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Solution for the lvl 3 overseas worker problem


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Since everyone knows about the problem Jagex is having with the sweatshops and stuff, I will just go right into the discussion about a solution with explaining the problem in depth.








I think that Jagex should make a new quest for the wc skill. Like if you wanted to chop willows you would have to completed a quest to gain that ability to cut them. Sorta like the runecrafting quest. This would make the people working in the sweat shops and for money to do more then just cut logs. This way they would have to engage in the game a little more. I mean, it is pretty easy for the people running the sweatshops to say "ok, this is a ax, click on the tree to cut it. After the tree disappears wait the cut again.".




Because the wc skill is a easy skill in that you don't have to buy numerous items. All you need is a ax. And when those lvl 3 can cut yew, then are still using bronze axes. But with things like fishing and stuff, nobody is going to buy shrimp in loads of 'k'. So some requirements for the quest should be a certain lvl of crafting, fishing, and combat. This would make it harder for the sweatshops. What we want is for these people to have to interact with the game more then they are.




I just thought of this idea after reading about the problem. This plan will not stop the sweatshops entirely, but then again, if someone wants to sell something it is sorta hard to stop then. This is just to make it harder on the sweatshops. It can be refined alot, so sound off and give me your ideas.





If anyone thinks he is someone, when he is no one. He deludes himself.


~Kaeloc...rebirth of the Phoenix

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Yeh, I can understand that. Possibly the quest should have something like the ernest the chicken one, where you have to do some basic problem solving.





If anyone thinks he is someone, when he is no one. He deludes himself.


~Kaeloc...rebirth of the Phoenix

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i have a lvl 3 skiller account to but i totally support the quest part i dont care i mine and cut with rune and im lvl 3 and i craft i hate al those autoers who steal my yew logs at the trees

How does 20 minutes turn into 2.5 hours? Was your math perhaps magical math?


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I suppose the lag, the time, the autoers, and the problems would all disappear






Runecrafting is there because it fuels another skill. Infact, runecrafting is absolute rubbish now. Who wants woodcutting to fail like it? No-one


Runecrafting requires a quest because it changes the course of the game completely with creation rather than always having to buy runes. Woodcutting is a pretty useless skill if you are non-member, so why bother doing the quest?

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Sadly, I must agree with cookking912. This wouldn't really slow them down. The sweatshop workers would just do the quest, and then cut wood...



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

Barrow drops:

Verac's Helm

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A quest wouldn't really stop them. Instead of "this is an axe, click the tree." It would be "This is the quest guide. Do it then click the tree."


I agree. Bots would stop at nothing in order to get what they wanted. If you go around cheating sites a bit, you'll know how bots work. They even have bots that walk you through tutorial island!! How long can it take for them to make another bot that finishes the quest for you?


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Look I agree with what you guys are saying...




What you need to realize is that as far as making bots that play tutorial island and do just about everything else, is that if someone wanted to they could make a bot that played the entire game and the person would never have to do anything. This idea is just suppose to make it harder on the bots/sweatshops.




I suppose the lag, the time, the autoers, and the problems would all disappear






I never said anything about this fixing the lag. Actually, I rarely have problems with lag on my computer. Also, there is never going to be a perfect solution to all the problems in the world. You should know that.




A quest wouldn't really stop them. Instead of "this is an axe, click the tree." It would be "This is the quest guide. Do it then click the tree."




Again, we are trying to get these people to interact as much as possible with the game. Making them do the quest would be more interacting with the game then they are doing right now.




Another idea to make the quest harder to "macro it" is like in the shield of array quest. Make it so that players have to cooperate and work together as a team to complete the quest.




The problem is that it is very hard if not impossible to keep people from selling accounts and RS gold for real world cash, but we can make the people only playing to sell engage with the game more. Honestly, do we get more angry at the lvl 3 "botter" that sells gold for real world cash, or the lvl 90 that does the same. It's the lvl 3 that we get most angry at because they are not playing the game the right way. By making them do more of the game (eg quests) we are forcing them to engage more.












The quest requirement points should be high enough so that the botters are required to have done at least a couple additional quest before they do the wc one.

If anyone thinks he is someone, when he is no one. He deludes himself.


~Kaeloc...rebirth of the Phoenix

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idk about the qp reqruiment... i mean tht would make wc harder to start for honest players




You have to realize that because some people are cheating this is going to effect everyone. There are very few things you can do without effecting other people, and cheating is not one of them.





If anyone thinks he is someone, when he is no one. He deludes himself.


~Kaeloc...rebirth of the Phoenix

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