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Buying Da Vinci Grunge Sig 100-200k


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Already tried that. The circle woudlnt fit, but i could get the sq to fit, as shown in the current sig.








If I were to make the circle visible I'd have to shrink it a bit, which made the face very much unclear to me.. so I crossed that plan out. :P








Unless ford wants it? :)








Hehe ok :P Its still great the way it is.

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I don't know at all what the book is about...a shame it is. So my sig might be a little off. Anyway.
















I noticed that it is a little light.. I'll fix it if you want (..it at all).








yes please make it a little darker, just to see what its like, ill post a leader list in a day or two maybe, then judge the entry's, i love em all good job guys

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ok, i'll only post the first 3 leaders, out of respect so no one got last place and felt bad.








coming first is maladrin












second is Sluchie












third is ColAvanor












just remember, it is not closed yet, and this is my first general idea, i will also get some other people to share their thoughts on which is the best.

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I'm not a sorry looser if that's what you are implying. I just feel that maladrin's leader sig's drop shadow should drop him down on the list. And that sluchie's sig, which has the viridian man hardly visible isn't too striking.








I would place them differently. That's all.

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ok, i'll only post the first 3 leaders, out of respect so no one got last place and felt bad.








coming first is maladrin












second is Sluchie












third is ColAvanor












just remember, it is not closed yet, and this is my first general idea, i will also get some other people to share their thoughts on which is the best.








Mals just looks messed up...with the lighting








sluchies is too dark








Cols is the best by far








mine just plain old sucks.

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