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Imaerehw14 Up To Date [Inventory picture + 99 stat banked]

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Well, I thought it was fitting to post this inventory of myself and what I have acheived. I remember posting a few months back with 94k maples banked to get 99 fm when summer started. Well, a few weeks have gone by, and barrows has treated me nice. I also was able to sell most of the maples and i sold my guthans. This is what I am left with. Not bad if I say so my self.
















Next on the Agenda:




Barrows enough money for a Fury and to have about 4m gp in my bank for a 'rainy day' fund. My 99 firemaking goal will start when summer offically starts for me because I will have a lot of time durring the night to work on it. After that, who knows. I have a few ideas on what I want to work on, but nothing is definate. Possible 99 fletching for a fast 99 to trim my 99fm. after that, most likely 99 defence. And with 99 defence, I would be finding a few people to help me dk, then i will try to solo. I also want to get 99 fishing and cooking from monks. BUT, all of this is just in theory and I know it will take a long time. For now, I just want some ratings, some advice from anyone who is doing something similar to me, etc. thanks ::'




Rate/....date? <3:

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very nice, and it seems like you have well thought out goals too.




I'm sure you'll acheive them.




Thanks, I appreciate it ::'




and if you see this post, how long did 99 thieving take? was it fun getting to 99?

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Man thst lots of Yews to Burn


9/10 \'

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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