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I need an estimate on Range.......


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Hi cool kids, my range level is 77. I am going to train at fire giants, and I need an estimate. Here is everything you need to know:


(insert a magic short bow)
















Thanks a lot. Also, are blue dragons better than fire giants?

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Do you want us to estimate the amount of exp you'll eventually get when you've used up all of your arrows? We need more information before we can help you.




Have you tried using Tip.it's Range calculator and make whatever estimate yourself? It's far easier estimating how many of a particular monster you have to kill to get to a target level instead of estimating the amount of exp you'll get per arrow.



Knowledge is Power; a Tip.it guide answers many commonly asked questions.

~Celestrana: Making of a Hero ~ (Visit my blog, today!)

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Let's assume you're killing Bloodvelds in the Slayer Tower since there's a good safe-spot behind a chair. Bloodvelds have 120HP, according to Tip.it's Bestiary database.




Let's use the following abbreviations: mithril arrow (MA), Bloodveld (Bv), Hitpoints (HP) and Experience points (exp).




So, assuming you do a maximum of 12 damage per mithril arrow, so an average of 6 damage per mithril arrow. Thus 1 Bloodveld needs 20 mithril arrows.




Therefore we have the rate of 20 MA per Bv --> 20 MA/Bv.




Now, let's assume you're using the Rapid range attack style so that all your exp goes towards Range and it's 4 exp per point of damage or just 4 exp/HP.




To crunch some numbers about the Bloodveld:




120HP/Bv * 4exp/HP * ( 1 / (20 MA/Bv) )


= 120HP/Bv * 4exp/HP * Bv/20MA




Here, we see the units HP and Bv disappear and we're left with the units exp and MA. So,




= 120 * 4 * (1 / 20) exp/MA


= 24 exp / MA




This is what you can use to estimate the Net exp gain while fighting Bloodvelds and using mithril arrows. This does not take into account the arrows you will lose when they break because that will involve probability theory and your head will explode trying to understand it. Use the above as an example as to how you can calculate rates and thus help you make estimates about exp gain etc.




There's your math lesson for the day.






Cheers. \'



Knowledge is Power; a Tip.it guide answers many commonly asked questions.

~Celestrana: Making of a Hero ~ (Visit my blog, today!)

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