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Hello, I just got 32 quest points on my pure f2p account and am wondering if I am ready complete dragon slayer. These are my current stats.




40 attack


40 str


30 def


40 range


35 mage


41 hp


27 or 28 prayer.




Money isn't an issue for runes/food/armor/gear/ext.




Please tell me a decent set up for what I should wear and if I can even do it and if I can, how long would it take.




I am going out to eat and will read all replies the second I get in. Thank you!




~Joes So Cool (Going for Dragon Slayer, HOPEFULLY)


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Wrong place, but possible i guess, a few more def would be better...


Please, if you're going to give advice know what you're talking about. "A few more def" would give him.... MORE than 40 def and on an f2p pure that's bad. So no, don't get a few more def, keep your def where it is, do the quest and then get the remainder.

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40 attack


40 str


30 def


40 range


35 mage


41 hp


27 or 28 prayer.

Rune scimmy and 2h, full addy, stronghold boots, green dragon hide vambs, ANTI-DRAGON SHIELD, power ammy, any cape, a tele.




Bring one str pot and rest swordies, simply get in there take a sip of str pot, attack, eat when needed (keep hp over 20) You should only use about half your swordies, just take them instead of lobbies because the little extra healing will help if a lagg occurs. Once dead, tele out (Can't use home tele cause things will attack you)

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This is totally possible. You'll do it very easily. Just run to the left of the dragon theres a safe spot and fire bolt him to death ;)
Does safespot even work for him? His dragon breath has range like those of metal dragons.. :roll:

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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This is totally possible. You'll do it very easily. Just run to the left of the dragon theres a safe spot and fire bolt him to death ;)
Does safespot even work for him? His dragon breath has range like those of metal dragons.. :roll:




Even if he shoots alittle fire who cares with the shield? At least you dont take melee hits

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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If you work the figures out, I think you can have 34 defence for a target of 40 afterwards.




Is there just the Dragon to beat? If Melzars maze is to still to be done, that also needs some decent food, equipment, and I'd strongly recommend carrying a PROPER escape tele - home port won't save you if you are lost and under attack, so either teleport runes or a skull sceptre does the trick.

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Why would you want to mage him? Hes a green dragon...and green dragon d hide is made from green dragon hides, and them resist magic attacks so you would barly hit him...


green dragon d hide?


D hide means dragon hide, you just said;


Green Dragon Dragon Hide :wink:




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When i did it, about 3 mths ago on my pure i maged him. Used about 30 fire bolts. I went to the west of the dragon, in the rubble. And to be totaly honest i didn't get hit once. All he did was wonder around the pit, i don't know if they've changed that now but he acted like he didn't relise i was attacking him. You should be fine with your stats, even if he does attack the anti fire shield will save you. He'll hit 12 or something max, dw about it and go for it! :thumbsup:

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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Tip.It Moderator

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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