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Sorry guys...I completely forogt what the day was really about...


I rmember they really did fight well...What was it..?


70k axis died, when only 11k Aus+Nz died..Amzing.




Or you just chose not to through your selfish and ignorant ways. Grow up.




And also learn how to spell properly so you don't seem like an even more immature [bleep].


Dude...That wasn't nessicary.


So...I made a mistake and sounded like a jerk...I'm not having a good day...Trust me.


And the spelling....I posted that in a rush (and this thread isn't about spelling, so lay off it.), and if you want to know...I'm allowed an opinion, and i should be allowed to express whatever views I have. I respect the Australians and New Zealanders who fought, but that war wasn't good for my family, I almost feel like i'm celebrating the deaths of my ancestors.




Also...Calling me a [bleep], shows your not too mature either.




So lay off it, i apologised.




Think of the bigger picture. As I said, freedom is a privalege, not a right. People effectively died for your freedom and liberal way of life. There is a connection, albeit a these days weaker one (although still traditional and symbolic).




People died fighting for the allies and for thier country, that being Australia or New Zealand in the case of the ANZACS. They DIED for you and the ideals of this nation which you hold dear. Surely, that must mean something to you.

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Sorry guys...I completely forogt what the day was really about...


I rmember they really did fight well...What was it..?


70k axis died, when only 11k Aus+Nz died..Amzing.




Or you just chose not to through your selfish and ignorant ways. Grow up.




And also learn how to spell properly so you don't seem like an even more immature [bleep].


Dude...That wasn't nessicary.


So...I made a mistake and sounded like a jerk...I'm not having a good day...Trust me.


And the spelling....I posted that in a rush (and this thread isn't about spelling, so lay off it.), and if you want to know...I'm allowed an opinion, and i should be allowed to express whatever views I have. I respect the Australians and New Zealanders who fought, but that war wasn't good for my family, I almost feel like i'm celebrating the deaths of my ancestors.




Also...Calling me a [bleep], shows your not too mature either.




So lay off it, i apologised.




You still totally over looked what the day is all about. Which makes me quite annoyed of your ignorance. And calling you a ignorant Bast ard is in no way "immature" especially after what you said. Considering you just said "I'm allowed an opinion, and I should be allowed to express whatever views I have," which I acknowledge is quite true, so going along with that my opinion of you ain't a good one!




And Warrior I feel in no way "bad" for assaulting someone who showed disrespect for the day, and only probably changed his opinion on it because of the replies he got after it. And you are correct in what you said about what its about, its not a celebration, its a day of remembrance for those who gave their lives so that we may live in the democratic freedom filled country that is Australia.




And also, no thread is about spelling or grammar, but it doesn't mean you can't learn to use it! Especially at this board, where practically everyone hates it when people don't. If not, please go back to the General Board where you belong.

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You guys did a swell job there. I remember watching one scene of Galipoli in history, last year, and you're right warrior, t'is moving.




Plus, those biscuits are delicious. What's the history behind them does anyone know?

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You guys did a swell job there. I remember watching one scene of Galipoli in history, last year, and you're right warrior, t'is moving.




Plus, those biscuits are delicious. What's the history behind them does anyone know?

umm they used to be 10X harder lol and they were standard rations in gallipoli i'm fairly sure but i don't remember
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You guys did a swell job there. I remember watching one scene of Galipoli in history, last year, and you're right warrior, t'is moving.




Plus, those biscuits are delicious. What's the history behind them does anyone know?

umm they used to be 10X harder lol and they were standard rations in gallipoli i'm fairly sure but i don't remember




Yeah Anzac Buscuits are awesome! I believe a lot of them were baked back here at home by the Wives of the Soldiers and sent over into the warfront in ration packs. They don't go stale quickly and they taste really good.

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You guys did a swell job there. I remember watching one scene of Galipoli in history, last year, and you're right warrior, t'is moving.




Plus, those biscuits are delicious. What's the history behind them does anyone know?

umm they used to be 10X harder lol and they were standard rations in gallipoli i'm fairly sure but i don't remember




Yeah Anzac Buscuits are awesome! I believe a lot of them were baked back here at home by the Wives of the Soldiers and sent over into the warfront in ration packs. They don't go stale quickly and they taste really good.




Pretty much my knowlege of it. Made by diggers wives as ration food. Awesome biscuits. ::'

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Woops, accidently posted.




I don't think that many other countries really understand what really went on at that time.

Of course other countries knew what went on. The Americans, the British, the Russians, the French, the Germans, the Turks, the Italians and most of the European countries... They all suffered in the first world war.




Just to confirm, ANZAC Day is like the British Day of Remembrance, you remember all wars?

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Woops, accidently posted.




I don't think that many other countries really understand what really went on at that time.

Of course other countries knew what went on. The Americans, the British, the Russians, the French, the Germans, the Turks, the Italians and most of the European countries... They all suffered in the first world war.




Just to confirm, ANZAC Day is like the British Day of Remembrance, you remember all wars?




Yep. It's most told story, however, is Gallipoli. Gallipoli was basically the beginning of our courage and mateship in wartime as a new nation (Australia became a seperate colony from ye old motherland in 1901 and the Gallipoli campaign was mostly in 1915).

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