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Everything posted by hot_mountain

  1. See Lasse these people make skill capes suck. Yeah they do since skillcapes obviously isn't meant to showoff with, let's just store it in the bank and look at it every once in a while. :| ONTOPIC, despite any fight you and I had, and what we said to each other, Gratz. You deserve this cape 100%. Good work.
  2. Aight, first off you need to make it so that when you hover your mouse over one of the numbers, ALL numbers disappear. Because keyloggers works like this (or they can, work as this): Everytime you click the mouse, it takes a blackandwhite screenshot of the screen with very low quality. Because of this, the image becomes very low in size, and can be sent withour much fuzz to the person who sent it to you. This is why a keylogger can get you're bank pin, it gets the four clicks, the person who sent you the keylogger looks at each one of them, and sees what numbers are gone. And voila, they know your PIN! Now, if we made it so that all numbers dissapear on clicking, people making keyloggers would have to make a screen record feature, and they'd have to make it enabled all the time since they obvioulsy don't know when you're gonna log in. That is 24/7 screen recording, even WITH low video quality, it would be a big big mess to send those extremely large video files over the internet. Secondly, you need to have this on forum login, and all other stuff like that too. Otherwise, of course it should be put into the game. And since it would be optional, it doesn't make any sense at all not to have it. Jagex should realise :|
  3. You can pm Jagex a list of Macroer Names.
  4. If RuneScape had real sounds, yes. But now we have midi effects, it wouldn't be cool.
  5. LOL?? :uhh: :XD: I'll get screenies tomorrow.
  6. it's post like these that annoy me. No one has said to this date that they play runescape just for education. Everyone already enjoys it because it is a game. An added bonus is that it can teach you certain RL skills. I never said that everyone is saying they play RS just for educational value. And if anyone said that outright, I'd tell them to sell the computer and join a library. A lot of the posts on what's been learnt come across as "I learned this and this and that makes playing RS okay!" The real joke there is that a large section of the knowledge is either inaccurate or could be better learnt elsewhere. The place where it could be better learned is where people don't want to go. School. :) If you think that lessons should be removed, then you have a bad idea. If leesons were removed from something fun, where would people learn? Teachers try to make their classes fun. If you take lessons from fun things, then teachers are turned into comedians. You should be happy that you are part of something that gives you enjoyment and could teach you. Interesting discussion tbh. My opion is, I enjoy RS as a game, I use it to set goals for myself and see if I can make it, it lets me meet and communicate with friends all over the world, and if I learn something from it (type faster, etc) so much the better? :thumbsup:
  7. Agreed. I don't wanna see F2Pers get a BIT of member stuff, never! But the bankspace just isn't reasonable, and will make people get bored of the game, and they obviously won't buy members. One more row.
  8. Red spiders ftw! \ And on-topic, nice rofl, I've needed that luck many times.
  9. Are you anti-aliasing the 10px visitor text?
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