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Gracias Barrows! 15 items, 15M profit! 2 doubles! SPEAR!

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That prayer pot has been in my inventory for ALL my trips, never have drank it. Now to the pictures! :ohnoes: I take off all my items off so it drops on the floor, don't ask why, but it works! \' Note, it's not in order, I used mystic in my newbie days. :XD:




























Rate, Hate, or Banana. :-s


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Nice drops! I have been barrowing for a lil and i barely use p pots =]




i use different setup cuz i dont like to quest (no zammy book or helm of neiotitz)




around 50 runs and 2 drops, ahrims top and vflail






how many runs have u done? Total profit?














W00t! First post \'

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I've done around 25-30 runs, I'm extremely lucky.


My total profit with runes and racks are in the 10M+ zone.


Thanks for posting! \'


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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I usually get 3 runs done per hour. This is because I walk through the swamp, haven't done that boat shortcut thingy. :XD:




My attack plan is basically I have full prayer, mage Dharok on with Karil or if the ghasts have eaten my food, take off my top, then bottom to maximize mage attack. I usually have 25-27/52 prayer when Dharok is finished, then I NORMAL str and attack potion and dds spec Karil. After Karil is dead, I range Ahrim with the little prayer I have left, then finish him off with food. I then super def pot, then mage Verac, Guthan, and then Torag. Of course, whoever is in tunnel you omit them from my attack plan. If I get Dharok, Verac, Guthan or Torag in my tunnel, I safespot them. I usually then DDS spec Ahrim or Karil then finish them off. ::'


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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similar to the way i do it


except i don't take armor off, i just leave invent full from empty vials left over from p pots. most my drops i got off the floor






btw if you use p pots instead of food then you will get twice as many chests per hour




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Although I make my own prayer potions, I still find it MORE profitable to use one trip per run.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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ROFL. "Rate hate or banana."








W00T, Barrows pwns yes?

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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