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Posts posted by BenBru

  1. YES!! This is the best thing to happen for...a long time.




    The reason this makes me so happy is: A movie with Rob Schneider AND Mel Gibson would be HORRIBLE. :|

  2. Ah, yes, youth...




    A couple of months back I had someone from two grades below me demand that I remove my bag from a seat on the bus so he could sit down, without so much as a "Please". Naturally, I refused, and went back to talking to my friends. No biggie.




    So then he sits down anyway. Doesn't matter to me, I just shift my bag and smirk a little, but I ignore him and keep talking. Out of the blue, he demands, "So you think you can boss me around because you're older, huh?" Obviously, with a lot more swearing that I'd care to type in for TIF.




    Whereupon I replied, "No, because I'm better than you."




    Okay, so it was arrogant, but this kid was getting on my nerves. I then proceed to ignore him as he make sudden moves as though to punch me in the face. I chalked it up to bravado, since a group of girls were watching the entire scene. After a minute of being ignored, wonderboy decides to actually hit me in the face. I've spent four years on basketball courts and soccer fields with people bigger than him who hit harder, so I just let the first hit slide. Two more hits to the face later, I decide that it's getting a little too far, and my glasses are cutting into my face.




    So I stood up, pulled him up with me and punched him in the nadgers. He's been avoiding me ever since.




    Moral of the story? If you for even one second suspect that their parents ain't beating them, do it yourself.




    If nadgers means "testicles", then you certainly are quite the man, hitting someone in the testicles.

  3. i agree with the eating disorder is attractive comment, i model and if i put on like 500grams they go nuts. Im annorexic and its not a nice way to be, but if i want to futher my modeling its what i gota do




    Im starting to doubt you're a woman...Even if you are, you have no respect for yourself at all. I mean come on, what woman with any respect for herself signs up for a forum with the name "hott mell babe" and then proceeds to talk about how she doesnt like being anorexic, but she has to, to progress in her modeling career? Come on.

  4. Heck, I'm 10 and I have a girl and a first kiss! Now wheres my cookie?




    How many 10 year olds say heck?


    i was 7-11 while i was at an all boys school :wall:




    Alot, some parents consider "hell" a bad word. Especially christian ones. :wink:

  5. Let me tell you ...




    That the reason we invented an afterlife is because the human brain cannot comprehend not being alive. You can understand sleep, but even in your sleep you have a certain degree of awareness. But try to think of just .. not existing. You wouldn't see darkness, because you wouldn't see anything. You wouldn't hear the silence, because you wouldn't hear anything. I think the closest you could come to understanding death would be going blind and deaf. You dont see blackness all the time .. you just don't see anything.




    Makind invented God as a way to comfort himself against the unknown


    that is death. The truth is, God didn't create man, we created God.




    I feel unclean even typing that, because somewhere in the back of my head I do believe there is a God. But I just can't spend my life holding back because I think something might me a sin or against religion.




    That is exactly the way I feel. I posted something similar to that in the religion test thread awhile back. I just cant see me being gone, all that I am, just poof gone and I wont even know it. It almost brought me to believing that I have a soul. I am anti-religious, so I dont have a god.. Sometimes I just think we are better off not knowing the truth.




    EDIT:: They have a chat filter for the word poo with an f?

  6. So what you're saying is nice guys never win? :?




    Sucks for me, I would definatly consider myself a nice guy, but, as said earlier, girls at my age (14) only want the guy who acts like a badass and is like super freakin ripped, I mean, Im in good shape, but they somehow only go for this one guy in school. It really pisses everyone else off.

  7. hawt e1f chik lookin 4 hunky 0gre :3>.




    yeah, itll definitely work for all the pedophiles... theres enough of them out there to keep the lil kid business intact.




    This just randomly popped into my head but, what happens when 2 pedos say they're kids and meet up irl? :shock:




    They decide they want to make sweet sweet love to eachother while fantasizing about children. :-w

  8. I remember making out with a 5th grader when I was in 3rd grade. Im a studd. :P




    She had the body of someone who was 14 though. It was kind of awkward, she asked me over to her house to help her move some things, and then we just somehow started kissing. It really helped me with girls in the long run, because I already had my first kiss over with, and I was confident that I would be a good kisser. :D




    Im currently single, Im 14 lol, Im probably moving back to my moms where my ex-gf was, we broke up because I had to move. So we might get back together, Im not sure.

  9. Rofl, to bad no Fast Food burgers actually look like that. Run that burger over with a Steam Roller then throw a massive amount of nasty year old lettece on it and thats what they sell.




    I would only eat a burger from In and Out.




    I assume you've worked at fast food places, and watched people make burgers like that? Honestly, Im sure they arent like super cleany clean clean burgers but COME ON. Thats overexaggerating just a tad, wouldnt you agree?




    Lol, no I've never worked at a fast food resturant. I would rather pick up dog crap. But seriously just go order a burger from Burger King or McDonalds.




    I usually eat fast food around four or five times a year, but the last time I had a burger from either of those places it tasted pretty decent. It might have been because I was really hungry, or maybe the burgers have just gotten worse over the years.

  10. Rofl, to bad no Fast Food burgers actually look like that. Run that burger over with a Steam Roller then throw a massive amount of nasty year old lettece on it and thats what they sell.




    I would only eat a burger from In and Out.




    I assume you've worked at fast food places, and watched people make burgers like that? Honestly, Im sure they arent like super cleany clean clean burgers but COME ON. Thats overexaggerating just a tad, wouldnt you agree?


    I know what you mean. There's a topic about how we don't use the metric system, there's a topic about how our government is run by a bunch of lunatics, and now there's this. When are you people going to stop? Our language? C'mon, it's starting to sound like some people are just desperate to bash America...




    And two of those three threads were made by americans, and the third by a guy from australia - a country where AFAIK the imperial system is still in the process of phasing out?




    I'm not going to claim there's not a lot of people on these forums who has knee-jerk "Must bash country!" reaction everytime someone says "America!". But I'd like to point out that most of the time, "America!" is a cy originating from an american, who wants to discuss a subject close to his her heart. Which is fine by me.




    This is an international forum. Make less threads that start of talking about american things, see less bashing. I'd say it's that simple.




    You see, the problem with that is: If you want to start a thread about something in America, you should be able to do so without having to worry that some guy from another country will insult you, or your country(if you happen to be an American). It's just not fair that we should have to sit and wonder if someone is going to bash us or not just because we want to make a thread and discuss something. We SHOULD be able to make as many threads as we want, concerning American things, without worrying about someone insulting us. End of story.

  12. i dont mind nerds ahe the way the treat chicks is way better than the "jocks" as u americans call em...as for the se,x nerds r good as long as the keep the computer talk outside the bedroom!




    *Geek goes up to his girlfriend* "You know having sex with you was better than that new video card I got last week, and that thing lets me run all the games with the best performance!" :thumbsup:

  13. YA MUM!




    sorry you totally had that one coming. i'd say the fact that paris hilton is alive, or her little dog/rat/bug thing she owns...seriously, if i were king, id make NOT killing paris hilton a sin.




    You certainly do sound like a man of religion and morals... :?

  14. almost everyone comes to tip.it forums...the same goes for rsc...theres a lot of ppl that goto both forums..




    I myself like tip.it forums much more, but if your really involved in the clan community, most of them hang out in RSC...




    I'd say that 90% of rs players goto tip.it


    another 90% also goto rsc...




    both are big communities, and both have a large portion of the 'leets',




    That's 180 percent. :lol:




    I don't know if I would be considered "elite" I've stopped playing for around 6 months now, and when I quit I was: 111 combat with like 1587 skill total. Low farming and construction. Runescape just doesnt appeal to me any-more. It's much too repetitive. I would agree that there is a very large portion of good players on here, but it certainly has its share of unexperienced players as well.

  15. Ditto...




    Btw, i shave my legs... chicks digg it.




    Hmm, I always wondered if that would work. Chicks are always telling me that I should shave my legs...But boy do I enjoy stroking my sweet leg hairs... :anxious:

  16. There's only unethical and immoral actions here. No sins.
    QFT :D




    To those that said Beliving in false idols... does God count as a false idol? I'm sure many people would agree that. Who defines what is false and what is true?




    QFT QFT.




    The greatest sin is wasting this life toadying to a fictional deity in the belief that there is any form of life after death.




    That is quite true. My stance on an after-life is this: I want to believe in an after-life because I cant just see my-self being gone. All that I am, what makes me, me. All gone. I don't want to believe it. Yet I know that once I die there will probably be no form of life after death. It's a hard thing to comprehend, for me atleast.

  17. There's only unethical and immoral actions here. No sins.
    QFT :D




    To those that said Beliving in false idols... does God count as a false idol? I'm sure many people would agree that. Who defines what is false and what is true?




    I agree, goodsirknight, also gratz on 8000 posts. :D

  18. Lol, the way this translation of the Bible is phrased makes me think of that scene in MP and the Holy Grail:


    And St. Attila raised his hand grenade up on high saying


    "O Lord bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy. "and the Lord did grin and people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orang-utans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and...


    and the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.








    One, two, five! Three sir, three! :lol:

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