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Everything posted by oneofthedragon

  1. I think he means if he can cast it (f2p spell) he can craft it! if he can cast fire bolt, he can make thos runes. No matter how high his magic gets hee CAN NOT cast charge on F2p.
  2. i DO belive that items that nake sense to be f2p (coifs/ring of forging) should be f2p. Why? Well lets start with coifs. 1. we have all the supplies need 2. they are a low level crafting option 3. we can actually uses them. 4. we can makt the rest of the regular leather items. Not having the coif is like not being able to smith any helms or not being able to use daggers. we can make them, we can use them let us have them. Then there are rings of forging. mining and smithing iron is a low/average level. why not let us actually make iron a viable xp source! i belive we should get more items but that just isn't going to happen. but when things make SENSE to be f2p, why not? I belive its pointless no give give f2p something just because its something. If we can get the supplies, if we can use it, if we can buy it, or if it has a truly valid use on f2p... why not let us use it? Contrary to many peoples popular belif f2p isnt (or didnt start as) a marketing strategy! Runescape was CREATED free. there was a time when f2p got spectular updates.(there was a time withought rune... and a time when there were just meds, chains, legs and square ;)} If it makes sense in f2p.. why not? if its just like flipping a switch (no movement no new content) why not? adding chaos talies as a drop. thats all it would take. then just making the alter free.
  3. Woohoo i contributed =) Anyway great job! it looks awesome and its an amazing idea =D> Thanks for the idea dragon, i wasent game to look thorught the posts for the person who suggested it, i will put your name down :D . eh ok cool! i actually didn't care but i ussually just sit around posting useless stuff that no one pays attention to
  4. Hey guess what! Runescape STARTED with non memebers! Members was started to make a profit. Right after members started jagex said "they will constinue to help the f2p version of their game grow" (or something like that) anyway it ticks me off that they haven't, theyve forgotten. They announced POHs when members wasn't even a thought! Yet still its members. It also annoys me that things that SHOULD be f2p aren't like.. coifs and rings of forging... ANYWAY back on topic I would LIKE new guilds but its NEVER going to happen! Jagex just won't.
  5. Woohoo i contributed =) Anyway great job! it looks awesome and its an amazing idea =D>
  6. old diamonds... but they're all regular diamons now
  7. i had around 75% left was REEEEALLLY laggy got NOTHING my only maze i was so mad!
  8. Sometimes while I'm using the forums i will refresh the pge or go to a new thread but go to the login page! Anyone know why this happens?
  9. True, but most F2P don't want to waste half their bank space (and P2P don't want to either) onthe holiday items because, they dont want to get rid of them or waste space on them. Other than that i fully support GREAT idea!
  10. No... The ONLY way dragon plates would be buyably is for them to be bought (yes BOUGHT) from an NPC for the price of atlest 50mil and make it untradable.. Make a Dragon Full helm at 30 mil and Kite at 40mil All untradable (but with the 3 hardest quests EVER attached)
  11. ...Giving out egs to children.. thats easier that sheep shearer (sp?) and the whole "Doesn't sit in your bank"? who here uses their ring at all? I use mine almost never and I see maybe 5 people a week trying to trick people into beliving their eggs.... Rewards that matter please... And like i said EVERY person (p2p or f2p) that goes in a server is advirtising for jagex.... Why do you think they have XXXXXXXX people playing right now thing on their home page? And as for your logic as for people who ask for updates are F2P forever... I want to get members and I probably will this summer... YOUR logic is warped there because most people play until 50-80 combat on f2p and from 50-80 that is the period they ask for updates... The lower levels, 3-40, generally havent completed all the quests yet so cant complain... Over 50-80 1.They will never become members 2. theyre training non-combat skills 3. theyre irregular 4. they have to wait for summer christmas ect. One last things. Excessive? Changing holiday events into quests or holiday quests is excessive? How? 2. W
  12. kk...just one question... Iron? not coal? or smithing steel bars? i dont see how iron sells as well. Oh and i can cut willows but are they easy to sell?
  13. Ok I'm a litle foggy on the whole image posting so I'll write out the skills Combat:61 Attack 51 Strength:51 HP:49 Defense:49 Mining: 46 Smithing 38 Magic:33 Cooking:32 Firemaking:31 Wcing:30 Fishing 30 Prayer:28 Crafting: 24 Rcrafting:20 Ranging: 5 =( Im rasing all my stats so don't call me a noob! THIS IS A F2P so dont tell me P2P stuff please!
  14. Deserve? Pardon me, but even though I say that people who say F2P do not "deserve" anything is too harsh, to say you do "deserve" something is also plain idotic. Because technically, JAGeX is not getting anything off you. Let me emphasise this: Equivalent Exchange. The fundamental principle of Alchemy, and almost every aspect of this world. Owned...but hes right, you dont pay, why would you get updates? Read again.. I said we do get what we deserve- holiday events... and I would rather have quest for the holiday event (themed maybe?) than a yoyo i played with for a week... please read before you thrash.. read THEN thrash... O yes.. and like you said toxicologest "Equivalent Exchange" I would MUCH rather have a quest on the holiday than a yoyo or rubber chicken... an update for an update... One last thing... Deserve? No.. Desire? Yes... Earned? After giving Jagex 99% of its P2P? After EACH and every F2P living in a Cesspool? After being a walking talking advertisement? Yes If you think about it.. 100000 non-members having fun makes 1000 members...
  15. Great idea! Ive ben thinking about something like this for a while but you did it much better than my littlthoughts! 2 sugestions. 1. Maybe a box that shows your money (seperate from a box but still takes a slot) so you can easily find it? 2. A box that allows you to deposit holiday obtainable items (the non- tradable ones) with unlimited storage and allows you to take out another item if you lose yours? That way you dont have to find diago or thelisa but you dont have to waste a space with your yoyo?
  16. Some tips 1. CAPS LOCK PLEASE 2. constrution and cannons are P2p and its a f2p quest 3.. its 2k.. thats nothing... 4. I can say I am the owner of all of varrock.. am i so? No... whoever said that was being stupid if it was an NPC same deal
  17. -.- (<- face I made when I read first post) Lets start from the top shall we? 1. No updates (O YAY TIARAS . . . those really changed the face of the game! And santa . . . Yay a yoyo . . . now U can have one less spot in my bank whoopee \ ) 2. No forums ( That matter jk . . . These forums are cool) 3. Completely RANDOM things f2p can't do (Rings of Forging??? Coifs???) 4. Jagex putting all the new members stuff in the middle of f2p (Tzahar caves, rat pits, unspeakably named dwarf city, {starts with a k} and farming patches EVERYWHERE) 5. Much harder to level ( members can get 10000 experience at least on any skill from one quest, f2p gets 150000 total exp put generally on combat) 6. Living in a cesspool (I can't fish without begging, canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t mine, can't sell something over 3 GP without SOMEONE asking for a commission) :wall: 7. Need I mention the parasites (hackers, scammers, people who walk around going like this "************", stupid people, people who think your as stupid as they are etc.) 8. Stupid people on the forums who tell f2p that they should quit because they canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t pay 9. Stupid people on the forums who yell at me (I mean PEOPLE) who want to fix all this 10. Losing hundreds of hours of work on full rune, 1000000 Addy arrows or, 10000000 chaos runes and have some p2p say "noob" I would stop talking (Insert thread making person). . . Spend a week in F2P (over combat 60-70 with all quests complete) then talk to me about this huh? You LIVE with something before you impose it! You go to f2p and do things that ONLY involve level 40 or below! :twisted:
  18. I belive F2P deserves new updates. And we do... Santa, Easter Bunny, ect. SO lets flush those and release a real holiday QUEST with rewards worth working for that don't sit in your bank! Problem solved! O:)
  19. Depends on what kind of pure... are you going for level 50 pure lv 40 ect ect.. if your going for lv 10-20 pure do iron or steel
  20. Hmmm... edge ville dungeon is pretty good... theres a entrance from varrock ( you need brass key) theres 3 iron rocks really close together there.... that could work... no where to sell ores but the bank is 30sec away
  21. hmmmm... you could make runes.... for some easy cash... mine your ess then sell it or keep it. If you keep it make airs and minds... you can make like what, 5 airs from 1 ess 4 minds? Low levels ALWAYS need minds and -unless you have an air staff- EVERYONE needs airs.
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