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Everything posted by ironori

  1. There's no shame in reporting scammer; I told the entire bank that I reported him.
  2. 'cept that I checked it against the chat script as I was typing, so I know that I spelled the name right.
  3. But the problem with that is that he spoke again after I reported him, so he couldn't have logged off. He spoke, I reported him, he spoke again, I told everyone that he's lying, left, came back, and he's finally either gone or shut up.
  4. I reported a guy for password scamming right after he tried to tell everyone that Jagex blocks their passes and got this message: You can only report players who have spoken or traded recently for this offense. I don't get why I got the message since I sent the report right after this guy soke several times. Well, I don't suppose that it's much of a problem since he was gone by the next time I visited the bank. Still, do you know what's up with this message?
  5. I get called iron-related names all the time.
  6. I'm Ironori and that's all. I know, this blog's awfully boring, but I'm keep one for the sake of it. Is it just me or am I seeing more and more people with pink or blue hair? I'm thinking of going to the barber's, but that's so kriffing expensive, at least in the opinion of this Chinese kid. Still, pink, blue, and red are all better than my boring gray.
  7. I have a cure for begging. Beggar: Can you plz give me some money to get some armor to train Beggar: And a wep too? lvl 74: Que? Me: ?? lvl 74: No hablo en ingles Other guy: 0.o lvl 74: Yo hablo en espanol =) Beggar: Est-ce que tu pes done moi un peu de dargent pour acheter de larmour Other guy: lmao o.O Other guy: Is that french? Me: lmao lvl 74: Espagnol Beggar: Parce que je besoin de trainer lvl 74: Que Beggar: yes lvl 74: no intendo Other guy: lvl 74, I know you speak english lvl 74: Si? lvl 74: :P lvl 74: Just waiting for them to leave Other guy: Liar o.O Me: You mean the beggar? lvl 74: Yeah =9 Me: Lol lvl 74: I'm lagg...
  8. I get a little shy when I get hit on IRL, but can get over it. However, I never stayed with any one guy for long periods of time because of my solo nature. I don't like getting hit on in a game because I don't know the other person.
  9. I'm putting out an experiment whose name I won't give and going to see if anybody hits on him.
  10. little bit like me :) especially when fishing i go do something :lol: and also read forums all the time I am so guilty of this. Since I've Firefox, I'd have Runescape in one tab, a few tip.it sites and forum sites in the next four or five tabs, at least seven fanfic-related tabs, at least one DevArt site in the next few tabs, sometimes my email and a few Transformers sites in another few tabs. I've effects turned to the max so that I don't get killed. I also tend to have MSWord, Musicmatch, and Windows Media Player open as well.
  11. There's no age limit for this game. I'm 17 and I still play, only very little compared to the kids since I've work to do.
  12. You're not a noob, you're a newbie. There's a difference. I think there's a noob deep within us all.
  13. Multitasking, especially AFK training. I've decided to poll everyone after I read a rant about it. I don't define anything that doesn't require me to leave the comp as AFK training, so I'll just say that I'm not paying much attention if Ironori's chopping trees while I'm Photoshopping artwork or writing fanfics. However, I have to say that I'm very much guilty of AFK'ing since while I log off when I leave most of the time, there are times when I drop the computer and go to the bathroom or run from rabid plot bunny threads that I started (I seriously literally end up running as far as I can from every thread that I start on a certain fanfic forum) and forget that I had a game on. What about you? Are you guilty of either? Both? I won't report you since nobody can really prove that someone's AFK or multitasking.
  14. To quote one of Jagex's tips: "Players cannot trim armor. Do not fall for this popular scam."
  15. I'm wondering what the quickest way to make money would be. At first, I thought it was mining since coal seemed to sell pretty nicely, but then I realized that yews were worth as much as mith ores in at least some places and swordies always sold quickly but cruising to Karamja is such a pain, and that's not even counting all of tunas and burnt fishes. Full steel's worth 2k per set the last time I checked, but it's hard for me to get my hands on natures since I'm F2P and even more difficult to sit through these infinitely long mining trips. I've heard that RC'ing is good but never tried to sell ess or airs myself, so I don't know much about it. My stats: Cooking&Fishing: 51 WC: 60 Mining: 60 RC: 44 Smithing: 48 Crafting: 48
  16. I'd say go ahead. However, I'm not sure if my advice is good since when I did D Slayer, my stats looked like this: Magic: 40'ish Atk: 41 Def: 46 Str: 43-44 Hitpoints: 40'something. Cooking and fishing: 51 I had a swordie army, Rune helm, Rune chain, Rune Legs, Dragon shield, and ammy of def.
  17. ironori


    Hi roxas and welcome!
  18. I like my name. It's fun to see how many people can actually spell it right, especially the noobs who try to beg from me.
  19. Some other person: Selling rare toy horsey for 1.9k
  20. Someone: buying iron pants for 50 coins
  21. I got 2 or 3 followers and 1 beggar today simply by answering how much much I had and I'm not even a millionaire. Now I get why some people don't like being asked that question.
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