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Sorry you got hacked, I myself just got hacked recently, but I didn't lose anything because I logged on the next day and immediatly ran scans then changed my pass after recovering the account because they had changed it. I didn't lose anything because they didn't have my PIN, so with nothing in my inventory they couldn't get anything. I guess I'm really lucky


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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Be glad you still got your account. Work on hunting a bit, Money wont be a problem then. :thumbsup:




True that - if I was ever cleared out, I'd just sit down with a small net and fish 400k worth of monks. Spend that on pure essence and glories, rc up to a million. Or just hunt red chins for a day or two.




I think everybody should get at least one money-making skill to a high enough point to recover from nearly anything. Items and money they can steal, but not skills.

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i got hacked on my main once (bkz iron pka) yea it was done by a swift switch mod if anyone know that program. The mod put me in a private chatroom with him/her and me and he/she asked me to view he/she's pking video. When he/she gave me the url, it was all stars so he/she asked me to press control a or control alt a or something while highlighting the url. Next day i go on and see my account hacked =(. So dumb how a mod would do that, then some other mod dude from swift switch told me that the mod was banned from runescape and swift switch. I wasn't rich either, maybe all my stuff added to about 15m. Then i started a new account (Oleander 13) from scratch, and a month later, 60 str, 41 attack, 1 defense, 60 ranged, 47 mage, 1 prayer, and most importantly, 60M CASH W00T. =D




What im trying to say is that make your money back by skilling or merchanting and re-buy your stuff back. Your lucky to have your account still, and looking at your stats it would be no time till you got them back. And make new friends =)

~~ Killed Jad and received fire cape at level 69.~~

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