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~ Help Me Make My iTunes Work... ~


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~All right, so when i open my iTunes icon and go to the "Music Store," I get the following:~




iTunes could not connect to the iTunes Store. The network connection was refused.




Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, then try again.




~What do i do? The Music Store works on another computer in my house, but it's a pain to upload songs from two computers into one iPod.~









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Is there a firewall running on the computer?




Often times you simply to have to allow the program access to the internet for it to make a connection.

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Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Most modern firewalls (read: all I've ever heard of) recognizes significant change in programs and then ask you again whether you want to allow the modified version of the program to access the internet. It'll work fine, then you update it, and don't properly give it firewall access and it dies on you. Been there, done that. That's where I'd start; Open you firewall config (most likely from someone near the clock) and then find the list of program access, locate iTunes, and make sure it's checked to allow all traffic.




Which firewall are you running?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I have a netsweeper thing on my computer (Parental control type thing)




It automatically logs out of the account being used on it after 10-15 minutes idling. If that happens, then the iTunes store won't work, and I get that exact same message. If you have something like that on your computer, that might be the issue.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

~I have no idea what firewall i'm running. Why would parental controls block out iTunes. I don't think i even have any...Everything works fine on another computer in the house, but it's a pain to walk downstairs, buy stuff, and synch my iPod with two computers.~

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