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New Login Screen Troubles


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I'm having trouble logging in with the new login screen. When I load the page I get a small red x in the top left corner of the box where it should ask for my username and password.




Over the past couple of months I've been having to use Sun Java on Runescape cause my regular Java was giving the same problem, can anyone help me with this?


Quest Cape - 10/18/2006

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Java isn't uploading to your pc. Make sure you have latest version?




That's about the extent of my expertise I'm afraid. :-k

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I have the latest version of Sun Java, don't know where to go to update any other kind.




Edit: I just tried it in Firefox and its working normally, but its still not working in IE 7.0 (which is my normal browser)


Quest Cape - 10/18/2006

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Not being a user of IE very often, I'm out on a whim here, but did you update anything, or allow something to change any settings, that might prevent IE from opening Java applets?




Also, try opening the world map (it should launch in an IE window.) If it works, the problem is probably not in Java itself.




There's another option and that would be to delete the files in C:\WINDOWS\.file_store_32 if you're on WinXP or C:\WINNT\.file_store_32 if you're on Win2k




This is where JaGeX stores RuneScape locally on your comp. Perhaps removing that will force it to update itself? It has worked for me in the past.




DON'T FORGET the . it's dot file underscore store underscore 32 ...


You might not be able to access it by clicking it in a folder-browse .. you may have to copy the filepath directly.




NOTE: You will have to download the ENTIRE new game, like you're on a new PC. Not that big, but still. Just so you know.


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