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  1. man.. my new pair of jeans ! i had just bought them and after school we had to walk like 12km to my friends place, since it was snowing so hard - the busses didnt go. i had a 12-pack of glassbottle beers and my stuff to stay overnight at his place (my bag was like 15kg). so uhm, the bag kept jumping and hit my knee on EVERY step. its on bruises now. then the new baggy jeans literally burned my inner thies. Since they were new, the denim was so tough and when it moved across my thies, it like.. Wore my thies off :D. I cried the last 1km when walking to the place. when we reached his house my new pair of pants were on blood and i couldnt walk anymore :D that hurted the most. it hurted more than hitting your leg with an axe (yes, ive done it).
  2. From what store do you buy your clothes from? Turnin' Point finland, Beyond-store, Carlings + Jack and jones. Do you buy the most expensive thing from it or buy anything on clearance? Anything that looks good mate ! Although everything i pick is pretty expensive :\ Do you buy your clothes online or go to the store? Both, sometimes online and sometimes at the store. at school i've got this setup: normal T-shirt, cheap boxers, ZooYork zip-up hoodie, LRG-High planes purple jacket/hoodie, Enyce jeans and LRG purple cap. may sound expensive but i've bought most of them for half the price they usually are.
  3. Ran_Martin


    i just woke up. (UTC +2 - 11:23)
  4. i got a terrible panic-attack when i died at tzhaars (the 149, LMAO) while looking other internet sites... i had my bandos chest, tassets, bgs, fury and berserker ring on, so i.. went pale, ran all the way back there from ardy (used boat etc) and when i got there, i found out someone had just Blessed my gravestone.. i smelt on my chair lmao.
  5. Dragon pickaxe would be useful. also thinking about Dragon Harpoon, which boosts sharkfishing (like 10-20%) and then Dragon amulet (droppable from slayer-beasts) that increases total health by 20, which then needs a new enchant-spell, which requires like 100 bloods + 100 cosmics. that would pwn.
  6. no one catches them and they're breeding as fast as mice. This is the result. :notalk:
  7. i used to help people out, but when i needed a hand, i never got help from anyone. nowdays if someone asks something, and i give it, 20 other noobs come following me and shouting: "free stuff plox, you gave him something too". so WTF is the point?
  8. i don't have any problem with defence, it has leveled along with my other combat skills, so this "no defense" thing just blows IMO. You know how many more good players would be playing if they trained defence? And yes, im willing to say that Defence is my second armour.
  9. WHAT'S with THOSE big words YOU keep USING? you can type normally you know.
  10. i still go for the answer that most of them could just go away.
  11. the one tripsis had in 99-cape contest :D
  12. The bad sides of being positive in this game, people take advantage of you. I want to be nice, but always when i am, happens that, so i've kinda become the mean and bad dude. I just simply ignore all beggers and/or noobs that don't like me.
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