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The chav VS Emo arguement were do you come in


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Alright.. You're a bunch of idiots. Quit fighting about who has a higher ranking or whatever. You can not honestly tell me moshers are better than emos and have it stand as a fact. You might as well tell me I'm going to ace geometry this year. It's total bs. Remember that 'every man is created equal' thing? Quit going against it or we're going to have a whole new level of problems. Black people aren't even treated equal yet and you're trying to drag people as far down as they used to be merely because of the way they dress or the music they listen to. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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My school is mostly inhabitated by emo's so my thoughts on Chavs would probably be the same if I had personal experience with them.




And I dont see emo's as a bunch of overly dramatic self mutilating freaks, because I know several people who cut themselves, who dont fit into the "emo" stereotype.




and its not that i utterly despise emo's, because I have friends who are emo's. I just dont find them to be as individual as they say, and it annoys the crap outta me so i often voice my opinion about em as if I with they would all jump off a cliff :P


My WoW character, gnome warlock Saldomar

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My school is mostly inhabitated by emo's so my thoughts on Chavs would probably be the same if I had personal experience with them.




And I dont see emo's as a bunch of overly dramatic self mutilating freaks, because I know several people who cut themselves, who dont fit into the "emo" stereotype.




and its not that i utterly despise emo's, because I have friends who are emo's. I just dont find them to be as individual as they say, and it annoys the crap outta me so i often voice my opinion about em as if I with they would all jump off a cliff :P








The thing that annoys the hell outta me is probably 'Chavs'




They just dis-respect everything.




I was sitting in my accounts class, and who was running up and down the hallway shouting profanities at other students and at teachers?




Who spits on the floor? Who graffitis profanities onto probably every surface they can find?




You see a group of them walking towards you, and you generally feel uneasy, because of their reputation.




They're abusive and rude.






I know it's not 'Chavs' that do this, But the majority.


Also the minority of 'Emo's' 'Skaters' 'Trendies' Whatever other stereotypical group you can think of does.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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No one ever heard of Scottish neds??




Basicly chavs but 100x worse!




They speak in a really Scottish accent and you really can't understand them...


They wreck buildings,cars etc.




Yeesh can't go to Glasgow or Dumbarton after 7pm!






im from scotland and they dont speak scotish they speak slang they have a scotish accent they claim to speak scotish becase they say




"aye a ken man pure stuning" <--something i heard today








"YEah i know bloody buetiful" <--- rough translation




That isn't scotish the true scotish language is galich



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*checks wrists* well I guess I'm not an emo...




Dude thats just like not cool.........






May i ask you a darn question




How many emos do you actualy know in person HUH? Or do you just hear things from people that say "emos slit there wrists" and think Oh they say it i have no idea what an emo is so you just follow what they say and i shal fit in with all the cool kids that smoke and do drugs and will end up working minimum wage in mcodalds?






Oh and you ask why do emos cut themselfs "because there attention seekers" NO "because there money little (cencores)" NO




Its because there depressed because chavs/gangstas Keep making fun of them bullieing them and sometimes killing them (i know a bit extreme but it happens)




And another thing about gangsters They have little groups like the YSS and the BYP and they were ment to fight but they both chickened i mean whats the point on these little gangs there is no god damn point!!!!!






Or in otherwords Abyssalwhip Your post sickened me ::'



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I'm not really either, I like rock but not emo, i sometimes wear dress polos but not a lot. um...I'm neutral :XD:




and btw, in the united states we call chavs PREPS :lol:




No we call them wangsters.




Preps are nothing like chavs, there on opposite ends of the spectrum there bud.


My WoW character, gnome warlock Saldomar

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Remember that 'every man is created equal' thing?




Key word there, just because every man is created that way, doesnt mean that they are all equal in the long run.




The decisions that people make, and the way certain people decide to present themselves in this society, set us apart.




I certainly dont think of myself equal to one of those terrorists that hi-jacked an airplane and flew them into the World Trade Center.


My WoW character, gnome warlock Saldomar

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