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What runescape as an MMO truely needs.


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As a lifetime player of all varieties of MMORPG's I have noticed that a vital piece of the MMO jigsaw is missing in runescape. This is community. Whilst there is evidently some community in the way of trades, and private chats, there is no true team community other than player made clans and mini games. What i hope to do is outline my idea to implement more community and grouping systems into runescape. First of all I'll outline my idea, with an in depth description of the technical details (I'm a computer programmer so i know how these things work behind the scenes :D )




the two things that i will outline are an official in game clan system, and an in game grouping / party system PICTURES TO BE ADDED LATER---


EDIT- party system already suggested by another player, however I'm implementing it into my clan system also, with some changes




All MMO's I have ever played (except for runescape ofc) have an in game grouping system. The grouping system allows for players to combat together as a team, much in the way as 3 friends going to the kalphite or dagganoth kings would now. However, one vital advantage an official system has, is that looting rules can be set however the members of the party would like them to be set. for example.




Party A consists of play X,Y, and Z.




in the current system, the three players meet up at the kalphite queen, bash it into the ground, and whichever player does the most damage, gets the drop. That player may then or then not decide (contrary or along with the pre-agreed rules) to share the loot. so either players Y, and Z get extremely miffed off that player X just ran off witha dragon chain that they all worked for, or trustworthy player X sells the loot and shares.




however, with an official grouping system, the loot rules are in the party settings. I propose that the following loot types be implemented.






ROUND ROBIN- Each player takes it in turn to receive loot. EG, first kill goes to player X, second to player Y and so on so forth.




GROUP LOOT- Players X, Y, and Z kill the kalphite. a small message box (picture to be added) appears at the bottom of the screen. It comprises of a timer (expected time 30 seconds) a pass button, and a roll button. If a player would like a chance to get the item, they would click the roll button. If they decide that its not worth their time, they would click the pass button. If the roll button is clicked, a random variable (decimal number) from 0-1 (eg 0.71829) would be generated for each player that clicked the roll button. The player with the highest roll wins the item.






now for the central idea. The clan system.




A clan system for runescape would be invaluable. It would develop the economy (as merchanter clans would arise to play the market off each other) and would develop PVP (pk clans would emerge) and most of all the community would grow in strength. I hear you say, "Clans already exist!".


Yes, however, if a system were implemented in game, you could chat in a separate chat window, you could have in game emblems, and coupled with the grouping system, much more efficient clan activities.




I propose that a clan NPC would be in Varrock.


The person/persons wishing to start the clan go to the NPC and pay a fee. (Probably in the region of 500k, so that the clan system isnt flooded with 1 man clans) they choose the name of the clan, and accepts. Congratulations. You are now a clan leader!




Talk to the NPC again. You will have 3 options.




Obtain Invitation certificates- Used to invite people into the clan (more on these later)




Change Clan Permissions- Change the access rights of members of the clan. (again, more later)




Dissolve clan- Pretty self explanatory. click this, you will receive 3 confirmation screens, and your clan will be deleted.








ok. Time for a more in depth study of the invitations and permissions.






Invitation certificates- when choosing this option, you will receive 20 invitation certificates. These can be traded to players, and have an "accept" right click function. the player receiving teh certificate, then receives a confirmation screen, and then becomes a member of your clan! woohoo! These can only be given out by players with INVITATION rights. ok, so lets see how we give players invitation rights.




Changing clan permissions- on choosing this option, you will be presented with a screen, showing the names of each player in the clan, and their current access status. the default will be "member" but it can be raised to "Veteran" (veterans have invitation rights) or co-leader (also have invitation rights) to edit their access details, click a players name, and click their new access level. Simple!








so how does the clan communicate?


along with this implementation come many advances in the interface, however, they are not complicated to grasp. They allow players to communicate with their clan and group members, and are as follows.






TABBED CHAT- there will be 3 tabs for chat. General chat (for all your normal RS speech) party chat (for talking with your group. this chat will be invisible to everyone except your group) and clan chat (for talking with your clan. this chat will be invisible to everyone but your clan)


switching between chat is easy. just click on the tab you would like to speak/listen in, and type away!




PARTY INTERFACE- of course, with a detailed system like the grouping system, it needs an interface. as previosuly mentioned, each players right click will also show an invite option. this will add them to the current party. Partys maximum members should be 5, unless declared as a raid (can only done by party/clan leader) options for changing party details will be on a button, next to your private chat, public chat and trade buttons. there will be a party chat button there, showing the current loot type, (as mentioned above) and if the button is clicked, a menu will pop up, allowing you to select a different loot type, and of course, the "leave group" option will be displayed.






How feasable is this?




Well, very feasable! Let me explain the techincal details.




Runescape is written in "Runescript" a hybrid of java, python and perl (albeit mainly java) a lovely function of java, is its ability to communicate and manipulate Databases.




when a player makes a clan via the NPC, the clan name is added to the database. Everyone who is invited and accepts their invitations to that clan is tehn added to teh database too, under that clan. All current data held on clans, would be held on this database, (probably a MYSQL back end) and the database could be queried, for example, when the clan leader wants to see a list of all the players in his clan.


This client-server system, has already been implemented, and is used every day by most of you. Whenever you log in, your login details are queried against a server, so this system is very feasable indeed!






Of course there would have to be validation implemented to ensure that a palyer could not be in more than one clan, or that no two clans could have the same name, but these are easily fixed too.




Please show your support, and if you dont support, please supply constructive criticism so i can make this idea better. Feel free to ask any questions!















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thank GOD, SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW THIS STUFF WORKS!!! :pray: ::' if you could post on some other topics, that would be brilliant. thanks!

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I have played Guild Wars and a variety of other MMORPGs which you effectively HAVE to have a party to do any combat. imo, that just doesn't work for me, i find it a lot more fun to go and do things myself




But the Clan system itself would be a great thing for Runescape. However then you have the troubles of people registering a name which another clan want.


However if Jagex were to implement this, then perhaps they should offer the current major clans their current name?

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I didn't read the whole post, but in my personal opinion runescape has a GREAT community. It may not have a party system of any sort, but if with all the other MMO's i've played, the whole thing is just "WIll you buy this?" and killing stuff. In runescape, I see general conversations, and people just plain talking. If runescape's community wasn't as great as it was, I would have quit a LONG time ago.






I just read the whole thing, and they are very good ideas, but my original post was how I think runescape still has a good community.



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indeed, runescape has a community, although sometimes it does seem more of a chat room, than an MMO style community. I agree that its good that people just chat to each other, but i also think that with this, teh bond between players could be strengthened, and that it could receive more functionality through this system.

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Its nice to see somebody who actually knows what they're talking about, but I thought Runescript was just Java augmented with the benefits of python and perl, Not really a hybrid, I might be wrong though.




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The way WoW Works is there are certain "Item Levels" Such as the example there are Green, Blue, and Purple Items....Each of those triggers a role, Jagex would have to redo most of there game...




But I agree with you 100% of the way!




However the Clan cost of 500K is a bit big...Id rather just save up for an Abby whip...Id go for atleast 50-100K

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The way WoW Works is there are certain "Item Levels" Such as the example there are Green, Blue, and Purple Items....Each of those triggers a role, Jagex would have to redo most of there game...







A monster in runescape drops 1 or 2 items at most. and if its mroe tahn one or two, they are stackable. Ergo, it wouldnt be any problem to roll on any drop.




and even if they did only want rolls on specific drops, they wouldnt have to redo most of the game... its merely a database of items, and whether or not each requires a roll.

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I loved every part save for the loots are spread. There should be a NPC that keeps all the items dropped. When u talk to him, this interface like that of a bank's will come up. All looted items will go in. To allow the players to know what the monsters dropped, a message in the chat box will tell them what they've looted.


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