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Better Chat! (5 Images!)


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Pleasy leave a message if you support this ;) (i am sometimes away -holiday- so bumping wil be needed ;) )




Point 1


Join multiple channels (if you want to talk in a channel you will need to select it -picture 2- if you are in 1 channel you automaticle can talk without opening it):




Rigth mouseclick on the clanchat icon:






Point 2


Special chat teleport (free for everyone), when you click this you will be teleported to a black hole (see picture 2) you can't do anything here (exept chatting), also the automaticly logout is longer (you will logout after 5 minutes inactive), there are no random events. (you can only use the teleport when you are NOT under attack and NOT in wildy) To go back you will need to click again on the teleport. (you will just get to a black area, not to the same blackhole as your friends.)




In the black hole you are allowed to do nothing (not pray, not alch ect.) it is only a save spot to chat -private or clan chat- (so the autors don't go there because you cant alch or something like that)






Point 3


No more / when having "clan" on "view":








Point - Name - Support Points


1. zaaps1 - 1,2,3


2. cowmasta13 - 3


3. Xholy - 3








I am dutch, my english is nog very good ;) Pleasy correct me if i am wrong!

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Nice ideas here. I support. People in the same chat as you should also be a different color on the minimap.

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I don't support any of them besides the no "/" if you're in the chat menu. I find that pretty annoying.




The black hole sounds just...dumb, sorry. The clan chat was made so a group of players could talk without being together. Having them all come together to talk is just pointless. As for the multiple channels...I don't find it that much of a hassle personally.

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erm wats da blak hole for?




In the black hole you are allowed to do nothing (not pray, not alch ect.) it is only a save spot to chat -private or clan chat-




Nice grammar joop, by the way...

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I support, only the black part idea isn't that good I think. Maybe it would be cool if you could log in into the chat without logging in ingame. The multiple logging in (logging in in several chats) is a great one.




I was also thinking about that / thing. I tought it should be a great idea to make it also alloud to put the "/"-button on the end of the line (instead of only the beginning). Because sometimes I wrote a whole line and than suddenly I realise myself I forgot to press the / button in the beginning. This "/"-button makes me crazy btw... I even start to type it along other chatparts like... Well I won't advertise them, but it does make me crazy! :P :wink: :)

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I dont think this is necesary, ive posted on other similar ideas as this just yesterday, so thats one thing wrong, this thread already exists.




Second thw "Black-Hole" part is plain stupid.. it would be a sort of Re-Cap to the blackhole that there used to be in rs kept for trouble makers. Hence there would be a need to return the "Disks or Returning" so it would mess up all merchanters who are currently merchanting those, ending up with a worthless item they bought for 8.6m now being worth 200Gp.. So thats the second thing wrong.




Thirdly, those flashing blue icons when sumone posts, what would become of them, removing them would make u miss out on a conversation, and if u were to be in multiple channels while u were on one you would miss whats in the other, so you wouldn't be fixing the problem, you might even be making it worse, though you would me able to switch more quickly.




Fourthly, the slash ("/") at the begining of the text is to seperate what u say in the Clan Chat, to what you say in Regular Game Chat, and forgetting to put it in is nothing more than Carelessness, so you have only yourself to blame for that.




And now to finish sum up my response, good idea bad execution. alot of ppl want this chamnged to benefit themselves because theyre to careless to add a "/" in the beginning of their text. SO in result its fine the way it is, so once you get rid of your own faults, you will notice how great it is already. Though it could use some update's here and there, It's just fine.

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Right and due to my harsh critiquing style, as some of you may wonder why I didnt adress the Macro Issue in the "Black-Hole" is because as he stated, the only thing allowed to be done there is Chatting, though the thought of the black hole is bad.




Now seeing as theres alot of threads out there on this, I'll post my own on the only thing i have found a problem on.

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Second thw "Black-Hole" part is plain stupid.. it would be a sort of Re-Cap to the blackhole that there used to be in rs kept for trouble makers. Hence there would be a need to return the "Disks or Returning" so it would mess up all merchanters who are currently merchanting those, ending up with a worthless item they bought for 8.6m now being worth 200Gp.. So thats the second thing wrong.


You misunderstood the suggestion. (Either that or I misunderstood it.) Only your character is visible in the black hole, so you would not be able to interact with anyone while in there. Also, I see no need for another "Disk of Returning" and even if something like that was needed, Jagex would make a new item and not reintroduce the Disks, they are not idiots.




Thirdly, those flashing blue icons when sumone posts, what would become of them, removing them would make u miss out on a conversation, and if u were to be in multiple channels while u were on one you would miss whats in the other, so you wouldn't be fixing the problem, you might even be making it worse, though you would me able to switch more quickly.


Where does joop mention the flashing blue icons? It seems to me like there is no reason for them to change.


Again you misunderstood, you would be able to see both clan chats that you may be in at the same time, so you would not have to pick one or the other.




Fourthly, the slash ("/") at the begining of the text is to seperate what u say in the Clan Chat, to what you say in Regular Game Chat, and forgetting to put it in is nothing more than Carelessness, so you have only yourself to blame for that.


Carelessness? Surely you get annoyed when you type out a long message, only to find you have forgotten that slash? Or at least, I know many people that do. Who would benefit from not having to use a slash when on clan chat?






My Personal Views:




Point 1- Nice idea, not the first time I have heard it. I'm sure many people would enjoy such a feature but I have heard that Runescape doesn't have the resources to implement it. It would cause great lag, and create more rants then complements.




Point 2- Interesting idea, but I think it's unnecessary.




Point 3- Completely agree, not sure why Jagex didn't think of this.


[260+ Quest Points] [All Skills 50+] [Lv 97 Combat]

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idea 1:


cant hurt but i dont think alot of peeps will use




idea 2:hmm... if the spell is level one adn doesnt need runes


but again alot of peeps probably wont use






idea 3:yes!!!




Last edited by minirouge13 on an unknown date, edited 9,999 time in total


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