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59/85 Slayer .:: Currently Rcing::. 71/75 Rcing

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Im not saying its not a challange. :-$




I do know that i will be playing rs for a long time. Ill be at the keyboard putting in the hours. If i just focus my energies toward one thing, only time stands between me and victory.




Don't worry, ill get there cause if you could add up all the hours i have played rs, i would have had it twice by now. :XD:


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Im trying to update with pictures of my new rcing lvl and 30k nats but draynor.net is acting funny. #-o




o well il see what i can do


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I got in trouble with my dad recently.




I am grounded from the computer for a while. atleast till tommarrow.




Sorry i have not been around. Right now, i should have 50k nats, but i only have 30k.




Also, im having trouble uploading the pic of my lvl 67 rcing and the 30k nats.




O well srry i have not been around. cya tommarrow rs!


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I just finished 35k nats




I have offically decided to quit this goal because it became a chore for me.


I have finnally realized what i want more than this goal, i just wanna have fun with it all.




My current plans are to finish this batch of 100k, buy a santa and 30k ess, make those into nats and buy full guthans and dragon chair and legs.




With these i will finnally start on cb, killing a few thousand dragons for prayer and crafting and then do slayer. :thumbsup:




Im hoping that by killing stuff for long enought, i will make the cash i need for things like a ranger set, ahrims and infinite boots, c bows, karils top and bottom, all the dk rings, 5k bloods, 5k deaths, fury, and things of that nature.




Srry for letting all my supporteers down...o wait...i don't have any.




I believe that with support, this goal would have been fun and i would have sceen it threw, but i didn't :cry:




I don't blam anyone, i gess im just not likable so ill have to do something great to prove myself.




O well, ill always be a rcer for life, and im gonna get 75 for a guilded alter w/o a crystal saw and tea. ::'




srry tipsis who gave me the most support, mabey ill get lucky one day with cb and be able to affor 99 without it hurting my wallet.










2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I just finished 35k nats




I have offically decided to quit this goal because it became a chore for me.


I have finnally realized what i want more than this goal, i just wanna have fun with it all.




My current plans are to finish this batch of 100k, buy a santa and 30k ess, make those into nats and buy full guthans and dragon chair and legs.




With these i will finnally start on cb, killing a few thousand dragons for prayer and crafting and then do slayer. :thumbsup:




Im hoping that by killing stuff for long enought, i will make the cash i need for things like a ranger set, ahrims and infinite boots, c bows, karils top and bottom, all the dk rings, 5k bloods, 5k deaths, fury, and things of that nature.




Srry for letting all my supporteers down...o wait...i don't have any.




I believe that with support, this goal would have been fun and i would have sceen it threw, but i didn't :cry:




I don't blam anyone, i gess im just not likable so ill have to do something great to prove myself.




O well, ill always be a rcer for life, and im gonna get 75 for a guilded alter w/o a crystal saw and tea. ::'




srry tipsis who gave me the most support, mabey ill get lucky one day with cb and be able to affor 99 without it hurting my wallet.












Its not that people dont lik eyou..... you pretty much just started the blog, not many people know you.

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I donno, i was driven when i started, but i was grounded for a week.




I got back, log on, looked at the 30k nats i had and was so upset cause it should have been 65k not 30k.




I lost my drive when it happend and there is no one rooting me on.




Look at metal heart6 he keep going after losing his yellow, cause he had lots of adoring fans.




O well, all will come in time.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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True, True, I could revamp it, but so many people have general goals lilke i do, inface, everyone does, so i wont waste ppls time.




I just hope that i can finish with these nats and buy a santa before they jump, cause i know they will with less people going after common skill capes.






After i buy the santa, ill have to make another 10m so ill have 20m so spend on guthans, dragon, ect.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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You started this blog about 2 weeks ago. Reason why you are quiting this goal is because 50-99 is just too big, why not make smaller goals, like get 75 for the gilded altar? Then go for 99. You need to make smaller goals, unless you are ready for surprises in a huge goal like you did. That's my advice.





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Sorry, i have just lost intrest.




There are too many other things i have been longing for for so long, i can't just pass up 100m all in one shot, i wanna own full d, guthans, fury, all those good things.




All high lvls kill enought stuff to get lucky and rich. Im hoping it works out for me so i can continue this goal.




I just jumped the gun and lost my drive.




This summer all probable end up making 200k nats and have a rare, dragon chian and legs, guthans, fury, zerk ring, ranger set, karils, all the rings, ahrims top bottom hood and infinte boots, 5k bloods, 5k deaths, 2 full c bows, fire cape, high slayer, its all to good to pass up for no stop bordom and stuff.




Srry, its over for now. :cry:


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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