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I have just spent all of my money on 33.3k chaos. Then sold and bought onyx. Now am wearing my beautiful fury!








Doesn't sound like much of a problem right? WRONG! Please read ahead.








The only thing I have now is about 150+ flax (Picking more atm.)








I need to know the fastest way to get 10m from 0gp.








I want so badly to achieve my dream outfit.








Ranger Set








Mystic Lava Staff- COMPLETED!




Sara Treasure Trail Robes




Obsidian cape




Sara book












I have NO idea how to get this. The first thing I thought of was Bow strings. This will take me over 40,000 yes 40k bowstrings. I don't know about you but I don't have patience to repeat that.












Please give me a faster way!


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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What about merchanting?




Buy crystal seeds and sell higher.








I am trying to find a way to get up to a mill or so to start merchanting again.








265+ flax.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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lol if your really despertae get 2 or 3 good friends to help u cut the yews and string they should do it for free cause they'd get some fletch xp :D








If u wanna do that PM and ill help ya lol :thumbsup:




One way or another were all zombies

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