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Low total lvl for a lvl 102.


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Tears of guthix is a good strategy. You could possibly make a string of movements to raise numerous low level skills at once. E.g. thieving seeds until 60 thieving, gaining numerous herb seeds. Use these to raise your farming up to whatever it gets to, then either sell the herbs, or use them to raise herblore. Then sell the products or use om slayer/barrows etc. If you sold, you could use that cash To buy glories and ess for 54 rc, then sell the nats, use em in mage arena etc.








Just throwing out an idea or two, see if it tickles your fancy.








No offense, but personally, I find that your skill total is slightly lower than many your level. If you divide your total level by your combat level and get a number less than 14, your account is primarily combat oriented. 14/15 are well rounded while 16+ are mainly skillers. Not my calculations, belong to somebody else on these forums from around 6 weeks ago :P .








The reason I personally find your total slighlty low, is that my goals for my birthday (September, guess the date, bad date in recent history) involve me having a similar total level around 88 combat. I prefer skilling, but whatever you prefer most is what you should really stick to, only follow the advice of others if you want to raise the levels yourself, not because of peer pressure (lmao)








This post went off on a tangent. Sorry for wasting your time if you don't like or feel like considering my ideas. Good luck with your skilling, feel free to PM me anytime I'm ingame :P

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skilling bores me




You said that after I posted. You play the game like you want, I have nothing against it. Don't hate on me for saying the truth though, and I'm not even rubbing it in, so heh, calm down.








highlanders for the love of gawd, stop spamming. Your like a fountain, but instead of spouting water you spout useless spam. -.-




Stop making combacks on me then, and I'll leave you alone. :lol:








Highlanders ftw?... Just leave Gold_Tiger to continue dwelling on past times, it is what entertains him while others have fun.








Anyway, on topic... Total xp doesn't really mean anything... I could have 200million fletching and cooking experience at level 3, with all my other non-combat/combat skills at level 1, and it wouldn't really matter... I'd rather have 70 in everything, as opposed to two level 99's.








As for a low total at 102, i'd say its kinda low... But then if you like combat, then why does total matter? Fun > Highscores.

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Clean the spam off this thread~ Stay on topic the poster is asking for advice not a flame war. Stop It !~~








BTW: I think your total level is not all that bad, easy ways to raise that is firemaking, cooking and maybe do some hunting. Want to congratulate you on a awesome wc level. Nice job ! :thumbsup:


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Don't even worry about it at all. I enjoy combat more than anything else, so I have you beat by a long shot for CB lvl to total lvl ratio. I'm level 101 with a total lvl of 1283.








Do what you enjoy and don't worry about what anyone else thinks of your levels. It's not worth the effort.

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I agree with others do what u like and if itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s combat go for it. Total doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t matter. Game have to be fun. I just like skilling, actually I like to do everything so I m doing a bit all. Mostly farming as it is my favorite at the moment and its fun. And your total isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t so low. I think its good.

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