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How did you get ur Black Marks?


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banned for rl trading, and no, i didnt rl trade.




Did you engage in any suspicious conversations with macroers?


Did you make a suspicious, large value and very 1-sided trade with someone?


Did you PK, staked, lured to death, or otherwise got expensive items or cash of someone in an unexpected circumstance?


Did someone unknown give you a "gift"?




Remember, you don't have to RL trade to get banned, all you have to do is create the impression that you did.




Jagex is able to trace the origins of money/items across accounts. If (1) you got some "hot" merchandise (tracable to a macro account through any number of middlemen) and (2) the trade was suspiciously one sided, enough to make it look like a RL purchase, then poof, all it takes.




There is no right to be presumed innocent in RS, and Jagex doesn't have to "prove" you did something wrong. If you behave suspiciously you should expect to get banned, and if you don't like it, well, go play another game.

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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got .1 for saying




"ffs noob" wen some1 kept closing a door on me




and "u ******" wen some1 stole my tzharr ket kill and got obby shield -.-


.2 of a black mark

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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I have 15.5 black marks and ill post why:




There are currently 15.7 blackmarks out of 10 on this account


You are on a last chance




Offence Date Offence Type Appeal Status


05-Jun-2006 Legacy Punishment Not Appealable Why? No Evidence


09-Jun-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Apology Made Info View Evidence


05-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


05-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


11-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Successful Info View Evidence


25-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


25-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


25-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


25-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 13 Denied Why? View Evidence


25-Jul-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Successful Info View Evidence


12-Sep-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


12-Sep-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


12-Sep-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence


15-Sep-2006 Breaking Rule 3 Denied Why? View Evidence


15-Sep-2006 Breaking Rule 6 Denied Why? View Evidence


10-Nov-2006 Breaking Rule 1 Denied Why? View Evidence




As you can plainly see I am a horrible player.




I cannot post the reasons why.




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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This topic is making it sound liek it's a good thing to get black marks.




Personally I find them impossible to get, I've been playing for over 5 years and not had one black mark. So unless you're really stupid you should be fine...

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