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Merchanting Help.


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Hello, I have seen plenty of guides on merchanting and plenty of people asking for help on the subject, but none of them really suited me much. I have been merchanting the same things from 2m up to now, 30m. I can make around 800k-1m an hour and I am wondering if I can make more than that per hour with 30m?


Xbox 360>Wii>PS3

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I find Free-to-play players with rare items as a great merchanting source.








When i did merchant, i've many-a-time brought Pumpkins and Eggs for about 8.6/8.4m respectively and sold them for 10M/9.4M.








Many of the non-merchant F2pers just want to get rid of their rares, so they're easy investments.








While you're there, go to the Yew section and try to buy bulk for 300-305ea, then sell on forums for 350ea. Sad to say though, many of the bulk sellers are autoers selling at the forum price, but you could be lucky.

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dragon bones used to be good, but not sure on their price atm

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And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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dragon bones used to be good, but not sure on their price atm








Erm, people sell in dribs and drabs (100-300bones), for about 1.5kea. You can make squeeze 1.7kea on the forums if you're selling a lot, but all the players who want/cant afford 99 pray got it right after con, so dont expect any large demands... Hence why people sell in small amounts/buy in small amounts.

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