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~Road to Mask~All F2P 13/20 million gp. Comment plz!

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About me: Hello people of tipit. I played RS since august of 2005 and I have been playing on and off for quite a bit. In the beginning, all I cared about was getting to next "metal". For example, getting 41 wc for rune axe, 41 mining for rune pic and 40 atk and def for rune armor and weps. At this stage I was pretty much blissfully training my combat as well as some skills.








After hitting 40 average in all skills, leveling up got a lot harder. I realized that training skills was boring. I did train my favorite mining skill however. I got mining 60 and realized that the guild was awesome! I got around 300k by mining coal.








Then.. :( i got hacked. (fr33 st00f pl0x?) I recovered steadily and realized that my skills were crap. I needed to merchant.








Anim7, the ruthless merchant: I started out buying addy plates in champs guild and selling for 1-2k higher to people. That was profitable but so many smithers in the game caused the prices to fall.








I then started merchanting coal. That got me back to 400k. It was time for the next phase.












Without steel bars, I would be a poor f2p noob. Steel helped me realize the potential. I bought coal and iron and also mined a little bit and doubled my money. I put it 300k and got 600k. Four big smelting jobs later...I reached my first million. It was alright....No 'M' in the cash pile though..that was frustrating. I never thought I would go past that mark... :o








God Armor:




One of my smaller goals was to get saradomin armor, the best f2p one. I bought rune g in parts and sold for higher prices. I also merchanted rune h kites till 2million. Then I moved to guthix armor. My best break was buying full set for 1.2mil + full rune and selling it for 1.7 mil.








I never went to zammy. I had eenough money for sara. I bought sara and it was just sitting in my bank...I sold sara and bought zammy. I merchanted about 10 sets before reaching 5mil.








My next goal was a rare.
















I had a bad experience with my first rare. A pumpkin. I bought for 9.08 and had to sell it for 8.75mil :cry:








Then i smelted steel bars to get my lost money.








After weeks of apprehension i bought a stupid easter egg for 9.06mil.




I added 700k to that get a disk.







MY LuCKIEST: Someone offered me 10.5 mil for the disk! :D




I took the offer and reached 10mil. Now I am on my way to a mask. My first wearable rare....to be. 8-)












Achievements so Far








































After my 10mil debut....








Hows this? I took your advice and reached 11.2mil




















When I made my first 1 million gp, I was not pleased. The cash pile said 1000k instead of 1M. I then realized that I needed 10Mil for the M in the cash pile. After months of merchanting, here it is!
























Now for the countdown to 10mil:
















Here are my stats and bank:
















Rate me or hate me. 1-10.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Stats > money




It's good but not that good. You can do better...now get 20 M :D








do u really think that? i mean my stats are bad. they are ridiculously low.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Stats > money




It's good but not that good. You can do better...now get 20 M :D








do u really think that? i mean my stats are bad. they are ridiculously low.








Personally I think its stats = money (in the long run)








Like Lordjake said, I would invest half in skills and the other half in your merchanting.








Other than that, very nice! I'm shall actually hit that very soon.








10/10 add me?




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10/10 for 10M, I dont even have yet and im lv 102 :oops:








But I always think of Merchanting this way...








If you get scammed all your money..How will you get it back..




If you had skills, it may take way less time, so im saying that you should spend it on some money skills

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skilling takes effort. dont get me wrong..merchanting also takes time..but skiling is boring. i mean, u know what to expect and it is frustrating...




i click on a tree, i get logs...


i cook stuff..


i fish stuff...




and thru out the skilling process i do not see any profit. i mean sure 1k coal mining is like 180k, but it is tedious. i dont have that much time to play rs. i mean i got tests and homework, so it is pointless for me to skill. I have tried to mine 1k coal before but i get so unenthusiastic and stop after 700 coal.




in merchanting, i get big breaks. i mean i browse thru forums and buy stuff, and then go to world 1 to sell em. sometimes, the profit can be 30k, but sometimes it can be 300k. I get satisfaction in merchanting, where as in skilling, it is so hard for me to get motivated.




The thing that i am most worried about is wasting time...i mean sure 99 cooking would rock but lets be pragmatic here shall we? what could i do with that? not burn swordies (highest f2p fish)?




I could get 66 rc using w16 and emptying out part of the bank but then what? i have to make all that money that i just lost. in merchanting, the profits are ephemeral (hope that is the right word :))




Just a lil tip about merchanting... Dont ever think about it! It comes naturally. The minute you start thinking about whether or not you can sell for much higher price...you have lost. For me, i am just wandering around banks and boom! There is a guy who sells 1k coal for 100k. I immediately jump to him and buy it. And when trying to sell it...I dont care if i make big profit..just that i make profit...

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Well you asked for ratings...we've given our opinions and now you turn them down. :-k




It's a nice pile of money...other than that as you said it, the profit in merchanting is ephemeral, while if you skill you can always get more as you get up...but you should do whatever makes you happy in RS. :mrgreen:

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Well you asked for ratings...we've given our opinions and now you turn them down. :-k




It's a nice pile of money...other than that as you said it, the profit in merchanting is ephemeral, while if you skill you can always get more as you get up...but you should do whatever makes you happy in RS. :mrgreen:






i turned them down? :oops: sorry. :oops:




it is just that i dislike skilling so much...and everyone else seems to love it or have mastered it...

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Well you asked for ratings...we've given our opinions and now you turn them down. :-k




It's a nice pile of money...other than that as you said it, the profit in merchanting is ephemeral, while if you skill you can always get more as you get up...but you should do whatever makes you happy in RS. :mrgreen:






i turned them down? :oops: sorry. :oops:




it is just that i dislike skilling so much...and everyone else seems to love it or have mastered it...




Well, well, well. I am an ex-skiller. Hmm, you say? Well, I also found skilling to be tedious, hence the low wc and fishing lvls. But, I runecrafted, farmed herbs, and made potions with the herbs. This made me a lot of money, plus I got experience in 3 of the "rarest" skills. Now, I realize that you are f2p, but have you ever thought about p2p? I mean, it would be so much easier for you to merchant that way, like.. a few times easier. Anyways, if you have any questions about skilling, I'd be glad to give you any advice, just pm me.





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how did u runecraft? w16 airs? or some p2p stuff like abyss or nats...




and regarding p2p...the problem is not money. it is the amount of time that i play this game. which is very low. this acct has 1.5 years of playing time. about 1 hr a day. no weekends..


so i would be wasting $5. i am perfectly fine with being f2p and i dont think skilling is necessarily "hard" because what can i compare it to? i have never been p2p so i have never experienced "easy" as most ppl say.




but i have considered a month or two of membership...for the summer vacation.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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skilling takes effort. dont get me wrong..merchanting also takes time..but skiling is boring. i mean, u know what to expect and it is frustrating...




i click on a tree, i get logs...


i cook stuff..


i fish stuff...




and thru out the skilling process i do not see any profit. i mean sure 1k coal mining is like 180k, but it is tedious. i dont have that much time to play rs. i mean i got tests and homework, so it is pointless for me to skill. I have tried to mine 1k coal before but i get so unenthusiastic and stop after 700 coal.




in merchanting, i get big breaks. i mean i browse thru forums and buy stuff, and then go to world 1 to sell em. sometimes, the profit can be 30k, but sometimes it can be 300k. I get satisfaction in merchanting, where as in skilling, it is so hard for me to get motivated.




The thing that i am most worried about is wasting time...i mean sure 99 cooking would rock but lets be pragmatic here shall we? what could i do with that? not burn swordies (highest f2p fish)?




I could get 66 rc using w16 and emptying out part of the bank but then what? i have to make all that money that i just lost. in merchanting, the profits are ephemeral (hope that is the right word :))




Just a lil tip about merchanting... Dont ever think about it! It comes naturally. The minute you start thinking about whether or not you can sell for much higher price...you have lost. For me, i am just wandering around banks and boom! There is a guy who sells 1k coal for 100k. I immediately jump to him and buy it. And when trying to sell it...I dont care if i make big profit..just that i make profit...




I totally agree with you there - I once used to be a pure merchanter, with noobish stats (not that your stats are noobish). But then I got hacked, and had no way to regain your money - I've had to deal with that. But nevertheless, I see your hatred to skill, and you love for merchanting, so continue to merchant! But just saying my reasoning.




To answer your question: Mining ---> Mine iron to 85 (+5m) ---> Mine Rune (+300k/hr). As you gain lvls (usually) you gain money.




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300k/hr with rune mining? wow that is quite a lot.




just a quick question:




what about pkers? how often do u encounter them?




just saw ur siggy. gratz on 1000 total lvl sparticus!

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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