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These f2p'ers may be destroying themselves


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i actually think the level cap is a good idea for f2p. i think the level cap would be good at 70, though 80 might be good too. now before you flame me, read my reasons why.




a. by the time someone who is f2p reaches that level, they become somewhat "proud" of being f2p, and you start to the the f2p for life develop around them. if they can't develop any more, that would give them incentive to become member, just to improve more. that means jagex gets more customers.




b. hardly anybody in f2p reaches that high anyway, and low leveled people with high goals will see that only members can get as high as they want, and they will become members as well.




of course, what will happen to the people already over the cap? i think if jagex actually did this, they would either,




a. let them continue improving the skills already over the cap, while anything else gets stopped at the cap.




b. stop letting them grow anything at or beyond the cap




c.(most unlikely) give them membership for playing them game so long and because it would be too hard to make them exceptions to the cap.


Eh, this would be very unfair to the people who have tried to get this far. This is just plain rude just slamming the door to 9/10ths of the players.




This would really hurt the popularity of Runescape. Once you really start playing you realize that you can only get so far, so you just say, to hell with Runescape, and quit. You would loose a lot of money advertising and all the people who might have become potential members. The amount of people joining members would trickle to a stop. Members might quit because their good friends might have been F2P.




This wouldn't help runescape at all, it would only do harm. So, I don't even see why Jagex would implement this. There is absolutely no reason to.




The little profits Jagex gets from closing the Free version down would be overshadowed by the huge losses that Jagex would take doing this.




in case some of you stuck up members didn't know there are f2p'ers who may not be able to become a member even if they wanted to im sure most f2p'ers would be glad to be a member if they could just afford it


Affording it isn't the problem, getting the money to Jagex is. And, having to send them money through the mail every week would get really tiresome after a while. That is why I have never been a member. But, honestly, I use to think that the community of members were glorious. I thought they were more intelligent, more friendly and just more fun to be around. Once I saw the official forums, however, I realized that that was just all hyped up junk. Members aren't that much better than F2P players. There are a ton of idiots who just suggest the most ridiculous ideas I have ever seen. Ther r sum ppl hoo tipe liek dis and dey tink it meaks dem luk smrt. n dey mke argements leik omg n00b u suk, go eat ur muthers pinaple pizza and kry abut how u so stooooooooooooooooooooopid u stoooopid nooooooooooooob.




There are just others who think they are the greatest things since sliced bread and everyone who doesn't pay is a complete peon and doesn't deserve a little crumb. When someone they think is a "peon" gets something like the party hall, you have a bunch of idiots going.




OMG jagex dos ftp noobs dun deserve my updaet! i pay fr dos. i lone pai fr dose. and i wnt it mak dose noobs have it nao and i want it. why did u give dem to dem jagx?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?




giv bak now or i kwit! fr good!




I am not saying F2P doesn't have their share of idiots too. I am not going to deny it, there are a ton of stupid people in runescape. They aren't only in F2P, they are in P2P as well.

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i actually think the level cap is a good idea for f2p. i think the level cap would be good at 70, though 80 might be good too. now before you flame me, read my reasons why




a. by the time someone who is f2p reaches that level, they become somewhat "proud" of being f2p, and you start to the the f2p for life develop around them. if they can't develop any more, that would give them incentive to become member, just to improve more. that means jagex gets more customers.


Matter of fact, this is exactly what happened to me. When I reached higher levels purely in f2p, i decided to keep it that way as a mark of accomplishment. I would bet i wud have turned member a long time ago if not.




b. hardly anybody in f2p reaches that high anyway, and low leveled people with high goals will see that only members can get as high as they want, and they will become members as well.


I always thought it would be a smart idea to have a message pop up saying "wan't more things to do? Get members for only $5 a month!", once you finish all f2p quests, or have played for a certain amount of time.




of course, what will happen to the people already over the cap? i think if jagex actually did this, they would either,


a. let them continue improving the skills already over the cap, while anything else gets stopped at the cap.


b. stop letting them grow anything at or beyond the cap


I think B would be more uniform, and would seem more logical. I hope it never happens, seeing I have many 60 and 70+ skills. And regardless to say, this would be a massive affront to the f2p populace, which makes up a majority of runescape. If jagex makes an RS3, this would probably be the first thing they do.




c.(most unlikely) give them membership for playing them game so long and because it would be too hard to make them exceptions to the cap.


Yeah, right.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I honestly don't believe Jagex will make any drastic changes based on what F2Pers did or did not vote on during their poll. I believe this poll was simply to get some opinions from the majority of the Runescape Players, and to allow F2Pers to have another nice treat (the ability to vote in a few polls). Seeing as how F2Pers can only have a indirect influence on the game, as Jagex said when they opened the poll.. I believe that people are just looking to cause concern over nothing. If Jagex wants to do something drastic to F2P it will be something to complicate things for autoers in all liklihood.




Just as well, to the person who said there are 9 million F2P accounts.. take into consideration the various number of macro/auto accounts that are created daily.. and as to how many F2Pers actually play. :roll:




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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I'll put it this way...








f2p should only be able to get any skill to lvl 40...




nuff said... pay to play




And your logic and proof to expand upon your theory is where?? Oh, I get it... where the sun don't shine eh..? Maybe next time back up your post with maybe I dunno.. something that makes sence...that would be a mildly entertaining and novel idea eh?



New sigzor^^

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I'll put it this way...








f2p should only be able to get any skill to lvl 40...




nuff said... pay to play




And your logic and proof to expand upon your theory is where?? Oh, I get it... where the sun don't shine eh..? Maybe next time back up your post with maybe I dunno.. something that makes sence...that would be a mildly entertaining and novel idea eh?

Lol you tell 'em nazgul :D \:D/
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