break that I take every 4-5 days) I should be able to show off without being insulted for it. Is it so bad that people want others to know that they have this decication by having a nice body? I want to look good, you may not, but dont insult me for it. I just finished my workout, and I am feeling great. I just want you all to know right now, for those of you who've shown you lack reading skills:







  4. The Artist




    You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).


    You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.


    Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.


    Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.




    You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.




    That actually tells pretty much how I am, exept I like to sing instead of playing instruments. I wonder if you can get a bad "personality" from these things like..




    THE JOCK:: You are a big noob and everyone hates you.

  5. God, there's so much bullcrap coming from this thread. 1,000 sit ups a night, give me a break.




    If you read my post, I do 1500 crunches (Plus the tons of other stuff I talked about) every day. Its not that big of a deal, it doesnt take that long really. Crunches and sit-ups are also two different things. My workout takes 1-2 hours and only around half that time is actually spent doing crunches.

  6. Not so true with the 100 sit-ups and you will have cramps the next day thing. I hope you meant crunches, because crunches are much more efficient than sit-ups. You can do them quicker and do alot more of them. I do 1500 crunches a night and lots of other stuff, and Im not sore at all, maybe my muscles are a little tired but I work out 4 days in a row then take a break for one and repeat.

  7. I have had scuffles with my friends in the past and I usually end up forgiving them. I never forget though.




    I remember when I was in 5th grade and Carlos stole my beloved Yu-Gi-OH cards. :(

  8. I listened to them when I was like 10 years old. They have a few good songs, most of the reason I dont listen to them much anymore is I cant be bothered to download/buy their albums.




    Im sorry but I am just sick and tired of all the people who act like they know so much about music. It seems there is just a big bandwagon of people who hate bands like Korn. Im also tired of the people who try and act oldschool by liking Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Van Halen, and AC/DC.




    I guess there is just something arrogant about the people who like all the good old bands from the 80-90's. They act like they have command over anyone who likes any new music, and refuse to believe this is what music has evolved to over the years, and it will continue to evolve.

  9. So i have started to do sit ups and some push ups to help build myself up, however last time i did 40 sit ups every night for 1 and half months




    I have to questions for the tip it forum's people's:




    1) what exercise do you do other then clicking of a mouse? :D




    2) whats the best way to get a six pack? :oops:




    ok, the bold: I'm 13 and I was doing 500-1k situps each night, and ~200 pushups a day. You aren't doing enough by far! your saying your friend went to the gym which can only make me assume your in highschool, and i wonder, why so little amount of situps and such? i thought you had to do a lot more than that in "gym" (even i do, and im in 7th grade, though not to gloat since im pretty sure it's the same for everyone else).




    1. Exercises i like, pushups and sit ups of course lol, i also like biking, but i don't get around to it much, i also like soccer and basketball, my soccer ball popped so i havent been able to practice in a while, but i have a court one house over from mine, so it's quite easy to practice basketball.




    2. When i was doing all of those push ups and sit ups, it was x-mas break, but when it came to an end i no longer had to time nor urge to continue, so i ended up quitting with a full four pack and the last two packs (to make six) started, but my arms are quite nice not to gloat or anything, but im happy, maybe would be happier if i had a 6 pack :?




    Finally! Someone who is like me! Exept I didnt quit. ::'




    I do 1500 crunches, around 100-120 pushups, a bunch of exercises with dumbells, leaning back for three minutes, to the side for a three minutes, and to the other side for three minutes.




    I just do my exercises 3 times and it equals that. I do 500 crunches, 30-40 pushups, 4 different things with dumbells (I do low weight high rep) and the leaning to each side for a minute. I do that three times every day. It takes me around 1-2 hours to finish, and I just sit around the rest of the day. During school I jog around 3 miles a day. I usually play on the school basketball team aswell. So really my whole day is packed with working out. I eat decent foods. (I dont eat healthy foods all day, but not fatty ones either) I do have a six-pack, but my body hasnt truly started bulking up yet, so I do expect to gain around 15-20 pounds of muscle by next year. I have been doing these exercises for about a half a year. Im 14 btw.

  10. I hate to be the one to have to say this but...




    I could almost guarentee most of us guys would easily make out with a girl if they were attractive and came on to you. I just cant see many people in here (the ones that are single) Saying no to an attractive woman. It just does not make sense. Myself, I probably would go for it. Even though I WOULD prefer being able to be with someone that I cared about instead. I pretty much know this by experience. I know most of you will say that I am shallow and blah blah blah, but seriously, its true for most guys. I know there must be a few in here that wouldnt, but the majority would. Someone had to say this.




    Let the flaming begin. :anxious:









    I made out when I was 8 or 9 lol.




    Dont die on me. :(




    Now I have to join the bandwagon and say that IS too young lol...I hardly knew what making out was at 8/9 years old.




    Yea but it definatly gave me experience for the future. It has helped me so many times already. :D




    Alot of people I used to know were afraid that they wouldnt know what to do, and I already had that over with. Even though it may have been a bit young, it helped me in the long run.

  12. Im curious- how did you know she was lovely? Does her character model differ from the others?




    Im sure she was very shmexican. Seriously though, how do you know someone for a few days and then ask her to marry you within that time? Honestly, I wouldnt trust their appearence unless you've seen her on webcam. You can get pictures anywhere. Have you talked to her over the phone? Im just saying, there are alot of men posing as women in RuneScape, and even if she declines items from you, that may be just the game. Sometimes they act like they dont want anything until you offer to give them something that is worth alot, then they will accept. Goodluck with your wedding, but just know you will probably never see eachother in real life...

  13. I have heard some bad things about AOL but this just confirms their stupidity. They could at least have done it quietly and not lose a lot of customers, but I guess thats if they can get to the proper customer service person, lol (maybe that nightmare of cancelling AOL clip is true?).




    Of course its true, you havnt lived until you've tried to cancel AOL.

  14. The Taco Bell ones are played alot too. And they suck!




    "I'M FULL!!!!1one"






    I was particularily fond of their "Fourth Meal" campaigne...Because, Lord knows what we need is more Americans eating more meals. :thumbsup:




    I dont understand what they mean when they say: "If it's not fourth meal, its just food." I mean, what the hell is that supposed to mean, its food either way. :-s

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