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The Sun Sword


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This is a fictional story with RuneScape themes. Not all of the story will relate to Runescape, for instance there may be an item that doesn't exist in the actual game, but bear with me, it all ties into the story.








If a name posted in this story actually belongs to a player in RuneScape and dislikes the way it is interpreted (I'm not making fun of anyone here), please PM me and I will edit it. DON'T POST ABOUT IT.








And with that little disclaimer, let the first chapter be told!








CHAPTER 1: The Heroes Meet








It was high noon in Varrock Square. As people peddled items, chatted with one another and splashed around in the fountain in spite of the guard's warnings, a young, slender boy strolled past. He had flowing blonde hair and was wearing a casually loose T-shirt and a pair of old, worn out shorts. He was gripping a small wooden sword, carved to perfection.




"Hmm... Where is he...?" The young boy pondered to himself. As he waited, he opened up a small pouch in his rucksack and pulled out a half-eaten loaf of bread. He quickly ate it, and pulled out a small bag of smoked shrimps. As he ate them, he heard a voice call out to him.




"Yo, Eight!"




"Hm? Oh, hey, Rynko!" A short, red-haired boy scampered up to Eight. "You got your sword?"




"Yup, I have it right here!" Rynko pulled out a short wooden sword. It very much resembled Eight's.




"Okay, let's go!"




"You sure you'll be all right? I don't want to hurt you or anything..."




"You should be worried about yourself. I have this nice leather vest, but all you've got is that thin little T-shirt! You're gonna get bruised up pretty badly if I hit you!"




"Not likely. I brought a little trump card!" Eight reached into his rucksack and whipped out a triangular wooden shield.




"Wow, that's pretty cool. All I brought is this little pot lid..."




"As long as it can function as a shield, it'll be fine. Now, let's head out!" The two young boys, Eight and Rynko, trodded north towards the wilderness.




As soon as they arrived, they witnessed an intense battle. A man with long, silky white hair and a heavily-armored woman were trading blows. While the woman was uselessly swinging her sword at the nimble man, the man looked as though he was building up a large amount of power.




"You can't dodge forever!!!" The woman shouted.




"Feh. I won't have to."








"It ends NOW!!! TIDES OF BLOOD!!!" And with those cryptic words, a storm of blood washed over the woman, drowning her. As the woman shrieked in agony, the man let down his hand. The tidal wave of blood ceased, and all that remained was a suit of armor, an iron great sword, and a pile of bones.




"Never stood a chance... And as for you over there..." Eight and Rynko gulped as the white-headed man approached them. "Well?"




"Erm..." Eight started to sweat.




"Hahahaha! There's no need to worry. I'm not going to kill you." Eight looked up at the man's hair. There was what appeared to be cat ears protruding from his hair. "Yes, they're real."








"A dark wizard cast a curse on me awhile back, and turned me into a cat. I went to my father and he removed the curse, but he didn't remove the ears as punishment for letting myself get hit with the curse... I've grown to like them, actually."




"Oh... I see. So what's your name?"




"My name is Gavin. What would your name be?"




"I'm Eight, and this is my friend Rynko."




"So I see... And what do you have those little sticks for."




"They're not sticks!" Rynko shouted in an outrage. "My dad crafted them personally! They're worth a lot!"




"I think your father was pulling your leg just a little. A wooden sword of that calibur wouldn't sell for more than five gold pieces..."




"Sh-shut up!"




"Hahaha! No need to get such a temper. Well, Eight, I'm somewhat intruiged. I see that you two are going to have a practice duel?"




"Uh... y-yeah." Eight staggered backwards. It seemed like this man, Gavin, could read minds. "What about it?"




"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to watch, is all."




"Oh, okay then. You're welcome to--"




"WAIT!!! Stop, thief!!!" A young man's voice came from deep within the woods. Not long after that, a man cloaked in green rushed out, followed by a storm of arrows. "You'd better get back here with my stuff, vermin!!!"




"Not today!" The man shouted back at him. After that, the thief jumped on top of a nearby house. He was out of sight. The young man who ws shooting arrows blindly through the trees emerged.




"Dang! He got away!" The young man said, greatly disheartened at the loss of his belongings. "If I see that guy again, he'll be sorry!"




"So what did he steal?" Gavin queried.




"Pretty much all of my money and the golden arrows I'd been saving."




"Golden arrows? What's your name, boy?"








"Verac the Defiled!?"




"Hah, no, just Verac. I don't know what my parents were thinking when they gave me the name... Eh, I like it."




"Well, these two young lads, Eight and Rynko, they're about to duel here." Verac shrugged.




"Why should I care?"




"So that I don't tear you limb from limb with my magic." Verac saw that Gavin was holding a Staff of Zamorak.




"Uh... Good point. So I'm watching these squirts fight then."




"Squirts!?" Rynko exclaimed in disgust.




"Yup, shrimps like you shouldn't be out here in the first place..."




"Shut up!"




"Silence!" Gavin raised his staff. As soon as he brought it down, a magical force muted Verac and Rynko. "Now then, let this duel begin." The mute on Rynko was lifted, but to keep Verac from interfering, he kept the Silence effect on him. With that, Eight and Rynko prepared themselves to battle.












Okay, there's the first chapter. I'll have another one down in a few hours. Tell me your thoughts!








Oh yeah, and read the disclaimer at the top. Don't point out items that don't exist in the game with a post, I know that they don't exist! Just leave it alone, it's all a part of the story!


If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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not a bad story, seems a little mundane with the kids, but thats just opinion, guess I'll just have an excuse to see how it turns out.








My money's on Eight.








Not bad grammar and punctuation.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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CHAPTER 2: The Duel








As Eight and Rynko stared each other down, a silent wind howled peacefully. That peace was soon to be broken by the sounds of wooden swords clashing, however.




"May the best man win!" Eight called out to Rynko.




"Don't worry, I will."




"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"




"Oh, nothing. Just the fact that I'm gonna whip you, is all..."




"Oh yeah? Prove it?"




"Gladly!!!" Rynko made a blind charge at Eight. Anticipating this, Eight raised his sword is a guarding position. Rynko was planning to break his guard by smashing his sword against Eight's, hoping to knock him off balance. Rynko closed in, raised his sword and swung down...








Rynko hesitated as he watched Eight sidestep his swing. Eight had read Rynko's moves like a book! Eight swung his sword upward with such force that Rynko was sent flying at least three feet.




"Heh. Like that?" Eight gloated to Rynko.




"Ouch... Dangit, I wasn't expecting the Falcon Parry..."




"You should have paid more attention to the Combat Tutor back in Lumbridge!"




"Man, that was AGES ago!" Rynko stood back up. "Besides, I'm not the kind of nerd who likes to study..."




"That's why you're gonna lose!" Eight made his own charge. Rynko jumped over Eight in a reflexive manner, which Eight had come to memorize. With a series of acrobatic filps and slashes, Rynko was left lying on the barren soil of the wilderness. Groaning, he stood up.




"Ow... Man, you even mastered the Albatross' Fury!?"




"Yep. Funny how far a little thing called 'dedication' can take you..." Eight chuckled to himself and put his sword away. He gave Rynko the last of his shrimps in good sportsmanship and walked back over to Gavin and Verac. Gavin was applauding modestly.




"Well, well, well. It seems you're a competent swordsman." Gavin stopped his gentle applause.




"Mmph!" Verac was making a gesture as though he were saying "Good job" as he struggled to even mumble through the magical seal that Gavin had placed on him. Then, Verac looked at Gavin very angrily. "Mmph, mmmhh mph mmmmhhhhhppphhhhhhhh!!!!"




"Oh, fine then." Gavin raised his staff and undid the magic on Verac.




"WOW! I had no idea that a little guy like you could be so talented!!!" Verac cheered to Eight.




"'Little guy'? You wanna go?"




"Har! You'd never touch me..." Verac pulled out a shortbow crafted out of the finest yew logs, and showed Eight his quiver. It was filled to the brim with mithril-tipped arrows.




"Change your mind?"




"Uh... Yeah." Eight backed up somewhat timidly.




"Well then," Gavin announced, "we'll all head for the pub in Varrock. Drinks are on me."




"Wait, Eight and I are underage!" Rynko stopped Gavin.




"Ah, don't you worry, I'm pretty sure that the barkeep has a few kegs of milk behind the counter. Heh..." Rynko and Eight looked at each other, infuriated at Gavin's teasing. As the sun set, Eight, Rynko, Gavin and Verac all headed for Varrock.












Well, I guess I'm done for the night. I'll have another chapter or two up tomorrow. See ya! ::'

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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CHAPTER 3: Holy Rapier








It was a fine, bright day in Draynor. Eight woke up with memories of the pub fresh in his mind. He had also remembered that, before Rynko and he had parted ways, Rynko had told him to meet him at the Monastary as soon as he woke up. Eight grabbed his wooden sword and shield and headed for the Monastary.




A few hours passed as Eight walked to the Monastary, but soon he was standing before the creepily huge doors that marked the entrance to the most holy place in all of Runescape.




"Well, here we are... Man, why does this place have to be so freaky...?" Eight cautiously pushed the doors open, and he was relieved to see Rynko's grinning face on the other side of the doors.




"What took you so long?"




"Do you know how far the Monastary is from Draynor? Jeez, learn some patience..." Eight shrugged as he walked past Rynko, who had a look of annoyance on his face.




"See that?" Rynko began to speak. "That's the Holy Rapier, a sacred weapon that destroys the unholy. However, due to the impurities of the human soul, not even the monks can touch the rapier without being turned to ash... Only those with a pure heart can so much as even brush against the weapon without spontaneously combusting."




"Huh... Interesting. Where'd you learn this?"




"I saw it on TV the other day."




"Figures..." Eight walked up to the pedestal on which the Holy Rapier was resting.








Eight and Rynko turned to face the doors in a hurry. The monks all rushed out, maces in hand, to defend the Monastary from the sudden invasion of the goblins.




"G-G-Goblins!?" Eight uneasily drew his wooden sword. "But aren't they a peaceful race!?"




"I don't quite know what happened either." A monk had positioned himself next to Eight.








The monk had beaten down a goblin with a crushing blow. "Recently, all of the monsters near the wilderness have been acting violently. We have reason to believe--"




Smash! The monk successfully defended himself against a goblin's sneak attack. "--that a dark wave of energy impulsed from a central area deep in the wilderness. We don't exactly know what caused it, but we may soon find out."








The monk had fallen victim to a goblin's mace. Before even ten seconds had passed, the monk was lifeless.




"Ack! N-No... S-S-Stay back!!!" Eight reflexively swung his sword, only to find it knocked out of his hands. On an impulse, he quickly rushed up the pedestal and yanked the Holy Rapier out of the crystal casing it had resting in for many years.




"Eight, NO!!!" Rynko cried out.












Heh, I'm gonna just leave you hanging here. Will Eight burn to ashes or will he gain the rapier's powers? Find out in the next chapter!








Oh yeah, and feel free to post reviews about this story. Just DO NOT POST ABOUT ERRORS MADE!!! If you happen to find a typo or grammatical error that I haven't noticed, please send me a PM alerting me of the error, and I will fix it. DO NOT POST ABOUT IT, IT MERELY SPAMS UP THE THREAD!!!

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

SORRY, I know it's been about a week before I've posted a new chapter, but I had a lot of things going on my life. I know that you don't really care about my family, or my financial issues, though... So I'll just hurry up and present the next chapter.








CHAPTER 4: Blessed Wind and the Rapier








Rynko stared at the flaming image that was Eight burning. However, he was not incinerating, not turning into ash. Merely, he stood there, brilliant billows of flames radiating from his body. Eight walked towards the bloody stairs of the Monastary.




"Rynko." Eight called out silently.




"W-W-W-What...?" Rynko was staring frightfully. Was this Eight?




"Stand back." As Eight raised the Holy Rapier slowly, Rynko quickly backed into a corner.




"Oh almighty Saradomin, grant me the power to vanquish those who would shed the blood of others for their own malice..." The goblins, despite their own foolishness, had a slight idea of what was about to transpire. However, their attempt to escape was futile. As Eight brought the rapier down, he exclaimed, "I allow You, Saradomin, to accept these pitiful souls! SCYTHE WIND!!!" Gusts of wind blew in from various directions. As the goblins were torn apart by the viciously sharp edges of wind, Rynko and the surviving priests watched in a mix of awe and horror. Eight muttered a short prayer as the aura of fire extinguished. "Saradomin, I apologize for ending these originally innocent being's lives abruptly. I hope that You can forgive the wretched lives that I have ended and myself alike."




"That was incredible!" A surviving priest came rushing up to Eight. "No one in Saradomin's faith has even been able to touch the rapier! I'm surprised that the chosen one isn't even IN the faith!"




"Well... My ancestors were all Templar knights that served the Monastary..."




"Do you follow Saradomin?"




"No, I follow Guthix."




"Hmm... It may be because you have the blood of Saradomin in you... Guthix is neither good nor evil, so I can see how you wouldn't burn upon touching the rapier..."




"I was always pressured to become a Templar... I never wanted to, though."




"But you HAVE to! You may be the only one in the world who can wield the rapier!"








Meanwhile, Gavin and Verac were waiting outside.




"So this is the place? The Monastary, of all things?" Verac inqueried.




"Yes, this is the site of the magical disturbance."




"Well, come on!"




"I can't! I follow Zamorak. Do you know what the monks will do if they see me?"




"Oh yeah... I forgot about the rivalries between the Gods."




"How can you be so nonchalant?"




"Meh, I guess it's one of my traits." Verac chuckled to himself as he approached the now bloodstained doors.












Alright, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut it here. It's getting late, and if I type any more I risk waking my mom up... Laters!

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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one word about this story so far:WOW!








How did you come up with this idea?! It just screams "originality"!! These few parts so far have been amazingly creative. Just these few chapters have gotten me completely hooked on this story. Keep it up! :thumbsup:

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Wow, thanks for all of the support, you guys! I guess you all are waiting at the edge of your seats for the next chapter... And here it is!








CHAPTER 5: The Way of Zamorak








Verac entered the Monastary to find a large amount of slain goblins. Amidst the rotting flesh of the slaughtered goblin army, there stood Eight. Even with the walls painted red with the blood of the goblins, Eight's clothes remained spotless.




"Eight! What happened here!?" Verac, seeing this travesty, rushed over to Eight and Rynko.




"I-I don't know..." Eight was shivering in discontent. "Did... Did I do that...? Did I kill of these living beings...? No, I didn't! It wasn't me!"




"Is he okay?" Verac was puzzled as to Eight's behavior.




"I think he's been traumatized. Eight never was very comfortable with seeing dead things... No one is, but for Eight... Take the feeling of losing the one closest to you and multiply it by five thousand times. That's what Eight's going through right now."




"I see... I've always been afraid of death, but for Eight... It's like a phobia!" Verac's gaze at the frightened Eight tensed. "This can't be natural. There must have been some sort of event... Something to make him like this."




"Well, you see--"




"Outside! Zamorak's presence lingers just outside the Monastary!" A horde of Saradomin's monks stormed outside.




"What's going on?" Rynko asked one of the monks.




"We've found a slight trace of Zamorak's being just outside of this building."




"How can you tell?"




"Simple! With this!" The monk pulled a strange machine out of his robes. "This handy little thing is called the Zamorak-And-Other-Dark-Being-Detecting-Device-Thingamajig!"




"A Zamorak-And-Other-wazzit?"




"To put it simply, it just finds anything that has to do with Zamorak or any of the other evil powers that have been rising up that may come near the Monastary."




"Arrrgh!!!" A horrid scream of pain came from the courtyard of the Monastary. "What is this!? It's too strong!!!"




"Oh no!" The monk rushed outside.




"Oh jeez, they found Gavin... Dangit, looks like I've got work to do..." As Verac rushed down the pedestal, he slipped three arrows in between his fingers and tightened his bowstring.




"Eight, come on! Snap out of it!" Rynko shook Eight in an attempt to awaken him from his trauma-induced daze.




"I likes a spot o' honey in me mornin' tea..." Eight mumbled incoherently as Rynko repeatedly shook him.




"Oh great, he's out like a light..." Rynko gave up in his attempts to wake Eight up. "Oh well, he should wake up pretty soon..." Rynko laid Eight down in a place that wasn't too bloodstained, and rushed out the door.




"Grr... I'm warning you all, monks, keep away from me if you value your lives!" Gavin was doing his best to keep the assaulting monks at bay. "I keep trying to tell you, I mean you all no harm!"




"Silence, follower of Zamorak!" A monk made a blind charge at Gavin.




"Arrgh... You brought this upon yourself! Ice Coffin!" A large pillar of water erupted from the earth and instantly froze, leaving the monk encased in a frigid column of ice. "If you come after me, you'll share his fate!"




"That's it! You, peon of the evil god, shall roam the land freely no longer!" All of the remaining monks made a desperate stand and rushed Gavin.




"I tried to show you mercy, but it appears that you cannot accept generosity from the gods that you so worship! So be it!" Gavin raised up his staff. "O mighty commandant of arcing lightning and crashing thunder, I stand before you, humbly requesting your assistance; now rise from the underworld, O furious blade of lightning!" Gavin threw his staff down just in time. "This ends here! DEMON LIGHTNING BLADE!!!" A sword composed of pure sparking lightning swept over the monks with the same devastating intensity as the wave of blood used on the female warrior. Within a few moments, there were countless bodies strewn across the courtyard, limp and completely burnt.




"Nooo! How could you do this!?" A priestess came stumbling out of the Monastary as she heard the commotion. "How... How could anything with a NAME cause this kind of destruction and loss of life!? You! You filth, you don't deserve to live!" The priestess began to scold Gavin. "All of the lives that you have taken in exchange for your own... Scum like you should never have existed!"




"I'm sorry, ma'am," Gavin attempted to politely lead the preistess away. "but I cannot be allowed to die until I have completed my duty."




"What duty could be worth all of these souls!?"




"I'm afraid I don't know. It is the way of Zamorak."












Once again, I'd like to thank all of you who have been encouraging me to continue this story and hurry along with it. Even though there aren't a lot of you, I still want to thank you all! :D Next chapter will be out soon!

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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I've read all you chapters now and although I am not use to so much talking in all the chapters I like it. I am equally impressed by how so many people have complimented your story. Not one negative thing is mentioned which shows that either everyone wants you to encourage you and want you to keep writing or most have not read it. Good job!

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I am TERRIBLY sorry it took me so long to write another chapter. Long story made short, my keyboard broke.




Anyways, here's the next chapter.




CHAPTER 6: The Sword Girl




As Rynko, Gavin, Verac, and the calmed Eight left the Monastary and headed back for town, the sun began to set on the wilderness' tall, barren trees as Eight looked back and felt remorse for his actions.




"What is it, Eight?"


"Was it really okay that I killed all of those monsters...?"


"It had to be done. It was either them or us."


"Yeah, but don't you think there was a way that we could have escaped the goblins without killing them?"


"I don't know, Eight. Besides, even if we had escaped, the goblins would have destroyed the Monastary. You saw the monks... They couldn't hold their own."


"Still..." As Eight dwelled on his actions, the night had befallen them.


"This isn't good," Verac quietly told the others. "We're not even halfway back to Varrock, and thieves just love to prey on travelers in the night..."


"Alpha Wave!" The group looked in the direction of the call, but before they could realise what had happened, Verac had been blown away by a shockwave.


"Ow... Dangit, I got careless!"


"Verac, can you stand?" Gavin rushed over to the fallen Verac. "I don't know healing magic, but I can give you some salmon if you need it..."


"It's okay, I'm fine." Verac stood. "But who the heck WAS that...?"


"Away with you, thieves!" Before them stood a small girl in a black dress. She was holding a large sword disproportional to her size. "You'll go no further than this!"


"What are you talking about?! We're not thieves!" Eight tried to convince the girl that she was mistaken.


"Shut up, you dreck! I've had enough of you!" The girl raised her sword. "Now you die! Alpha Wave!" The girl scratched her sword across the ground, producing a shockwave that flew at Eight with blinding speed. Eight unsheathed the Holy Rapier and blocked the wave. "What the?! No one should be able to block that!" Flustered, the girl stepped back. "You're no ordinary thief."


"I'm telling you, we're not thieves!"


"Shut it! I've had enough with your lies, dreck!" The girl made a running charge towards Eight.


"Take this!" A dart suddenly hit the girl in the arm. With that, she collapsed and passed out. "Heh, I always keep a few poison darts just in case something like this happens." Verac laughed and put his bow away.


"Poison?! Verac, she'll die!" Eight ran up to Verac in a panic.


"Oh, relax. She's not going to die, it's just a small dosage of tree frog poison. It's just enough to knock someone out. It's not lethal."


"The real problem we have now is what to do with her." Gavin walked up to the unconsious child. "We can't just leave her here, but if we take her with us, she'll try and kill us again."


"Hmm... We'll take away her sword and check her into an inn." Eight suggested. "One of us will have to stay with her... I guess I'll do it."


"Eight, are you sure? There's no telling what she'll try to do to you..." Rynko said, worried.


"Hey, it's alright. I have a weapon, she doesn't." Eight took the sword from the girl's limp hands. "Let's get going." As they started into the town, Eight noticed something glimmering on the ground. "Hey... This is a pendant. I wonder whose it is..."




~An hour later~




Eight walked into the inn, the girl hanging on his shoulder.


"I'd like a double room, please."


"Oh my, what about the girl? She looks ill."


"That's why I need the room."


"Really..." The bellhop looked at Eight suspiciously. "Well, I don't know if I can rent a room to someone like you."


"What do you mean?!"


"Well, it's just that the girl's unconsious and all..."


"W-What?! It's not what you think!"


"Sure it's not."


"I'm serious! She was hit by a poison dart, and I need to get her a place to rest so I can watch over her!"


"Oh my, I'm terribly sorry. You just looked a little suspicious... Here's the key."


"Thanks." Eight grabbed the key from the bellhop's hands and walked up the staircase in a huff. "Okay, room 12..." Eight opened the door, tossed the girl onto one bed and hopped into the other.


Just as he began to close his eyes, he heard the girl begin to wake up.


"Arrgh... Where am I...? Wait... My pendant! Where's my pendant?!" The girl scrambled around the bed, searching for her pendant.


"Your pendant... You mean this one?" Eight showed the girl the pendant he had found lying on the ground.


"My pendant! Give it back, dreck!"


"Sheesh, alright! Here." Eight handed the pendant to the girl.


"T-Thank you..." The girl took the pendant. "You're not so bad..."


"That's because I'm not a thief."


"My name's Rosa..."


"Mine's Eight."


"You know, this is the first time that I've slept in a bed for a long time..."


"What? Don't you have a home?"


"No... On my twelfth birthday, bandits burned down my home and killed my parents... I'm an orphan."


"That's pretty sad... So you're twelve? Where's you learn to fight so well?"


"My father was a swordmaster. He taught me how..."


"Oh... That's good."


"So how old are you?"


"I'm fourteen. Now let's go to sleep."


"Yeah..." Rosa and Eight drifted off to sleep as the cold night passed.










Well, there you have it. I'd like to thank everyone who's complimented on my story. It's good to have a fanbase... :mrgreen:

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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I find the mix of modern speach and a fantasy setting a bit disturbing, but the story is engrossing, and I couldn't stop reading. I'll be looking for it next time I get back to tip.it!

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I know... I've delayed this chapter for a long time. I apologize, I was playing Tales of the Abyss non-stop for quite a while. Anyways, here it is.




CHAPTER 7: Celestial Magic




Late in the night, a strange glow came from southern Varrock. At the source of the ethereal light, Rynko was experimenting with an obscure set of runes.


"Heheh... Yeah, now I'll beat Eight for sure!"




~The next morning~




Eight and Rosa walked out of the inn, refreshed.


"So where are you going now, Rosa?" Eight asked inquisitively.


"I don't know... I don't have anywhere to go. I've been roaming the land for ages. I guess I'll go sleep near the library." At this remark, Eight pondered what he could do to help.


"Hey, Rosa, why don't you come home with me?"


"What? I can't do that..."


"Really, it's okay. I've had a spare bed since my folks moved out to Draynor."


"Couldn't I just take the bed?"


"Are you forgetting that all of the furniture in Varrock is bolted down?"


"Oh yeah." Eight and Rosa started towards Eight's house. Once they reached the door, however, Eight looked down to find a note.


"To Eight, come to the wilderness and bring your sword. The wooden one, not the rapier! Rynko." Eight looked at Rosa with a smirk of determination. "Rosa, go on in. I've got some business to take care of."


"Okay." Rosa went inside as Eight dashed up north.




~About a half-hour later~




As Eight ran, he looked on ahead to find Rynko. He was doing some practice swings.


"Huh, you made it." Rynko looked over his shoulder towards Eight. "Ready?"


"You bet!" Eight pulled out his sword and ran in Rynko's direction. As he swung his sword downwards, Rynko parried upwards, sending Eight reeling backwards. "Heheh, looks like you've gotten a little bit better."


"That's not all!" Rynko reached into his pocket and pulled out a round greyish object. Crushing it in his hand and throwing the dust upwards, a faint radiance engulfed Rynko.


"Was that a... rune?" Eight stared in amazement.


"Yeah! Now take this!" Rynko pointed his finger at Eight and the glow converged around his fingertip. "Star Shot!" A small bolt of energy flew from Rynko's finger and hit Eight in the chest.


"Ow! Rynko, that hurt!" Eight looked stunned that Rynko would actually try to hurt him.


"Alright, here comes the next one!" Breaking another rune, he looked up to find Eight missing. "What in the...? Where did he go?" Before Rynko had a chance to react, he heard Eight shout something.


"Wind Cutter!" A sharp blade of wind pelted Rynko in his backside as he collapsed. "You're not the only one who knows magic."


"A-Agh..." Rynko got up. "I won't lose anymore!" With that, he ran off into the depths of the wilderness.


"No, Rynko! It's dangerous!" Eight began to give chase, but a small hole opened up beneath him. "Aaaaaaaaaaah!"






Okie-dokey, there's the new chapter. I'll try not to delay the next one, but no guarantees. <.<

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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