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free spongebob sig?


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Euhm.. dit is het..heel snel gemaakt kan een mooier plaatje nemen maar deze vond ik leuk omdat deze wijst.. en daar kan dus je total staan ofzoiets.. maar als jij zelf een mooi plaatje hebt dan mag je het sturen :D





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not everyone here is deutsch. Some ppl even hate deutsch. If both of u know how to write english, just do it








maybe if you learn your geographics they will












Dutch=Holland/the Netherlands








now there is a big difference in language shape, size and people between the two countrys




you cant compare Amsterdam with Munchen or any other german city




so please THINK before you say anything if you cant dont say anything at all..








as for you two talk english save dutch for pm's, for all they know your scolding them , i know your not but some people are paranoid.

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