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Mass Paedofile Capturing In 30+ Countries!


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They're planning to use a chemical castration method in England aswell to stop these heartless cowards from commiting their crimes again.




As for your post yup its fantastic news, i hope they line them up and shoot them. :pray:

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We open our minds and donate thousands when one of "us" gets kidnapped and probably murdered after abusing her/him, but not when the same happens in Africa or Asia.




Because those people are distant "they's" and their life is worth ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý less than a 'white' child's life, right? After all, parents in other than european and american countries don't feel sadness, they don't cry, they aren't desperate.




They don't care about having their child abducted because the kid is worth nothing. Only a kid who can draw media attention and ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã800,000 pounds of donations is worth saving right?




Tell your parents 10,000 kids get abducted/kidnapped for ransom all over the world every day, and they'll tell you it's just a statistic and a number.




Tell them a 4 year old white kid from an idyllic british middle class family gets kidnapped on holiday and they'll feel sorry for her family and send ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã500 to help find her.




Heck, just admit it, if the kid was an ugly fat girl with thick glasses, nobody would care right now no matter how british she was?

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To the topic starter...it's spelled "Pedophile".


Well, since the main site Tip.It is actually written in Oxford-style English, it's actually "paedophile".




They're planning to use a chemical castration method in England aswell to stop these heartless cowards from commiting their crimes again.


Provide me with a link? I heard somewhere (I think BBC News 24) that they were trialing new methods, but that they were quite explicit - it's not castration, it's a drug to remove their sexual arousals by negating the effect of sex hormones. It doesn't reduce their fertility, nor is it a "castration".




Personally, I think castration would be going a bit too far the other way...

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